context("Plumber") exec_endpoint <- function(pr, ep_pos, subset = 1) { # This is a poor setup of `req` and `res`. But it works for testing purposes pr$endpoints[[subset]][[ep_pos]]$exec(make_req(), PlumberResponse$new()) } test_that("Endpoints are properly identified", { r <- pr(test_path("files/endpoints.R")) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 5) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 1), 5) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 2), 5) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 3), 10) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 4), 12) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 5), 14) }) test_that("Empty file argument is OK", { r <- pr() expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 0) }) test_that("Empty file is OK", { f <- tempfile() writeLines(character(), f) on.exit(unlink(f), add = TRUE) r <- pr(f) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 0) }) test_that("The file is sourced in the envir", { r <- pr(test_path("files/in-env.R")) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 2) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 1), 15) }) test_that("Verbs translate correctly", { r <- pr(test_path("files/verbs.R")) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 10) expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[1]]$verbs, c("GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH")) expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[2]]$verbs, "GET") expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[3]]$verbs, "PUT") expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[4]]$verbs, "POST") expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[5]]$verbs, "DELETE") expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[6]]$verbs, "POST") expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[7]]$verbs, "GET") expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[8]]$verbs, "HEAD") expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[9]]$verbs, "OPTIONS") expect_equal(r$endpoints[[1]][[10]]$verbs, "PATCH") }) test_that("Invalid file fails gracefully", { expect_error(pr("asdfsadf"), regexp="File does not exist.*asdfsadf") }) test_that("plumb accepts a file", { r <- plumb(test_path("files/endpoints.R")) expect_length(r$endpoints[[1]], 5) }) test_that("plumb gives a good error when passing in a dir instead of a file", { # brittle test. Fails on r-devel-windows-x86_64-gcc10-UCRT skip_on_cran() expect_error(plumb(test_path("files/")), "Expecting a file but found a directory: 'files") }) test_that("plumb accepts a directory with a `plumber.R` file", { # works without trailing slash r <- plumb(dir = test_path('files')) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 5) # works with trailing slash r <- plumb(dir = paste0(test_path('files'), "/")) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 5) # errors when no plumber.R found expect_error(plumb(dir = test_path("files/static")), regexp="No plumber.R file found in the specified directory: ") # errors when neither dir is empty and file is not given expect_error(plumb(dir=""), regexp="You must specify either a file or directory*") # reads from working dir if no args expect_error(plumb(), regexp="No plumber.R file found in the specified directory: .") # errors when both dir and file are given expect_silent(plumb(file = "endpoints.R", dir = test_path("files"))) }) test_that("plumb() a dir leverages `entrypoint.R`", { with_tmp_serializers({ expect_false( "fake" %in% registered_serializers(), "This just that your Plumber environment is dirty. Restart your R session." ) r <- plumb(dir = test_path("files/entrypoint/")) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 1) # A global serializer was added by entrypoint.R before parsing expect_true( "fake" %in% registered_serializers(), "This just that your Plumber environment is dirty. Restart your R session." ) }) expect_false( "fake" %in% registered_serializers(), "This just that your Plumber environment is dirty. Restart your R session." ) }) test_that("bad `entrypoint.R`s throw", { expect_error(plumb(dir = test_path("files/entrypoint-bad/")), "runnable Plumber router") }) test_that("plumb() a dir works with `entrypoint.R` and without `plumber.R`", { r <- plumb(dir = test_path("files/no-plumber/")) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 1) }) test_that("Empty endpoints error", { expect_error(pr(test_path("files/endpoints-empty.R")), regexp="No path specified") }) test_that("The old roxygen-style comments work", { r <- pr(test_path("files/endpoints-old.R")) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints), 1) expect_equal(length(r$endpoints[[1]]), 5) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 1), 5) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 2), 5) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 3), 10) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 4), 12) expect_equal(exec_endpoint(r, 5), 14) }) test_that("routes can be constructed correctly", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/nested/path/here", function(){}) pr$handle("POST", "/nested/path/here", function(){}) pr2 <- pr() pr2$handle("POST", "/something", function(){}) pr2$handle("GET", "/", function(){}) pr$mount("/mysubpath", pr2) stat <- PlumberStatic$new(".") pr$mount("/static", stat) pr3 <- pr() pr_get(pr3, "a/b", function(){}) pr_get(pr3, "a", function(){}) expect_length(pr3$routes$a, 2) pr4 <- pr() pr_get(pr4, "a", function(){}) pr_post(pr4, "a/b/c/f", function(){}) pr_get(pr4, "a/b/c/f", function(){}) pr_get(pr4, "a/b/c/f/g/h/j/k", function(){}) pr_get(pr4, "v/b/c/f", function(){}) pr_get(pr4, "v/b/c/b", function(){}) pr_get(pr4, "v/b/c/a", function(){}) pr_get(pr4, "t", function(){}) pr_post(pr4, "u/b/c/f", function(){}) pr_get(pr4, "i/b/c/f/g/h/j/k", function(){}) expect_equal(names(pr4$routes), c("a", "a", "i", "t", "u", "v")) expect_equal(names(pr4$routes$v$b$c), c("a", "b", "f")) expect_length(pr$routes, 3) expect_s3_class(pr$routes[["static"]], "PlumberStatic") expect_s3_class(pr$routes[["mysubpath"]], "Plumber") # 2 endpoints at the same location (different verbs) expect_length(pr$routes$nested$path$here, 2) }) test_that("mounts can be read correctly", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/nested/path/here", function(){}) pr$handle("POST", "/nested/path/here", function(){}) pr2 <- pr() pr2$handle("POST", "/something", function(){}) pr2$handle("GET", "/", function(){}) pr$mount("/mysubpath", pr2) stat <- PlumberStatic$new(".") pr$mount("/static", stat) pr$mount("missing-slashes", stat) pr$mount("/both-slashes/", stat) pr$mount("trailing-slash/", stat) pr$mount("/extra-slash//", stat) expect_length(pr$routes, 7) expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/static/"]], "PlumberStatic") expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/missing-slashes/"]], "PlumberStatic") expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/both-slashes/"]], "PlumberStatic") expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/trailing-slash/"]], "PlumberStatic") expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/extra-slash//"]], "PlumberStatic") expect_s3_class(pr$mounts[["/mysubpath/"]], "Plumber") }) test_that("mounts work", { pr <- pr() sub <- pr() sub$handle("GET", "/", function(){ 1 }) sub$handle("GET", "/nested/path", function(a){ a }) pr$mount("/subpath", sub) res <- PlumberResponse$new() pr$route(make_req("GET", "/nested/path"), res) expect_equal(res$status, 404) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/nested/path", qs="?a=123"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, "123") val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/nested/path", body='{"a":123}'), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, 123) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, 1) }) test_that("mounting at root path works", { pr <- pr() sub <- pr() sub$handle("GET", "/", function(){ 1 }) sub$handle("GET", "/nested/path", function(){ 2 }) pr$mount("/", sub) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/nested/path"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, 2) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, 1) }) test_that("conflicting mounts behave consistently", { pr <- pr() sub <- pr() sub$handle("GET", "/", function(){ 1 }) pr$mount("/subpath", sub) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, 1) pr$handle("GET", "/subpath/", function(){ 2 }) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/subpath/"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, 2) }) test_that("hooks can be registered", { pr <- pr() events <- NULL pr$handle("GET", "/", function(){ events <<- c(events, "exec") }) pr$registerHook("preroute", function(){ events <<- c(events, "preroute") }) pr$registerHook("postroute", function(){ events <<- c(events, "postroute") }) pr$registerHook("preserialize", function(){ events <<- c(events, "preserialize") }) pr$registerHook("postserialize", function(){ events <<- c(events, "postserialize") }) pr$call(make_req("GET", "/")) expect_equal(events, c("preroute", "exec", "postroute", "preserialize", "postserialize")) }) test_that("preroute hook gets the right data", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/", function(){ }) rqst <- make_req("GET", "/") pr$registerHook("preroute", function(data, req, res){ expect_s3_class(res, "PlumberResponse") expect_equal(rqst, req) expect_true(is.environment(data)) }) pr$call(rqst) }) test_that("postroute hook gets the right data and can modify", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/abc", function(){ 123 }) pr$registerHook("postroute", function(data, req, res, value){ expect_s3_class(res, "PlumberResponse") expect_equal(req$PATH_INFO, "/abc") expect_true(is.environment(data)) expect_equal(value, 123) "new val" }) res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/abc")) expect_equal(as.character(res$body), '["new val"]') }) test_that("preserialize hook gets the right data and can modify", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/abc", function(){ 123 }) pr$registerHook("preserialize", function(data, req, res, value){ expect_s3_class(res, "PlumberResponse") expect_equal(req$PATH_INFO, "/abc") expect_true(is.environment(data)) expect_equal(value, 123) "new val" }) res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/abc")) expect_equal(as.character(res$body), '["new val"]') }) test_that("postserialize hook gets the right data and can modify", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/abc", function(){ 123 }) pr$registerHook("postserialize", function(data, req, res, value){ expect_s3_class(res, "PlumberResponse") expect_equal(req$PATH_INFO, "/abc") expect_true(is.environment(data)) expect_equal(as.character(value$body), "[123]") value$body <- "new val" value }) res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/abc")) expect_equal(as.character(res$body), 'new val') }) test_that("invalid hooks err", { pr <- pr() expect_error(pr$registerHook("flargdarg")) }) test_that("handle invokes correctly", { with_options( list(plumber.trailingSlash = NULL), { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/trailslash", function(){ "getter" }) pr$handle("POST", "/trailslashp/", function(){ "poster" }) expect_equal(pr$call(make_req("GET", "/trailslash"))$body, jsonlite::toJSON("getter")) res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/trailslash/")) # With trailing slash expect_equal(res$status, 404) res <- pr$call(make_req("POST", "/trailslash")) # Wrong verb expect_equal(res$status, 405) expect_equal(pr$call(make_req("POST", "/trailslashp/"))$body, jsonlite::toJSON("poster")) res <- pr$call(make_req("POST", "/trailslashp")) # w/o trailing slash expect_equal(res$status, 404) res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/trailslashp/")) # Wrong verb expect_equal(res$status, 405) } ) }) test_that("trailing slashes are redirected", { pr <- pr() %>% pr_get("/get/", function(a) a) %>% pr_post("/post/", function(a) a) %>% pr_mount( "/mnt", pr() %>% pr_get("/", function(a) a) ) with_options(list(plumber.trailingSlash = FALSE), { res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/get", "?a=1")) expect_equal(res$status, 404) res <- pr$call(make_req("POST", "/post", "?a=1")) expect_equal(res$status, 404) res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/mnt", "?a=1")) expect_equal(res$status, 404) }) with_options(list(plumber.trailingSlash = TRUE), { res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/get", "?a=1")) expect_equal(res$status, 307) expect_equal(res$headers$Location, "/get/?a=1") res <- pr$call(make_req("POST", "/post", "?a=1")) expect_equal(res$status, 307) expect_equal(res$headers$Location, "/post/?a=1") res <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/mnt", "?a=1")) expect_equal(res$status, 307) expect_equal(res$headers$Location, "/mnt/?a=1") }) }) test_that("No 405 on same path, different verb", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/apathow", function(){ "getter" }) pr$handle("POST", "/apathow", function(){ "poster" }) expect_equal(pr$route(make_req("GET", "/apathow"), PlumberResponse$new()), "getter") expect_equal(pr$route(make_req("POST", "/apathow"), PlumberResponse$new()), "poster") }) test_that("handle with an endpoint works", { pr <- pr() ep <- PlumberEndpoint$new("GET", "/", function(){ "manual endpoint" }, pr$environment, serializer_json()) pr$handle(endpoint=ep) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, "manual endpoint") }) test_that("handle with and enpoint and endpoint def fails", { pr <- pr() ep <- PlumberEndpoint$new("GET", "/", function(){ "manual endpoint" }, pr$environment, serializer_json()) expect_error(pr$handle("GET", "/", endpoint=ep)) }) test_that("full handle call works", { pr <- pr() pr$filter("f1", function(req){ req$filtered <- TRUE; forward() }) pr$handle("GET", "/preempt", function(req){ expect_null(req$filtered) "preempted" }, "f1", serializer_unboxed_json()) pr$handle("GET", "/dontpreempt", function(req){ expect_true(req$filtered) "unpreempted" }, serializer=serializer_unboxed_json()) res <- PlumberResponse$new() val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/preempt"), res) expect_equal(val, "preempted") # no JSON box res <- PlumberResponse$new() val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/dontpreempt"), res) expect_equal(val, "unpreempted") # no JSON box }) test_that("Expressions and functions both work on