test_that("package_name_rx", { good <- c("A1", "a1", "Z1", "z1", "foo.bar", "foo.bar.baz", "a1.b2") for (t in good) expect_true(is_valid_package_name(t), info = t) bad <- list( c("pkg", "forbidden"), c("pak\u00e1ge", "ASCII"), c("good-package", "letters, numbers and dot"), c("x", "two characters"), c("1stpackage", "must start with a letter"), c("dots.", "must not end with a dot") ) for (t in bad) { ans <- is_valid_package_name(t[1]) expect_false(ans, info = t[1]) expect_match(attr(ans, "reason"), t[2], info = t[1]) } }) test_that("parse_pkg_refs, standard", { cases <- list( list("pkg", list(package = "pkg", atleast = "", version = "")), list("pkg@0.1-2", list(package = "pkg", atleast = "==", version = "0.1-2")), list("pkg@>=2.9", list(package = "pkg", atleast = ">=", version = "2.9")), list("pkg@last", list(package = "pkg", atleast = "==", version = "last")), list("standard::pkg", list(package = "pkg", atleast = "", version = "")), list("standard::pkg@0.1-2", list(package = "pkg", atleast = "==", version = "0.1-2")) ) expect_equal( get_remote_types(vcapply(cases, "[[", 1)), rep("standard", length(cases)) ) for (case in cases) { expect_equal_named_lists( p <- parse_pkg_refs(case[[1]])[[1]], c(case[[2]], list(ref = case[[1]], type = "standard", params = character())) ) expect_s3_class(p, c("remote_ref_cran", "remote_ref")) } }) test_that("parse_pkg_refs, cran", { cases <- list( list("cran::pkg", list(package = "pkg", atleast = "", version = "")), list("cran::pkg@0.1-2", list(package = "pkg", atleast = "==", version = "0.1-2")) ) expect_equal( get_remote_types(vcapply(cases, "[[", 1)), rep("cran", length(cases)) ) for (case in cases) { expect_equal_named_lists( p <- parse_pkg_refs(case[[1]])[[1]], c(case[[2]], list(ref = case[[1]], type = "cran", params = character())) ) expect_s3_class(p, c("remote_ref_cran", "remote_ref")) } }) test_that("github regexes", { username <- list( list("foobar", "foobar"), list("", NA_character_), list("-bad", NA_character_), list("123456789012345678901234567890123456789", "123456789012345678901234567890123456789"), list("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", NA_character_) ) for (c in username) { rx <- paste0("^", github_username_rx(), "$") expect_equal( re_match(c[[1]], rx)$username, c[[2]] ) } commitish <- list( list("", NA_character_), list("x", NA_character_), list("foobar", NA_character_), list("@foobar", "foobar"), list("@*foobar", NA_character_) ) for (c in commitish) { expect_equal( re_match(c[[1]], github_commitish_rx())$commitish, c[[2]] ) } pull <- list( list("", NA_character_), list("x", NA_character_), list("@foobar", NA_character_), list("#", NA_character_), list("#123", "123"), list("#1", "1"), list("#foobar", NA_character_), list("#1foo", "1") ) for (c in pull) { expect_equal( re_match(c[[1]], github_pull_rx())$pull, c[[2]] ) } release <- list( list("", NA_character_), list("x", NA_character_), list("@foobar", NA_character_), list("@*foobar", NA_character_), list("@*release", "*release") ) for (c in release) { expect_equal( re_match(c[[1]], github_release_rx())$release, c[[2]] ) } detail <- list( list("@foobar", c("foobar", "", "")), list("#123", c("", "123", "")), list("@*release", c("", "", "*release")), list("foobar", c("", "", "")) ) for (c in detail) { expect_equal( unlist(re_match( c[[1]], github_detail_rx())[, c("commitish", "pull", "release")]), structure(c[[2]], names = c("commitish", "pull", "release")) ) } }) test_that("parse_pkg_refs error on unknown type", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, parse_pkg_refs(c("notgood::pkg", "good", "my_package")) ) }) test_that("custom remote types", { xspecs <- NULL xargs <- NULL parse_remote_foo <- function(specs, ...) { xspecs <<- specs xargs <<- list(...) list(list()) } res <- withr::with_options( list(pkg.remote_types = list(foo = list(parse = parse_remote_foo))), parse_pkg_refs("foo::arbitrary_string/xxx", ex1 = "1", ex2 = "2") ) expect_identical( res, list(structure(list(type = "foo", params = character()), class = c("remote_ref_foo", "remote_ref", "list"))) ) expect_identical(xspecs, "foo::arbitrary_string/xxx") expect_identical(xargs, list(ex1 = "1", ex2 = "2")) res2 <- parse_pkg_refs( "foo::arbitrary_string/xxx", ex1 = "1", ex2 = "2", remote_types = list(foo = list(parse = parse_remote_foo))) expect_identical(res, res2) }) test_that("type_default_parse", { res <- type_default_parse(c("foo::bar", "package=foo2::bar2")) expect_identical(res, list( list(package = "", type = "foo", rest = "bar", ref = "foo::bar"), list(package = "package", type = "foo2", rest = "bar2", ref = "package=foo2::bar2") ) ) }) test_that("default parse function", { res <- withr::with_options( list(pkg.remote_types = list(foo = list(), foo2 = list())), parse_pkg_refs(c("foo::bar", "package=foo2::bar2")) ) expect_identical(res, list( structure(list(package = "", type = "foo", rest = "bar", ref = "foo::bar", params = character()), class = c("remote_ref_foo", "remote_ref", "list")), structure(list(package = "package", type = "foo2", rest = "bar2", ref = "package=foo2::bar2", params = character()), class = c("remote_ref_foo2", "remote_ref", "list")) ) ) res2 <- parse_pkg_refs( c("foo::bar", "package=foo2::bar2"), remote_types = list(foo = list(), foo2 = list())) expect_identical(res, res2) }) test_that("parse_pkg_refs, local", { cases <- list( list("local::path", "path"), list("local::/path", "/path"), list("local::~/path", "~/path"), list("local::./path", "./path"), list("local::\\path", "\\path"), list("/path", "/path"), list("~/path", "~/path"), list("./path", "./path"), list(".\\path", ".\\path"), list("\\path", "\\path"), list(".", ".") ) for (c in cases) { expect_equal( parse_pkg_ref(c[[1]]), structure( list(package = NA_character_, path = c[[2]], ref = paste0("local::", c[[2]]), type = "local", params = character()), class = c("remote_ref_local", "remote_ref", "list") ) ) } }) test_that("parse_query", { empty <- c(a = "1")[-1] cases <- list( list("", empty), list("?", empty), list("?foo", c(foo = "")), list("?foo=1", c(foo = "1")), list("?foo&bar", c(foo = "", bar = "")), list("?foo=1&bar=2&foo", c(foo = "1", bar = "2", foo = "")), list("?foo=1%202&bar=x", c(foo = "1 2", bar = "x")) ) for (c in cases) { suppressMessages(expect_equal(parse_query(c[[1]]), c[[2]])) } }) test_that("parameters", { cases <- list( list("foo", "?bar", c(bar = "")), list("foo", "?bar=1&foo&bar=11", c(bar = "1", foo = "", bar = "11")), list("user/repo", "?source", c(source = "")) ) for (c in cases) { wo <- parse_pkg_ref(c[[1]]) suppressMessages(wi <- parse_pkg_ref(paste0(c[[1]], c[[2]]))) wo$params <- c[[3]] expect_equal(wi, wo) } }) test_that("explicit package names", { expect_snapshot({ parse_pkg_ref("package=user/notpackage") parse_pkg_ref("package=user/notpackage@tag") parse_pkg_ref("package=github::user/notpackage@tag") parse_pkg_ref("package=local::/abs/path") parse_pkg_ref("package=local::rel/path") parse_pkg_ref("package=local::~/home/path") parse_pkg_ref("package=/abs/path") parse_pkg_ref("package=./rel/path") parse_pkg_ref("package=~/home/path") parse_pkg_ref("package=url::https://example.com/p1.tar.gz") }) }) test_that("gitlab", { expect_snapshot({ parse_pkg_ref("gitlab::user/repo") parse_pkg_ref("gitlab::user/repo@ref") parse_pkg_ref("gitlab::user/repo/sub/dir") parse_pkg_ref("gitlab::user/repo/sub/dir@ref") parse_pkg_ref("pkg=gitlab::user/repo") parse_pkg_ref("pkg=gitlab::user/repo@ref") parse_pkg_ref("pkg=gitlab::user/repo/sub/dir") parse_pkg_ref("pkg=gitlab::user/repo/sub/dir@ref") }) })