test_that("adds github/gitlab link when available", { pkg <- pkg_navbar() expect_snapshot_output(navbar_components(pkg)) pkg <- pkg_navbar(github_url = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown") expect_snapshot_output(navbar_components(pkg)) pkg <- pkg_navbar(github_url = "https://gitlab.com/r-lib/pkgdown") expect_snapshot_output(navbar_components(pkg)) }) test_that("vignette with package name turns into getting started", { vig <- pkg_navbar_vignettes("test") pkg <- pkg_navbar(vignettes = vig) expect_snapshot_output(navbar_components(pkg)) }) test_that("can control articles navbar through articles meta", { pkg <- function(...) { vig <- pkg_navbar_vignettes(c("a", "b")) pkg_navbar(vignettes = vig, meta = list(...)) } "Default: show all alphabetically" expect_snapshot(navbar_articles(pkg())) "No navbar sections: link to index" expect_snapshot( navbar_articles( pkg( articles = list(list(name = "all", contents = c("a", "b")) ) ) ) ) "navbar without text" expect_snapshot( navbar_articles( pkg( articles = list(list(name = "all", contents = c("a", "b"), navbar = NULL)) ) ) ) "navbar with label" expect_snapshot( navbar_articles( pkg( articles = list(list(name = "all", contents = c("a", "b"), navbar = "Label")) ) ) ) "navbar with only some articles" expect_snapshot( navbar_articles( pkg( articles = list( list(name = "a", contents = "a", navbar = NULL), list(name = "b", contents = "b") ) ) ) ) }) test_that("can control articles navbar through navbar meta", { pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list( navbar = list( components = list(articles = menu_submenu("Hi!", list(menu_heading("Hi")))) ) )) pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/a.Rmd", pkg_vignette()) pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/b.Rmd", pkg_vignette()) navbar <- navbar_link_components(pkg) expect_equal(navbar$left$articles$text, "Hi!") }) test_that("data_navbar() works by default", { pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list( repo = list(url = list(home = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/")) )) file_touch(path(pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md")) expect_snapshot(data_navbar(pkg)) }) test_that("data_navbar() can re-order default elements", { pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list( repo = list(url = list(home = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/")), navbar = list( structure = list( left = c("github", "search"), right = "news" ) ) )) file_create(path(pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md")) expect_snapshot(data_navbar(pkg)[c("left", "right")]) }) test_that("data_navbar() can remove elements", { pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list( navbar = list( structure = list( left = c("github", "search"), right = list() ) ) )) expect_equal(data_navbar(pkg)$right, "") }) test_that("data_navbar() works with empty side", { pkg <- local_pkgdown_site( meta = list(navbar = list(structure = list(left = list(), right = list()))) ) expect_snapshot(data_navbar(pkg)) }) test_that("data_navbar_() errors with bad yaml specifications", { data_navbar_ <- function(...) { pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list(...)) data_navbar(pkg) } expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { data_navbar_(navbar = list(structure = list(left = 1))) data_navbar_(navbar = list(right = "github")) }) }) test_that("for bs4, default bg and type come from bootswatch", { style <- navbar_style(bs_version = 5) expect_equal(style, list(bg = "light", type = "light")) style <- navbar_style(theme = "cyborg", bs_version = 5) expect_equal(style, list(bg = "dark", type = "dark")) # but can override style <- navbar_style(list(bg = "primary"), bs_version = 5) expect_equal(style, list(bg = "primary", type = "dark")) style <- navbar_style(list(bg = "primary", type = "light"), bs_version = 5) expect_equal(style, list(bg = "primary", type = "light")) }) test_that("render_navbar_links BS3 & BS4 default", { x <- list( intro = menu_link("Get started", "articles/pkgdown.html"), reference = menu_link("Reference", "reference/index.html"), articles = menu_submenu( "Articles", list( menu_link("Auto-linking", "articles/linking.html"), menu_link("Search", "articles/search.html"), menu_link("Metadata", "articles/metadata.html"), menu_link("Customize your pkgdown website", "articles/customization.html"), menu_separator(), menu_link("More...", "articles/index.html") ) ), news = menu_link("News", "news/index.html") ) expect_snapshot(cat(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = list(bs_version = 3)))) expect_snapshot(cat(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = list(bs_version = 4)))) }) test_that("dropdowns on right are right-aligned", { x <- list( articles = menu_submenu("Articles", list(menu_heading("A"), menu_heading("B"))) ) pkg <- list(bs_version = 5) right <- xml2::read_html(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = pkg, side = "right")) left <- xml2::read_html(render_navbar_links(x, pkg = pkg, side = "left")) expect_equal(xpath_attr(right, ".//ul", "class"), "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end") expect_equal(xpath_attr(left, ".//ul", "class"), "dropdown-menu") })