test_that("can build article that uses html_vignette", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
output = "rmarkdown::html_vignette",
pkgdown = list(as_is = TRUE)
# theme is not set since html_vignette doesn't support it
suppressMessages(expect_no_error(build_article("test", pkg)))
test_that("can override html_document() options", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
output = list(html_document = list(number_sections = TRUE)),
pkgdown = list(as_is = TRUE),
"# Heading 1",
"# Heading 2"
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("test", pkg))
# Check that number_sections is respected
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
expect_equal(xpath_text(html, ".//h2//span"), c("1", "2"))
# But title isn't affected
expect_equal(xpath_text(html, ".//h1"), "title")
# And no links or scripts are inlined
expect_equal(xpath_length(html, ".//body//link"), 0)
expect_equal(xpath_length(html, ".//body//script"), 0)
test_that("can set width", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list(code = list(width = 50)))
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("test", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
expect_equal(xpath_text(html, ".//pre")[[2]], "## [1] 50")
test_that("bad width gives nice error", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = list(code = list(width = "abc")))
expect_snapshot(rmarkdown_setup_pkgdown(pkg), error = TRUE)
test_that("BS5 article laid out correctly with and without TOC", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/toc-true.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
"## Heading 1",
"## Heading 2"
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/toc-false.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
toc = FALSE,
"## Heading 1",
"## Heading 2"
suppressMessages(toc_true_path <- build_article("toc-true", pkg))
suppressMessages(toc_false_path <- build_article("toc-false", pkg))
toc_true <- xml2::read_html(toc_true_path)
toc_false <- xml2::read_html(toc_false_path)
# Always has class col-md-9
expect_equal(xpath_attr(toc_true, ".//main", "class"), "col-md-9")
expect_equal(xpath_attr(toc_false, ".//main", "class"), "col-md-9")
# The no sidebar without toc
expect_equal(xpath_length(toc_true, ".//aside"), 1)
expect_equal(xpath_length(toc_false, ".//aside"), 0)
test_that("BS5 article gets correctly activated navbar", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/article.Rmd", pkg_vignette())
suppressMessages(article_path <- build_article("article", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(article_path)
navbar <- xml2::xml_find_first(html, ".//div[contains(@class, 'navbar')]")
xpath_text(navbar,".//li[contains(@class, 'active')]//button"),
test_that("titles are escaped when needed", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", pkg_vignette(title = "a <-> b"))
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("test", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
expect_equal(xpath_text(html, "//title", trim = TRUE), "a <-> b • testpackage")
expect_equal(xpath_text(html, "//h1", trim = TRUE), "a <-> b")
test_that("output is reproducible by default, i.e. 'seed' is respected", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("test", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
output <- xpath_text(html, "//main//pre")[[2]]
test_that("reports on bad open graph meta-data", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
opengraph = list(twitter = 1)
expect_snapshot(build_article("test", pkg), error = TRUE)
test_that("can control math mode", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/math.Rmd", "$1 + 1$")
pkg$meta$template$`math-rendering` <- "mathml"
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("math", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
expect_equal(xpath_length(html, ".//math"), 1)
pkg$meta$template$`math-rendering` <- "mathjax"
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("math", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
expect_equal(xpath_length(html, ".//span[contains(@class, 'math')]"), 1)
pkg$meta$template$`math-rendering` <- "katex"
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("math", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
expect_equal(xpath_length(html, ".//span[contains(@class, 'math')]"), 1)
path_file(xpath_attr(html, ".//script", "src")),
c("katex-auto.js", "katex.min.js")
test_that("rmarkdown_template cleans up after itself", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
path <- NULL
path <<- rmarkdown_template(pkg)
test_that("build_article styles ANSI escapes", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
r_code_block("cat(cli::col_red('X'), '\n')")
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("test", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
expect_snapshot_output(xpath_xml(html, ".//code//span[@class='co']"))
# Errors -----------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("build_article yields useful error if pandoc fails", {
skip_on_cran() # fragile due to pandoc dependency
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", "Hi")
build_article("test", pkg, pandoc_args = "--fail-if-warnings"),
error = TRUE
test_that("build_article yields useful error if R fails", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", c(
"title: title",
"f <- function() g()",
"g <- function() h()",
"h <- function() rlang::abort('Error!')",
# check that error looks good
expect_snapshot(build_article("test", pkg), error = TRUE)
# check that traceback looks good - need extra work because rlang
# avoids tracebacks in snapshots
expect_snapshot(summary(expect_error(build_article("test", pkg))))
# Images -----------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("build_article copies image files in subdirectories", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", c(
"#| fig-alt: alt-text",
pkg <- pkg_add_kitten(pkg, "vignettes/test")
expect_snapshot(build_article("test", pkg))
expect_equal(path_file(dir_ls(path(pkg$dst_path, "articles", "test"))), "kitten.jpg")
test_that("finds external resources referenced by R code", {
# weird path differences that I don't have the energy to dig into
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", c(
"![external dependency](`r 'kitten.jpg'`)"
pkg <- pkg_add_kitten(pkg, "vignettes")
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("test", pkg))
# ensure that we the HTML references `` directly
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
expect_equal(xpath_attr(html, ".//img", "src"), "kitten.jpg")
# expect that `external.png` was copied to the rendered article directory
expect_true(file_exists(path(path_dir(path), "kitten.jpg")))
test_that("image links relative to output", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(test_path("assets/articles-images"))
suppressMessages(build_article("kitten", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path(pkg$dst_path, "articles", "kitten.html"))
src <- xpath_attr(html, "//main//img", "src")
expect_equal(src, c(
# knitr::include_graphics()
# rmarkdown image
# magick::image_read()
# figure
# And files aren't copied
expect_false(dir_exists(path(pkg$dst_path, "man")))
test_that("warns about missing images", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/kitten.Rmd", "![foo](kitten.jpg)")
expect_snapshot(build_article("kitten", pkg))
test_that("warns about missing alt-text", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/kitten.Rmd", "![](kitten.jpg)")
pkg <- pkg_add_kitten(pkg, "vignettes")
expect_snapshot(build_article("kitten", pkg))
# External dependencies --------------------------------------------------------
test_that("pkgdown deps are included only once in articles", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
# Some code that adds jquery/bootstrap
# Rely on default init_site() from local_pkgdown_site() setting all
# the default includes to empty
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("test", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
expect_equal(path_file(xpath_attr(html, ".//script", "src")), "pkgdown.js")
expect_equal(path_file(xpath_attr(html, ".//link", "href")), character())
test_that("html widgets get needed css/js", {
pkg <- local_pkgdown_site()
pkg <- pkg_add_file(pkg, "vignettes/test.Rmd", pkg_vignette(
path1 <- tempfile()
writeLines(letters, path1)
path2 <- tempfile()
writeLines(letters[-(10:11)], path2)
diffviewer::visual_diff(path1, path2)
suppressMessages(path <- build_article("test", pkg))
html <- xml2::read_html(path)
css <- xpath_attr(html, ".//body//link", "href")
js <- xpath_attr(html, ".//body//script", "src")
expect_true("diffviewer.css" %in% path_file(css))
expect_true("diffviewer.js" %in% path_file(js))