handle", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/function", function(req){ req[["PATH_INFO"]] }) pr$handle("GET", "/expression", expression(function(req){ req[["PATH_INFO"]] })) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/function"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, "/function") val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/expression"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, "/expression") }) test_that("Expressions and functions both work on filter", { pr <- pr() pr$filter("ff", function(req){ req$filteredF <- TRUE; forward() }) pr$filter("fe", expression(function(req){ req$filteredE <- TRUE; forward() })) pr$handle("GET", "/", function(req){ req$filteredE && req$filteredF }) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_true(val) pr$handle("GET", "/expr", expression(function(req){ req$filteredE && req$filteredF })) val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/expr"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_true(val) }) test_that("filters and endpoint expressions evaluated in the appropriate (possibly injected) environment", { # Create an environment that contains a variable named `y`. env <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv) env$y <- 10 # We provide expressions so that they get closurified in the right environment # and will be able to find `y`. # This would all fail without an injected environment that contains `y`. pr <- pr(envir=env) pr$filter("ff", expression(function(req){ req$ys <- y^2; forward() })) pr$handle("GET", "/", expression(function(req){ paste(y, req$ys) })) # Send a request through and we should see an assign to our env. val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(val, "10 100") }) test_that("filters and endpoints executed in the appropriate environment", { # We've already seen that, if expressions, they're going to be evaluated in the # appropriate environment, but we can also confirm that once they've been evaluated, # they're then executed in the appropriate environment. # This almost certainly doesn't matter unless a function is inspecting the call stack, # but for the sake of consistency we not only ensure that any given expressions are # evaluated in the appropriate environment, but also that they are then called in the # given environment, as well. env <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv) pr <- pr(envir=env) pr$filter("ff", expression(function(req){ req$filterEnv <- parent.frame(); forward() })) pr$handle("GET", "/", expression(function(req){ expect_identical(req$filterEnv, parent.frame()) parent.frame() })) # Send a request through and we should see an assign to our env. val <- pr$route(make_req("GET", "/"), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_identical(env, val) }) test_that("host is updated properly for printing", { expect_identical( urlHost(host = "1:1:1", port = 1234), "http://[1:1:1]:1234" ) expect_identical( urlHost(host = "::", port = 1234, changeHostLocation = FALSE), "http://[::]:1234" ) expect_identical( urlHost(host = "::", port = 1234, changeHostLocation = TRUE), "http://[::1]:1234" ) expect_identical( urlHost(host = "", port = 1234), "" ) expect_identical( urlHost(host = "", port = 1234, changeHostLocation = FALSE), "" ) expect_identical( urlHost(host = "", port = 1234, changeHostLocation = TRUE), "" ) expect_identical( urlHost(scheme = "http", host = "", port = 1234, path = "/v1", changeHostLocation = TRUE), "" ) }) test_that("unmount works", { pr <- pr() sub <- pr() sub$handle("GET", "/", function(){ 1 }) sub$handle("GET", "/nested/path", function(){ 2 }) pr$mount("/mount", sub) pr$mount("/mount2", sub) expect_equal(names(pr$mounts), c("/mount/", "/mount2/")) expect_invisible(pr$unmount("/henry")) expect_invisible(pr$unmount("/mount2/")) expect_equal(names(pr$mounts), "/mount/") }) test_that("removeHandle works", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "/path1", function(){ 1 }) pr$handle("GET", "/path2", function(){ 2 }) expect_equal(length(pr$endpoints[[1]]), 2L) expect_invisible(pr$removeHandle("GET", "/path1")) expect_equal(length(pr$endpoints[[1]]), 1L) expect_equal(pr$endpoints[[1]][[1]]$path, "/path2") }) test_that("routes that don't start with a slash are prepended with a slash", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("GET", "nested/path/here", function(){}) expect_equal(length(pr$endpoints[[1]]), 1L) expect_equal(pr$endpoints[[1]][[1]]$path, "/nested/path/here") }) test_that("handle method rejects forbidden arguments", { pr <- pr() expect_error(pr$handle("GET", "nested/path/here", function(){}, envir = new.env()), "can not be supplied to", ) expect_error(pr$handle("GET", "nested/path/here", function(){}, verbs = "GET"), "can not be supplied to") expect_error(pr$handle("GET", "nested/path/here", function(){}, expr = function(){}), "can not be supplied to") })