context("OpenAPI") test_that("plumberToApiType works", { expect_equal(plumberToApiType("bool"), "boolean") expect_equal(plumberToApiType("logical"), "boolean") expect_equal(plumberToApiType("double"), "number") expect_equal(plumberToApiType("numeric"), "number") expect_equal(plumberToApiType("int"), "integer") expect_equal(plumberToApiType("character"), "string") expect_equal(plumberToApiType("df"), "object") expect_equal(plumberToApiType("list"), "object") expect_equal(plumberToApiType("data.frame"), "object") expect_warning({ expect_equal(plumberToApiType("flargdarg"), defaultApiType) }, "Unrecognized type:") }) test_that("response attributes are parsed", { lines <- c( "#' @get /", "#' @response 201 This is response 201", "#' @response 202 Here's second", "#' @response 203 Here's third", "#' @response default And default") b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines) expect_length(b$responses, 4) expect_equal(b$responses$`201`, list(description="This is response 201")) expect_equal(b$responses$`202`, list(description="Here's second")) expect_equal(b$responses$`203`, list(description="Here's third")) expect_equal(b$responses$default, list(description="And default")) b <- plumbBlock(1, "") expect_null(b$responses) }) test_that("params are parsed", { lines <- c( "#' @get /", "#' @param test Test docs", "#' @param required:character* Required param", "#' @param another:int Another docs", "#' @param multi:[int]* Required array param") b <- plumbBlock(length(lines), lines) expect_length(b$params, 4) expect_equal(b$params$another, list(desc="Another docs", type="integer", required=FALSE, isArray = FALSE)) expect_equal(b$params$test, list(desc="Test docs", type=defaultApiType, required=FALSE, isArray = FALSE)) expect_equal(b$params$required, list(desc="Required param", type="string", required=TRUE, isArray = FALSE)) expect_equal(b$params$multi, list(desc="Required array param", type="integer", required=TRUE, isArray = TRUE)) b <- plumbBlock(1, "") expect_null(b$params) }) # TODO #test_that("endpointSpecification works", { #}) test_that("getApiSpec works with mounted routers", { # parameter in path pr1 <- pr() pr1$handle("GET", "/nested/:path/here", function(){}) pr1$handle("POST", "/nested/:path/here", function(){}) # static file handler stat <- PlumberStatic$new(".") # multiple entries pr2 <- pr() pr2$handle("GET", "/something", function(){}) pr2$handle("POST", "/something", function(){}) pr2$handle("GET", "/", function(){}) # test with a filter pr3 <- pr() pr3$filter("filter1", function(){}) pr3$handle("POST", "/else", function(){}, "filter1") pr3$handle("PUT", "/else", function(){}) pr3$handle("GET", "/", function(){}) # nested mount pr4 <- pr() pr4$handle("GET", "/completely", function(){}) # trailing slash in route pr5 <- pr() pr5$handle("GET", "/trailing_slash/", function(){}) # ├──/nested # │ ├──/:path # │ │ └──/here (GET, POST) # ├──/static # ├──/sub2 # │ ├──/something (GET, POST) # │ ├──/ (GET) # │ ├──/sub3 # │ │ ├──/else (POST, PUT) # │ │ └──/ (GET) # ├──/sub4 # │ ├──/completely (GET) # │ ├──/ # │ │ └──/trailing_slash (GET) pr1$mount("/static", stat) pr2$mount("/sub3", pr3) pr1$mount("/sub2", pr2) pr1$mount("/sub4", pr4) pr4$mount("/", pr5) paths <- names(pr1$getApiSpec()$paths) expect_length(paths, 7) expect_equal(paths, c("/nested/:path/here", "/sub2/something", "/sub2/", "/sub2/sub3/else", "/sub2/sub3/", "/sub4/completely", "/sub4/trailing_slash/" )) }) test_that("responsesSpecification works", { # Empty r <- responsesSpecification(NULL) expect_equal(r, defaultResponse) # Response constructor actually defaults to NA, so that's an important case, too r <- responsesSpecification(NA) expect_equal(r, defaultResponse) # Responses with no default customResps <- list("400" = list()) endpts <- plumber::PlumberEndpoint$new( path = "/a", responses = customResps, verbs = "GET", expr = function() {}, envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())) r <- responsesSpecification(endpts) expect_length(r, 4) expect_equal(r$default, defaultResponse$default) expect_equal(r$`400`, customResps$`400`) }) test_that("parametersSpecification works", { ep <- list(id=list(desc="Description", type="integer", required=FALSE), id2=list(desc="Description2", required=FALSE), # No redundant type specification make=list(desc="Make description", type="string", required=FALSE), prices=list(desc="Historic sell prices", type="numeric", required = FALSE, isArray = TRUE), claims=list(desc="Insurance claims", type="object", required = FALSE)) pp <- data.frame(name=c("id", "id2", "owners"), type=c("int", "int", "chr"), isArray = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) params <- parametersSpecification(ep, pp) expect_equal(params$parameters[[1]], list(name="id", description="Description", `in`="path", required=TRUE, # Made required b/c path arg schema = list( type="integer", format="int64", default=NULL))) expect_equal(params$parameters[[2]], list(name="id2", description="Description2", `in`="path", required=TRUE, # Made required b/c path arg schema = list( type="integer", format="int64", default=NULL))) expect_equal(params$parameters[[3]], list(name="make", description="Make description", `in`="query", required=FALSE, schema = list( type="string", format=NULL, default=NULL))) expect_equal(params$parameters[[4]], list(name="prices", description="Historic sell prices", `in`="query", required=FALSE, schema = list( type="array", items= list( type="number", format="double"), default = NULL), style="form", explode=TRUE)) expect_equal(params$parameters[[5]], list(name="owners", description=NULL, `in`="path", required=TRUE, schema = list( type="array", items= list( type="string", format=NULL), default = NULL), style="simple", explode=FALSE)) expect_equal(params$requestBody, list(content = list( `application/json` = list( schema = list( type = "object", properties = list( claims = list( type = "object", format = NULL, example = NULL, description = "Insurance claims"))))))) # If id were not a path param it should not be promoted to required params <- parametersSpecification(ep, NULL) idParam <- params$parameters[[which(vapply(params$parameters, `[[`, character(1), "name") == "id")]] expect_equal(idParam$required, FALSE) expect_equal(idParam$schema$type, "integer") for (param in params$parameters) { if (param$schema$type != "array") { expect_equal(length(param), 5) } else { expect_equal(length(param), 7) } } # Check if we can pass a single path parameter without a @param line match params <- parametersSpecification(NULL, pp[3,]) expect_equal(params$parameters[[1]], list(name="owners", description=NULL, `in`="path", required=TRUE, schema = list( type="array", items= list( type="string", format=NULL), default=NULL), style="simple", explode=FALSE)) params <- parametersSpecification(NULL, NULL) expect_equal(sum(sapply(params, length)), 0) }) test_that("api kitchen sink", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_bioc() skip_on_os(setdiff(c("windows", "mac", "linux", "solaris"), c("mac", "linux"))) ## install brew - # /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" ## install yarn # brew install yarn ## install yarn # yarn add swagger-ui # yarn install skip_if_not(nzchar(Sys.which("node")), "node not installed") skip_if_not(nzchar(Sys.which("npm")), "`npm` system dep not installed") for_each_plumber_api(validate_api_spec, verbose = FALSE) # TODO test more situations }) test_that("multiple variations in function extract correct metadata", { dummy <- function(var0 = 420.69, var1, var2 = c(1L, 2L), var3 = rnorm, var4 = NULL, var5 = FALSE, var6 = list(name = c("luke", "bob"), lastname = c("skywalker", "ross")), var7 = new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv), var8 = list(a = 2, b = mean, c = new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv))) {} funcParams <- getArgsMetadata(dummy) expect_identical(sapply(funcParams, `[[`, "required"), c(var0 = FALSE, var1 = TRUE, var2 = FALSE, var3 = FALSE, var4 = FALSE, var5 = FALSE, var6 = FALSE, var7 = FALSE, var8 = FALSE)) expect_identical(lapply(funcParams, `[[`, "default"), list(var0 = 420.69, var1 = NA, var2 = 1L:2L, var3 = NA, var4 = NA, var5 = FALSE, var6 = list(name = c("luke", "bob"), lastname = c("skywalker", "ross")), var7 = NA, var8 = NA)) expect_identical(lapply(funcParams, `[[`, "example"), list(var0 = 420.69, var1 = NA, var2 = 1L:2L, var3 = NA, var4 = NA, var5 = FALSE, var6 = list(name = c("luke", "bob"), lastname = c("skywalker", "ross")), var7 = NA, var8 = NA)) expect_identical(lapply(funcParams, `[[`, "isArray"), list(var0 = defaultIsArray, var1 = defaultIsArray, var2 = TRUE, var3 = defaultIsArray, var4 = defaultIsArray, var5 = defaultIsArray, var6 = TRUE, var7 = defaultIsArray, var8 = defaultIsArray)) expect_identical(lapply(funcParams, `[[`, "type"), list(var0 = "number", var1 = defaultApiType, var2 = "integer", var3 = defaultApiType, var4 = defaultApiType, var5 = "boolean", var6 = "object", var7 = defaultApiType, var8 = defaultApiType)) }) test_that("priorize works as expected", { expect_identical("abc", priorizeProperty(structure("zzz", default = TRUE), NULL, "abc")) expect_identical(NULL, priorizeProperty(NULL, NULL, NULL)) expect_identical(structure("zzz", default = TRUE), priorizeProperty(structure("zzz", default = TRUE), NULL, NA)) expect_identical(NULL, priorizeProperty()) }) test_that("custom spec works", { pr <- pr() pr$handle("POST", "/func1", function(){}) pr$handle("GET", "/func2", function(){}) pr$handle("GET", "/func3", function(){}) customSpec <- function(spec) { custom <- list(info = list(description = "My Custom Spec", title = "This is only a test")) return(utils::modifyList(spec, custom)) } pr$setApiSpec(customSpec) spec <- pr$getApiSpec() expect_equal(spec$info$description, "My Custom Spec") expect_equal(spec$info$title, "This is only a test") expect_equal(class(spec$openapi), "character") }) test_that("no params plumber router still produces spec when there is a func params", { pr <- pr() handler <- function(num) { sum(as.integer(num)) } pr$handle("GET", "/sum", handler, serializer = serializer_json()) spec <- pr$getApiSpec() expect_equal(spec$paths$`/sum`$get$parameters[[1]]$name, "num") }) test_that("Response content type set with serializer", { a <- pr() pr_get(a, "/json", function() {"OK"}, serializer = serializer_json()) pr_get(a, "/csv", function() {"OK"}, serializer = serializer_csv()) spec <- a$getApiSpec() expect_equal(spec$paths$`/json`$get$responses$`200`$content, list("application/json" = list(schema = list(type = "object")))) expect_equal(spec$paths$`/csv`$get$responses$`200`$content, list("text/csv" = list(schema = list(type = "string")))) }) test_that("Api spec can be set using a file path", { pr <- pr() %>% pr_set_api_spec(test_path("files/openapi.yaml")) expect_equal(pr$getApiSpec()$paths$`/health-check`$get$summary, " Determine if the API is running and listening as expected") }) test_that("RemoveNAorNULLs preserve nested examples", { a <- list(schema = list(example = list(a = 5, b = list(NULL))), examples = list(a = 5, value = list(NULL))) expect_identical(removeNaOrNulls(a), a) a <- list(schema = list(value = list(NULL), b = list(NULL))) expect_identical(removeNaOrNulls(a), list(schema = list(value = list(), b = list()))) })