for (i in c(6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 384, 1536)) { path <- paste0("testData/", i, "/") ################################################################################ context("testing add_plate-add_plate()") ################################################################################ n_letters <- ifelse(i <= 12, i, 24) test_that("add_plate works for complete valid data", { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) result <- add_plate(complete, filename, "wells") expect_that(result$values, is_identical_to(get_well_ids(i))) expect_that(result$values, is_identical_to(result$wells)) }) test_that("add_plate works with reversed file and data arguments but gives warning", { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_warning({ result <- add_plate(filename, complete, "wells") expect_that(result$values, is_identical_to(get_well_ids(i))) expect_that(result$values, is_identical_to(result$wells)) }, "reversed") }) test_that("add_plate works without leading zeroes", { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids_without_leading_zeroes(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) result <- add_plate(complete, filename, "wells") expect_that(result$wells, is_identical_to(get_well_ids_without_leading_zeroes(i))) expect_that(remove_leading_zeroes(result$values), is_identical_to(result$wells)) }) test_that("add_plate works for missing data from plate", { filename <- paste0(path, "wellIdsAndEmptyWells.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) result <- add_plate(complete, filename, "wells") expect_that(result$wells, is_identical_to(get_well_ids(i))) r <-$values) | result$values == as.character(result$wells) expect_true(all(r)) }) test_that(paste("add_plate works for missing data from", "plate and no leading zeroes"), { filename <- paste0(path, "wellIdsAndEmptyWells.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids_without_leading_zeroes(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) result <- add_plate(complete, filename, "wells") expect_that(result$wells, is_identical_to(get_well_ids_without_leading_zeroes(i))) result$values <- remove_leading_zeroes(result$values) r <-$values) | result$values == as.character(result$wells) expect_true(all(r)) }) test_that("add_plate works when plate layout contains wells missing from data and gets order right (rows missing from data at end)", { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) result <- add_plate(complete[2:i, ], filename, "wells") # missing row from data = well A01, so should be added at end by add_plate expected <- rbind(complete[2:i, ], data.frame(wells = "A01", d = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) expected$values <- expected$wells expect_that(result, is_equivalent_to(expected)) }) test_that(paste("add_plate stops if some wells are missing", "leading zeroes and some aren't"), { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) set.seed(10) complete$wells <- ifelse(rnorm(i) < 0, remove_leading_zeroes(complete$wells), complete$wells) expect_that(add_plate(complete, filename, "wells"), throws_error()) }) test_that("add_plate works with one full plate and one partially empty", { filename <- paste0(path, "oneFullOnePartEmpty.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) result <- add_plate(complete, filename, "wells") expect_that(result$full, is_identical_to(get_well_ids(i))) expect_that(result$full, is_identical_to(result$wells)) r <-$partial) | result$partial == as.character(result$wells) expect_true(all(r)) }) test_that("add_plate works for complete valid data", { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) result <- add_plate(complete, filename, "wells") expect_is(result, "tbl_df") }) test_that("add_plate works for plate with single element with full plate df", { filename <- paste0(path, "oneWell.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) result <- add_plate(complete, filename, "wells") expect_that(result$wells, is_identical_to(get_well_ids(i))) r <-$values) | result$values == "singleton" expect_true(all(r)) }) test_that("add_plate works for plate with single element with single well df", { filename <- paste0(path, "oneWell.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = "A01", d = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) result <- add_plate(complete, filename, "wells") expect_that(result$wells, is_identical_to("A01")) expect_that(result$values, is_identical_to("singleton")) }) ################################################################################ context("testing add_plate-wrong_wells_error_message()") ################################################################################ test_that("wrong_wells_error_message returns correct message with 1 well missing", { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) annotations <- read_plate(filename, "wellIds") annotations <- annotations[!($values)), ] message <- wrong_wells_error_message(complete[1:(i-1), ], "wells", annotations) missing <- get_well_ids(i)[i] # get last well expected <- paste0("Some wells in your file are not in the data frame ", "you provided, but they all should be. The missing wells are: ", missing, ".") expect_that(message, is_identical_to(expected)) }) test_that("wrong_wells_error_message returns correct message with 2 wells missing", { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) annotations <- read_plate(filename, "wellIds") annotations <- annotations[!($values)), ] message <- wrong_wells_error_message(complete[1:(i-2), ], "wells", annotations) missing <- get_well_ids(i)[(i-1):i] # get last two wells missing <- paste0(missing, collapse = ", ") expected <- paste0("Some wells in your file are not in the data frame ", "you provided, but they all should be. The missing wells are: ", missing, ".") expect_that(message, is_identical_to(expected)) }) test_that("wrong_wells_error_message returns correct message with all but 1 well missing", { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) annotations <- read_plate(filename, "wellIds") annotations <- annotations[!($values)), ] message <- wrong_wells_error_message(complete[1, ], "wells", annotations) missing <- get_well_ids(i)[-1] # get all but first missing <- paste0(missing, collapse = ", ") expected <- paste0("Some wells in your file are not in the data frame ", "you provided, but they all should be. The missing wells are: ", missing, ".") expect_that(message, is_identical_to(expected)) }) test_that("wrong_wells_error_message errors with valid input", { filename <- paste0(path, "allWellIds.csv") complete <- data.frame(wells = get_well_ids(i), d = letters[1:n_letters], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) complete$d <- as.character(complete$d) annotations <- read_plate(filename, "wellIds") annotations <- annotations[!($values)), ] expect_that(wrong_wells_error_message(complete, "wells", annotations), throws_error()) }) }