test_that("data_news works as expected for h1 & h2", { skip_if_no_pandoc() lines_h1 <- c( "# testpackage", "", "* bullet (#222 @someone)", "", "# testpackage 1.0.0", "", "## sub-heading", "", "* first thing (#111 @githubuser)", "", "* second thing", "" ) lines_h2 <- gsub("^#", "##", lines_h1) pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = " template: bootstrap: 5 ") write_lines(lines_h1, file.path(pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md")) expect_snapshot_output(data_news(pkg)[c("version", "page", "anchor")]) write_lines(lines_h2, file.path(pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md")) expect_snapshot_output(data_news(pkg)[c("version", "page", "anchor")]) }) test_that("multi-page news are rendered", { skip_if_no_pandoc() local_edition(3) pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = " news: one_page: false " ) write_lines(file.path(pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md"), text = c( "# testpackage 2.0", "", "* bullet (#222 @someone)", "", "# testpackage 1.1", "", "* bullet (#222 @someone)", "", "# testpackage 1.0.1", "", "* bullet (#222 @someone)", "", "# testpackage 1.0.0", "", "## sub-heading", "", "* first thing (#111 @githubuser)", "", "* second thing" )) expect_snapshot(data_news(pkg)[c("version", "page", "anchor")]) expect_snapshot(build_news(pkg)) # test that index links are correct lines <- read_lines(path(pkg$dst_path, "news", "index.html")) expect_true(any(grepl("Version 2.0", lines))) # test single page structure lines <- read_lines(path(pkg$dst_path, "news", "news-1.0.html")) expect_true(any(grepl("

Changelog 1.0

", lines))) }) test_that("github links are added to news items", { skip_if_no_pandoc() temp_pkg <- list( src_path = withr::local_tempdir(pattern = "pkgdown-news"), bs_version = 5, repo = list( url = list( home = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown", user = "https://github.com/", issue = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/issues/" ) ) ) write_lines( c( "# testpackage 0.1.0", "", "## Major changes", "", "- Bug fixes (@hadley, #100)", "", "- Merges (@josue-rodriguez)" ), file.path(temp_pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md") ) news_tbl <- data_news(temp_pkg) html <- xml2::read_xml(news_tbl$html) expect_equal( xpath_attr(html, ".//a", "href"), c( "https://github.com/hadley", "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/issues/100", "https://github.com/josue-rodriguez" ) ) }) test_that("pkg_timeline fails cleanly for unknown package", { skip_on_cran() expect_null(pkg_timeline("__XYZ__")) }) test_that("correct timeline for first ggplot2 releases", { skip_on_cran() timeline <- pkg_timeline("ggplot2")[1:3, ] expected <- data.frame( version = c("0.5", "0.5.1", "0.5.2"), date = as.Date(c("2007-06-01", "2007-06-09", "2007-06-18")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_equal(timeline, expected) }) test_that("determines page style from meta", { expect_equal(news_style(meta = list()), "single") expect_equal(news_style(meta = list(news = list(one_page = FALSE))), "multi") expect_equal(news_style(meta = list(news = list(list(one_page = FALSE)))), "multi") }) # news_title and version_page ----------------------------------------------- test_that("can recognise common forms of title", { # Variants in beginning version <- news_version(c( "foo 1.3.0", "foo v1.3.0", "foo 1.3.0", "VERSION 1.3.0", "changes in 1.3.0", "changes in foo version 1.3.0" ), "foo") expect_equal(version, rep("1.3.0", length(version))) # Variants in version spec expect_equal( news_version(c("foo 1-2", "foo 1-2-3", "foo 1-2-3-4"), "foo"), c("1-2", "1-2-3", "1-2-3-4") ) expect_equal( news_version("foo (development version)", "foo"), "development version" ) }) test_that("correctly collapses version to page for common cases", { versions <- c("1.0.0", "", "", "development version") pages <- purrr::map_chr(versions, version_page) expect_equal(pages, c("1.0", "1.0", "dev", "dev")) }) # Tweaks ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("sections tweaked down a level", { html <- xml2::read_xml("

") tweak_section_levels(html) expect_equal(xml2::xml_name(xpath_xml(html, "//div/*")), paste0("h", 2:6)) expect_equal(xpath_attr(html, "//div", "class"), paste0("section level", 2:6)) }) test_that("anchors de-duplicated with version", { html <- xml2::read_xml("
") tweak_news_anchor(html, "1.0") expect_equal(xpath_attr(html, ".//div", "id"), "x-1-0") }) test_that("news headings get class and release date", { timeline <- tibble::tibble(version = "1.0", date = "2020-01-01") html <- xml2::read_xml("

") tweak_news_heading(html, version = "1.0", timeline = timeline, bs_version = 3) expect_snapshot_output(xpath_xml(html, "//div")) html <- xml2::read_xml("

") tweak_news_heading(html, version = "1.0", timeline = timeline, bs_version = 4) expect_snapshot_output(xpath_xml(html, "//div")) }) # Header checks ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("clear error for bad hierarchy - bad nesting", { temp_pkg <- list( src_path = withr::local_tempdir(pattern = "pkgdown-news"), bs_version = 5 ) write_lines( c( "### testpackage", "", "* bullet (#222 @someone)", "", "# testpackage 1.0.0", "", "## sub-heading", "", "* first thing (#111 @githubuser)", "", "* second thing", "" ), file.path(temp_pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md") ) expect_snapshot_error(data_news(temp_pkg)) }) test_that("clear error for bad hierarchy - h3", { temp_pkg <- list( src_path = withr::local_tempdir(pattern = "pkgdown-news"), bs_version = 5 ) write_lines( c( "### testpackage", "", "* bullet (#222 @someone)", "", "### testpackage 1.0.0", "", "#### sub-heading", "", "* first thing (#111 @githubuser)", "", "* second thing", "" ), file.path(temp_pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md") ) expect_snapshot_error(data_news(temp_pkg)) }) test_that("news can contain footnotes", { pkg <- local_pkgdown_site() write_lines(path = file.path(pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md"), c( "## testpackage", "", "* bullet", "", "* inline footnote^[used to fail] ", "" )) expect_snapshot(x <- data_news(pkg)) }) test_that("data_news warns if no headings found", { skip_if_no_pandoc() lines <- c( "# mypackage", "", "## mypackage foo", "", "## mypackage bar", "" ) pkg <- local_pkgdown_site(meta = " template: bootstrap: 5 ") write_lines(lines, file.path(pkg$src_path, "NEWS.md")) expect_snapshot(. <- data_news(pkg)) })