# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dummy CRAN app cran_app <- function(...) { asNamespace("pkgcache")$cran_app(...) } bioc_app <- function(...) { asNamespace("pkgcache")$bioc_app(...) } dcf <- function(...) { asNamespace("pkgcache")$dcf(...) } fix_port <- function(...) { asNamespace("pkgcache")$fix_port(...) } cran_app_pkgs <- dcf(" Package: pkg1 Version: 1.0.0 Package: pkg1 Version: 0.9.0 Package: pkg1 Version: 0.8.0 Package: pkg2 Version: 1.0.0 Depends: pkg1 Package: pkg3 Version: 1.0.0 Depends: pkg2 Package: pkg3 Version: 0.9.9 Package: crayon Version: 1.0.0 Package: needspak Imports: pak Package: pak Package: futurama Depends: R (>= 3000.0) Package: needsfuturama Imports: futurama Package: dplyr Imports: tibble Suggests: testthat Package: tibble Package: testthat Package: curl SystemRequirements: libcurl: libcurl-devel (rpm) or libcurl4-openssl-dev (deb). ") fake_cran <- webfakes::local_app_process( cran_app(cran_app_pkgs), opts = webfakes::server_opts(num_threads = 3) ) bioc_app_pkgs <- dcf(" Package: Biobase Version: 1.2.3 Depends: R (>= 2.10), BiocGenerics(>= 0.27.1), utils Imports: methods Suggests: tools, tkWidgets, ALL, RUnit, golubEsets ") fake_bioc <- webfakes::local_app_process( bioc_app(bioc_app_pkgs), opts = webfakes::server_opts(num_threads = 3) ) setup_fake_apps <- function( cran_app = NULL, bioc_app = NULL, cran_repo = NULL, bioc_repo = NULL, cran_options = NULL, bioc_options = NULL, .local_envir = parent.frame()) { cran_app <- if (!is.null(cran_app)) { cran_app } else if (!is.null(cran_repo)) { app <- webfakes::local_app_process( cran_app(cran_repo, options = as.list(cran_options)), opts = webfakes::server_opts(num_threads = 3), .local_envir = .local_envir ) assign(".cran_app", app, envir = .local_envir) app } else { fake_cran } bioc_app <- if (!is.null(bioc_app)) { bioc_app } else if (!is.null(bioc_repo)) { app <- webfakes::local_app_process( bioc_app(bioc_repo, options = as.list(bioc_options)), opts = webfakes::server_opts(num_threads = 3), .local_envir = .local_envir ) assign(".bioc_app", app, envir = .local_envir) app } else { fake_bioc } withr::local_options( repos = c(CRAN = cran_app$url()), pkg.cran_metadata_url = cran_app$url(), .local_envir = .local_envir ) withr::local_envvar( R_PKG_CRAN_METADATA_URL = cran_app$url(), R_BIOC_CONFIG_URL = paste0(bioc_app$url(), "/config.yaml"), R_BIOC_VERSION = NA_character_, R_BIOC_MIRROR = bioc_app$url(), .local_envir = .local_envir ) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GH app gh_app_desc <- function(pkg) { sprintf("Package: %s\nVersion: 1.0.0\n", pkg) } random_sha <- function() { paste( sample(c(0:9, letters[1:6]), 64, replace = TRUE), collapse = "" ) } gh_app_repos <- list( users = list( "r-lib" = list( repos = list( pak = list( commits = list( list( sha = "111ef906acb58fe406370f7bc0a72cac55dbbb231ea687494c25742ca521255a", branch = "main", tag = "HEAD", files = list("DESCRIPTION" = gh_app_desc("pak"), NAMESPACE = "") ), list( sha = "a503fe843f11c279864f29d58137f8de319d115b239ce48ccc15406306019480", branch = "main", tag = "v0.1.2", files = list("DESCRIPTION" = gh_app_desc("pak"), NAMESPACE = "") ), list( sha = "e65de1e9630dbfcaf1044718b742bf806486b107239ce48ccc15406306019480", branch = "main", files = list("DESCRIPTION" = gh_app_desc("pak"), NAMESPACE = "") ), list( sha = "b001d6ddeab1589ad367b62baabbeeb2af3b0ebac2e61d239df660c1d63e3232", branch = "somebranch", pull = 90, files = list("DESCRIPTION" = gh_app_desc("pak"), NAMESPACE = "") ), list( sha = "b001d6ddeab1589ad367b62baabbeeb2af3b0ebac2e61d239df660c1d63e3232", latestRelease = TRUE, tagName = "v1.2.3", files = list("DESCRIPTION" = gh_app_desc("pak"), NAMESPACE = "") ) ) ), bad = list( commits = list( list( sha = "546d9eab84b002c35302dda3822560950c7528cfc9ef1b916cecd9dbef3cf6b6", tag = "HEAD", branch = "main", files = list( DESCRIPTION = "this is not\na good file\n", "bin/DESCRIPTION" = charToRaw("\xf0\xb0\xa0") ) ), list( sha = "546d9eab84b002c35302dda3822560950c7528cfc9ef1b916cecd9dbef3cf6b6", pull = 100, branch = "other", files = list(DESCRIPTION = "this is not\na good file\n") ) ) ), crayon = list( commits = list( list( sha = "bdd9a1bcf062396790c341cf1dba563eb0277f2ca0a6d524bc3da98a9a6f2975", tag = "HEAD", branch = "main", files = list(DESCRIPTION = gh_app_desc("crayon"), NAMESPACE = "") ), list( sha = "b5221ab024605019800ddea474f7a0981a4d53f719f5af2b1af627b34e0760b2", branch = "b5221ab024605019800ddea474f7a0981a4d53f719f5af2b1af627b34e0760b2", files = list(DESCRIPTION = gh_app_desc("crayon"), NAMESPACE = "") ), list( sha = "9d93692f8f7c1d6b2308d0c4aa83cdc2d99ec1fd0097cede1d9aa1301247cb01", branch = "pr61", pull = 79, files = list(DESCRIPTION = gh_app_desc("crayon"), NAMESPACE = "") ) ) ), pkgconfig = list( commits = list( list( sha = "c9be9cde5e91ad771d1b5150781e6e8d32a7be0e9ab227bdf45cb41ad513004c", branch = "pr7", pull = 7, files = list(DESCRIPTION = gh_app_desc("pkgconfig"), NAMESPACE = "") ) ) ) ) ), "wesm" = list( repos = list( "feather" = list( commits = list( list( sha = "ec40c1eae1ac83b86fc41bb2f5cd916152d19015649c3d209f2c08115dd993b1", tag = "HEAD", branch = "main", files = list("R/DESCRIPTION" = gh_app_desc("feather"), NAMESPACE = "") ) ) ) ) ), "gaborcsardi" = list( repos = list( "secret-test" = list( commits = list( list( sha = "599cc5d745d2079eddf1ff582b83d381e885cd30f33bafebbe83e73d010cfa93", tag = "HEAD", branch = "main", token = "b9984750bea6a170081ca98255c3b43fe5fb0978", files = list("DESCRIPTION" = gh_app_desc("secret"), NAMESPACE = "") ) ) ), "secret" = list( commits = list( list( sha = "7f9fb08e26015e05529cd4d7fc2a7edbd88c783d456ff83a96dcc58ace1d3ea5", tag = "HEAD", branch = "x", files = list("DESCRIPTION" = gh_app_desc("secret"), NAMESPACE = "") ) ) ) ) ), "tidyverse" = list( repos = list( "tidyverse.org" = list( commits = list( list( sha = "d998eab68c66d862c31a6091f9e71200b13bb44ea754e3371d098dcaa20e51a4", tag = "HEAD", branch = "main", files = list("foo" = "bar") ) ) ) ) ), "cran" = list( repos = list( "rJava" = list( commits = list( list( sha = "dfb3b64b13343e07b2db038777d9dc2aba5d824c5eca8c891c87bd4fd38d7256", tag = "HEAD", branch = "master", files = list( DESCRIPTION = "Package: rJava\nVersion: 1.0-6\nSystemRequirements: Java JDK 1.2 or higher (for JRI/REngine JDK 1.4 or higher), GNU make\n", NAMESPACE = "" ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) fake_gh <- webfakes::local_app_process( gh_app(gh_app_repos), opts = webfakes::server_opts(num_threads = 3) ) setup_fake_gh_app <- function(.local_envir = parent.frame()) { withr::local_envvar( .local_envir = .local_envir, R_PKG_GITHUB_API_URL = fake_gh$url() ) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name check app new_check_app <- function() { `%||%` <- function(l, r) if (is.null(l)) r else l app <- webfakes::new_app() app$use(webfakes::mw_json()) app$use(webfakes::mw_urlencoded()) app$get("/crandb", function(req, res) { pkg <- sub("\"$", "", sub("^\"", "", req$query$key)) if (pkg == "dbi") { res$send_json(list( total_rows = 20000, offset = 14000, rows = list(list(id = "DBI", key = "dbi", value = "DBI")) ), auto_unbox = TRUE) } else { res$send_json(list( total_rows = 20000, offset = 14000, rows = list() )) } }) app$post("/wikipedia", function(req, res) { titles <- strsplit(req$form$titles, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] Titles <- tools::toTitleCase(titles) ret <- list(query = list( normalized = list(list(from = titles, to = Titles)), pages = list(`11178` = list( pageid = 11178, title = Titles, extract = "The terms foobar (), foo, bar, and others are used ..." )) )) res$send_json(ret, auto_unbox = TRUE) }) app$all(c("/echo", "/echo/define"), function(req, res) { out <- list( method = req$method, query = req$query_string, type = req$get_header("Content-Type") %||% NA_character_, body = rawToChar(req$.body %||% raw()) ) res$send_json(out, auto_unbox = TRUE) }) app$get("/sentiment", function(req, res) { txt <- "abuse\t-3\nirony\t-1\nxo\t3\nxoxoxo\t4\n" res$send(txt) }) app$get("/bioc/a", function(req, res) { res$send(paste0(collapse = "", c( "hello nobody, this is httpd@ip-172-30-0-33 running gitolite3 v3.6.6-6-g7c8f0ab on git 2.28.0", "", " R \tpackages/a4", " R \tpackages/a4Base", " R \tpackages/a4Classif", " R \tpackages/a4Core", " R \tpackages/a4Preproc", " R \tpackages/a4Reporting", " R \tpackages/aCGH", " R \tpackages/abseqR", " R \tpackages/ag.db" ), "\n")) }) app$get("/bioc/A", function(req, res) { res$send(paste0(collapse = "", c( "hello nobody, this is httpd@ip-172-30-0-33 running gitolite3 v3.6.6-6-g7c8f0ab on git 2.28.0", "", " R \tpackages/ABAData", " R \tpackages/ABAEnrichment", " R \tpackages/ABSSeq", " R \tpackages/AGDEX", " R \tpackages/AHPathbankDbs", " R \tpackages/AIMS", " R \tpackages/ALDEx2", " R \tpackages/ALL", " R \tpackages/ALLMLL", " R \tpackages/ALPS", " R \tpackages/AMARETTO" ), "\n")) }) app$get("/biocann/src/contrib/PACKAGES.gz", function(req, res) { tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".gz") on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE) l <- c( "Package: adme16cod.db", "Version: 3.4.0", "Depends: R (>= 2.7.0), methods, AnnotationDbi (>= 1.31.18),", " org.Rn.eg.db (>= 3.2.1)", "Imports: methods, AnnotationDbi", "Suggests: annotate, RUnit", "License: Artistic-2.0", "MD5sum: 3902516a40a503302ef732143b2394b9", "NeedsCompilation: no", "", "Package: ag.db", "Version: 3.2.3", "Depends: R (>= 2.7.0), methods, AnnotationDbi (>= 1.34.3),", " org.At.tair.db (>= 3.3.0)", "Imports: methods, AnnotationDbi", "Suggests: DBI, annotate, RUnit", "License: Artistic-2.0", "MD5sum: e5913da38fe4487202306cacd885840d", "NeedsCompilation: no", "", "Package: agcdf", "Version: 2.18.0", "Depends: utils", "Imports: AnnotationDbi", "License: LGPL", "MD5sum: 5dd14bc6a6d2729f5e7b170105c78e48", "NeedsCompilation: no" ) writeLines(l, con <- gzfile(tmp, open = "wb")) close(con) # We don't use send_file, because of a webfakes bug on Windows # with absolute paths. Webfakes prepends '/' to 'c:/...'. blob <- readBin(tmp, what = "raw", n = 10000) res$ set_type("application/gzip")$ send(blob) }) app } new_sysreqs_app <- function() { app <- webfakes::new_app() app$use(webfakes::mw_json()) app$use(webfakes::mw_urlencoded()) db <- list( ubuntu = list( "22.04" = list( "java" = list( install_scripts = list("apt-get install -y default-jdk"), post_install = list(list(command = "R CMD javareconf")) ), "openssl" = list( install_scripts = list("apt-get install -y libssl-dev") ), "libcurl" = list( install_scripts = list("apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev") ) ), "16.04" = list( "\\bgeos\\b" = list( pre_install = list( list(command = "apt-get install -y software-properties-common"), list(command = "add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntugis/ppa"), list(command = "apt-get update") ), install_scripts = list("apt-get install -y libgeos-dev") ) ) ) ) app$post("/__api__/repos/:id/sysreqs", function(req, res) { dist <- req$query$distribution rele <- req$query$release dsc <- desc::desc(text = rawToChar(req$.body)) pkgsrq <- trimws(dsc$get("SystemRequirements")) if (is.na(pkgsrq)) pkgsrq <- "" if (dist == "ubuntu" && rele %in% c("16.04", "18.04", "20.04", "22.04")) { mydb <- db[[dist]][[rele]] srq <- lapply(names(mydb), function(nm) { if (grepl(nm, pkgsrq)) mydb[[nm]] else NULL }) bf <- unlist(lapply(srq, "[[", "pre_install"), recursive = FALSE) is <- unlist(lapply(srq, "[[", "install_scripts")) af <- unlist(lapply(srq, "[[", "post_install"), recursive = FALSE) res$send_json(list( name = jsonlite::unbox("pkgdependssysreqs"), pre_install = bf, install_scripts = is, post_install = af )) } else { res$set_status(400) res$send_json(list( code = jsonlite::unbox(14), error = jsonlite::unbox("Unsupported system"), payload = jsonlite::unbox(NA) )) } }) app } fake_sysreqs <- webfakes::local_app_process(new_sysreqs_app()) setup_fake_sysreqs_app <- function(.local_envir = parent.frame()) { withr::local_envvar( .local_envir = .local_envir, RSPM_ROOT = sub("/$", "", fake_sysreqs$url()) ) } transform_sysreqs_server <- function(x) { x <- gsub("https://packagemanager.posit.co", "", x, fixed = TRUE) x <- gsub("[0-9]+", "", x) x <- gsub("http://localhost:[0-9]+", "", x) x } show_request <- function(req) { x <- fromJSON(rawToChar(req$content)) cat(toupper(x$method), " ", x$type, sep = "", "\n") cat("Query string: ", x$query, sep = "", "\n") cat("Body: ", x$body, sep = "", "\n") } check_app <- webfakes::new_app_process( new_check_app(), opts = webfakes::server_opts(num_threads = 4) ) transform_no_srcref <- function(x) { x <- sub("[ ]*at [-a-zA-Z0-9]+[.]R:[0-9]+:[0-9]+", "", x) x <- sub("[ ]*at line [0-9]+", "", x) x <- sub("\033[90m\033[39m", "", x, fixed = TRUE) x <- sub("Caused by error: ", "Caused by error:", x, fixed = TRUE) if (x[length(x)] == "") x <- x[-length(x)] x } transform_local_port <- function(x) { gsub("127\\.0\\.0\\.1:[0-9]+", "", x) } transform_bioc_version <- function(x) { sub("3[.][0-9]+/bioc", "/bioc", x) } transform_bytes <- function(x) { sub("[(][0-9]+ B[)]", "()", x) } transform_ext <- function(x) { x <- sub("[.](zip|tgz)", ".zip/.tgz/.tar.gz", x) x <- sub("_R_[-_a-z0-9A-Z]+[.]tar[.]gz", ".zip/.tgz/.tar.gz", x) x } transform_sha <- function(x) { gsub("[a-fA-F0-9]{64}", "", x) } transform_hash <- function(x) { x <- gsub("[a-f0-9]{32}", "", x) x <- gsub("[a-f0-9]{10}", "", x) x } transform_etag <- function(x) { sub("RemoteEtag: \"[a-z0-9]+\"", "RemoteEtag: \"\"", x) } transform_tempdir <- function(x) { x <- sub(tempdir(), "", x) x <- sub(normalizePath(tempdir()), "", x) x <- sub(normalizePath(tempdir(), winslash = "/"), "", x) x <- sub("[\\\\/]file[a-zA-Z0-9]+", "/", x) x <- sub("[A-Z]:.*Rtmp[a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "/", x) x } transform_show_cursor <- function(x) { gsub("\033[?25h", "", x, fixed = TRUE) } transform_no_links <- function(x) { cli::ansi_strip(x, sgr = FALSE, csi = FALSE, link = TRUE) } transform_installed_in_temp <- function(x) { m <- regexpr("installed::.*$", x) regmatches(x, m) <- paste0("installed::.../", long_basename(regmatches(x, m))) x } fake_git <- local({ dir.create(tmp <- tempfile()) untar(testthat::test_path("fixtures/git-repo.tar.gz"), exdir = tmp) app <- git_app(file.path(tmp, "repo")) webfakes::local_app_process(app) })