describe("verify_extracted_package", { skip_on_cran() tmp <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) run <- function(pkgfile) { unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE) mkdirp(tmp) utils::untar(pkgfile, exdir = tmp) verify_extracted_package(pkgfile, tmp) } it("errors if archive doesn't contain a DESCRIPTION file", { f1 <- local_binary_package("test1") expect_error(run(f1), "'.*test1[.]tgz' is not a valid R package, it is an empty archive", class = "install_input_error") }) it("errors if archive DESCRIPTION is not in the root directory", { f2 <- local_binary_package("test2", "foo/DESCRIPTION" = character()) expect_error(run(f2), "'.*test2[.]tgz' is not a valid binary, it does not contain 'test2/Meta/package.rds' and 'test2/DESCRIPTION'.", class = "install_input_error") }) it("can handle multiple DESCRIPTION files", { f3 <- local_binary_package("test3", "DESCRIPTION" = c("Package: test3", "Built: 2017-01-01"), "tests/testthat/DESCRIPTION" = character(), "Meta/package.rds" = character()) expect_s3_class(run(f3)$desc, "description") f4 <- local_binary_package("test4", "pkgdir/DESCRIPTION" = c("Package: test4", "Built: 2017-01-01"), "Meta/package.rds" = character()) expect_error(run(f4), "'.*test4[.]tgz' is not a valid binary, it does not contain 'test4/DESCRIPTION'.", class = "install_input_error") }) it("fails if the binary does not contain package.rds", { f5 <- local_binary_package("test5", "DESCRIPTION" = character()) expect_error(run(f5), "'.*test5[.]tgz' is not a valid binary, it does not contain 'test5/Meta/package[.]rds'", class = "install_input_error") }) it("fails if the DESCRIPTION file is empty", { f6 <- local_binary_package("test6", "DESCRIPTION" = character(), "Meta/package.rds" = character()) expect_error(run(f6), "'.*test6[.]tgz' is not a valid binary, 'test6/DESCRIPTION' is empty", class = "install_input_error") }) it("fails if the DESCRIPTION file has no 'Built' entry", { f7 <- local_binary_package("test7", "DESCRIPTION" = c("Package: test7"), "Meta/package.rds" = character()) expect_error(run(f7), "'.*test7[.]tgz' is not a valid binary, no 'Built' entry in 'test7/DESCRIPTION'", class = "install_input_error") }) }) test_that("verify_extrancted_package errors", { pkg_dir <- file.path("fixtures", "packages") expect_error( verify_extracted_package("bad1", file.path(pkg_dir, "bad1")), "single directory", class = "install_input_error") expect_error( verify_extracted_package("bad2", file.path(pkg_dir, "bad2")), "invalid", class = "install_input_error") expect_error( verify_extracted_package("bad3", file.path(pkg_dir, "bad3")), "Package", class = "install_input_error") expect_error( verify_extracted_package("bad4", file.path(pkg_dir, "bad4")), "package name mismatch", class = "install_input_error") })