context("find port") test_that("ports can be randomly found", { foundPorts <- unlist(lapply(1:50, function(i) { p <- randomPort() # Use findPort to verify the port's value findPort(p) })) # It's possible we got a collision or two, but shouldn't have many. expect_gt(length(unique(foundPorts)), 45) }) test_that("global port used if available", { .globals$last_random_port <- 12345 expect_equal(findPort(), 12345) rm("last_random_port", envir = .globals) }) test_that("integer type is returned", { expect_type(findPort(), "integer") expect_equal(findPort("8000"), 8000L) expect_equal(findPort(8000.00000), 8000L) }) test_that("throws if provided non-integerish port", { expect_error(findPort("blue")) expect_error(findPort(8000.0001)) expect_error(findPort(8000:8002)) }) test_that("throws for invalid ports", { expect_error(findPort(800)) # in 0-1024 expect_error(findPort(123456)) # out of range expect_error(findPort(0)) # unsafe expect_error(findPort(6666)) # unsafe }) test_that("finds a good port and persists it", { testthat::skip_on_cran() p <- findPort() # Persisted expect_equal(.globals$last_random_port, p) # Check that we can actually start a server srv <- httpuv::startServer("", p, list()) # Cleanup rm("last_random_port", envir = .globals) httpuv::stopServer(srv) }) test_that("we don't pin to globals$port if it's occupied", { testthat::skip_on_cran() ex_p <- 12345 srv <- httpuv::startServer("", ex_p, list()) .globals$last_random_port <- ex_p p <- findPort() # It should shuffle to find another port. expect_true(p != ex_p) rm("last_random_port", envir = .globals) httpuv::stopServer(srv) })