test_that("authors page includes inst/AUTHORS", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "inst/AUTHORS", "Hello")
lines <- read_lines(path(pkg$dst_path, "authors.html"))
expect_match(lines, "
", all = FALSE)
test_that("data_authors validates yaml inputs", {
data_authors_ <- function(...) {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list(...))
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
data_authors_(authors = 1)
data_authors_(template = list(authors = list(before = 1)))
data_authors_(template = list(authors = list(after = 1)))
test_that("data_home_sidebar_authors validates yaml inputs", {
data_home_sidebar_authors_ <- function(...) {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list(...))
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
data_home_sidebar_authors_(authors = list(sidebar = list(roles = 1)))
data_home_sidebar_authors_(authors = list(sidebar = list(before = 1)))
data_home_sidebar_authors_(authors = list(sidebar = list(before = "x\n\ny")))
# authors --------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("ORCID can be identified & removed from all comment styles", {
desc <- desc::desc(text = c(
'Authors@R: c(',
' person("no comment"),',
' person("bare comment", comment = "comment"),',
' person("orcid only", comment = c(ORCID = "1")),',
' person("both", comment = c("comment", ORCID = "2"))',
' )'
authors <- purrr::map(desc$get_authors(), author_list, list())
purrr::map(authors, "orcid"),
list(NULL, NULL, orcid_link("1"), orcid_link("2"))
purrr::map(authors, "comment"),
list(character(), "comment", character(), "comment")
test_that("author comments linkified with escaped angle brackets (#2127)", {
p <- list(name = "Jane Doe", roles = "rev", comment = "")
fixed = TRUE
test_that("authors data can be filtered with different roles", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(desc = list(`Authors@R` = '
person("Hadley", "Wickham", , "hadley@rstudio.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
person("RStudio", role = c("cph", "fnd"))
expect_length(data_authors(pkg)$main, 2)
expect_length(data_authors(pkg, roles = "cre")$main, 1)
test_that("authors data includes inst/AUTHORS", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "inst/AUTHORS", "Hello")
expect_equal(data_authors(pkg)$inst, "Hello")
test_that("sidebar can accept additional before and after text", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg$meta$authors$sidebar$before <- "BEFORE"
pkg$meta$authors$sidebar$after <- "AFTER"
test_that("role has multiple fallbacks", {
expect_equal(role_lookup("cre"), "maintainer")
expect_equal(role_lookup("res"), "researcher")
# citations -------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("can handle UTF-8 encoding (#416, #493)", {
# Work around bug in utils::citation()
local_options(warnPartialMatchDollar = FALSE)
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(desc = list(
Title = "A søphîstiçated påckagé",
Date = "2018-02-02"
meta <- create_citation_meta(pkg$src_path)
expect_type(meta, "list")
expect_equal(meta$Title, "A søphîstiçated påckagé")
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "inst/CITATION", c(
' entry = "Article",',
' title="Title: é",',
' author="Author: é",',
' journal="Journal é",',
' year="2017",',
' textVersion = "é"',
cit <- read_citation(pkg$src_path)
expect_s3_class(cit, "citation")
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "inst/CITATION", "citation(auto = meta)")
cit <- read_citation(pkg$src_path)
expect_s3_class(cit, "citation")
test_that("can handle latin1 encoding (#689)", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(desc = list(
Title = "A søphîstiçated påckagé",
Date = "2018-02-02",
Encoding = "latin1"
meta <- create_citation_meta(pkg$src_path)
expect_equal(meta$Title, "A søphîstiçated påckagé")
expect_equal(Encoding(meta$Title), "UTF-8")
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "inst/CITATION", c(
' entry = "Article",',
' title="Title: é",',
' author="Author: é",',
' journal="Journal é",',
' year="2017",',
' textVersion = "é"',
cit_path <- path(pkg$src_path, "inst/CITATION")
citation <- readLines(cit_path) # nolint
con <- file(cit_path, open = "w+", encoding = "native.enc")
base::writeLines(iconv(citation, to = "latin1"), con, useBytes = TRUE) # nolint
cit <- read_citation(pkg$src_path)
expect_s3_class(cit, "citation")
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "inst/CITATION", "citation(auto = meta)")
cit <- read_citation(pkg$src_path)
expect_s3_class(cit, "citation")
test_that("source link is added to citation page", {
# Work around bug in utils::citation()
local_options(warnPartialMatchDollar = FALSE)
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list(
repo = list(url = list(source = "http://github.com/test/test"))
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "inst/CITATION", c(
' entry = "Article",',
' title="Title",',
' author="Author",',
' journal="Journal",',
' year="2020",',
' textVersion = ""',
lines <- read_lines(path(pkg$dst_path, "authors.html"))
expect_match(lines, "inst/CITATION
", all = FALSE, fixed = TRUE)
test_that("multiple citations all have HTML and BibTeX formats", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "inst/CITATION", c(
'bibentry("misc", title="Proof of b < a > c", author=c("A", "B"), year="2021",
textVersion="A & B (2021): Proof of b < a > c.")',
'bibentry("misc", title="Title Two", author="Author Two", year="2022")'
citations <- data_citations(pkg$src_path)
test_that("bibtex is escaped", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "inst/CITATION", c(
' entry = "Article",',
' title="test special HTML characters: <&>",',
' author="x",',
' journal="x",',
' year="2017",',
' textVersion = ""',
html <- xml2::read_html(path(pkg$dst_path, "authors.html"))
expect_match(xpath_text(html, "//pre"), "<&>", fixed = TRUE)