test_that("can package a tree", { skip_on_cran() local_cli_config() tmp <- withr::local_tempdir() file.copy(test_path("fixtures", "foo"), tmp, recursive = TRUE) dir.create(lib <- tempfile()) on.exit(unlink(lib, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) plan <- data_frame( ref = paste0("local::./foo"), type = "local", direct = TRUE, status = "OK", package = "foo", version = "", binary = FALSE, packaged = FALSE, dependencies = list(character()), file = tmp, needscompilation = FALSE, install_args = "" ) expect_snapshot(install_package_plan(plan, lib = lib)) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo", "DESCRIPTION"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo", "NAMESPACE"))) }) test_that("can package a compressed tree", { skip_on_cran() local_cli_config() tmp <- withr::local_tempdir() pkgzip <- file.path(tmp, "foo-t.zip") zip::zipr(pkgzip, test_path("fixtures", "foo")) dir.create(lib <- tempfile()) on.exit(unlink(lib, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) plan <- data.frame( stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ref = paste0("local::./foo"), type = "local", direct = TRUE, status = "OK", package = "foo", version = "", binary = FALSE, packaged = FALSE, dependencies = I(list(character())), file = pkgzip, vignettes = FALSE, needscompilation = FALSE, metadata = I(list(character())) ) expect_snapshot(install_package_plan(plan, lib = lib)) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo", "DESCRIPTION"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo", "NAMESPACE"))) }) test_that("can package a source package", { skip_on_cran() local_cli_config() tmp <- withr::local_tempdir() pkg <- source_test_package("foo") dir.create(lib <- tempfile()) on.exit(unlink(lib, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) plan <- data.frame( stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ref = paste0("local::./foo"), type = "local", direct = TRUE, status = "OK", package = "foo", version = "", binary = FALSE, dependencies = I(list(character())), file = pkg, vignettes = FALSE, needscompilation = FALSE, metadata = I(list(character())) ) expect_snapshot(install_package_plan(plan, lib = lib)) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo", "DESCRIPTION"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo", "NAMESPACE"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "foo", "installed-file"))) }) test_that("add_recursive_dependencies", { plan <- data_frame( package = c("p1", "p2", "p3"), type = "cran", binary = TRUE, dependencies = list("p2", "p3", character()), file = NA_character_, needscompilation = FALSE ) expect_equal(add_recursive_dependencies(plan), plan) plan$binary <- FALSE expect_equal(add_recursive_dependencies(plan), plan) plan$binary <- c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) expect_snapshot(add_recursive_dependencies(plan)) expect_snapshot(add_recursive_dependencies(plan)$dependencies) }) test_that("install package from GH", { setup_fake_apps() setup_fake_gh_app() pkgcache::pkg_cache_delete_files() lib <- withr::local_tempdir() config <- list(library = lib) pkg <- new_pkg_installation_proposal("r-lib/crayon", config = config) suppressMessages(pkg$solve()) suppressMessages(pkg$download()) suppressMessages(pkg$install()) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "crayon"))) # check cache state, must have a tree, a source and a binary package check_cache <- function() { cache <- pkgcache::pkg_cache_list() expect_equal(nrow(cache), 3L) expect_true(any(cache$package == "crayon" & !cache$built)) expect_true(any( cache$package == "crayon" & cache$built & cache$platform == "source" )) expect_true(any( cache$package == "crayon" & cache$built & cache$platform != "source" )) } check_cache() # install from cache, binary is selected remove.packages("crayon", lib = lib) pkg <- new_pkg_installation_proposal("r-lib/crayon", config = config) suppressMessages(pkg$solve()) suppressMessages(pkg$download()) expect_equal( pkg$get_downloads()$download_status, paste("Had", current_r_platform()) ) suppressMessages(pkg$install()) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "crayon"))) # cache is updated with the binary check_cache() # install from cache, no binary, source package is selected remove.packages("crayon", lib = lib) pkgcache::pkg_cache_delete_files( built = TRUE, platform = current_r_platform() ) pkg <- new_pkg_installation_proposal("r-lib/crayon", config = config) suppressMessages(pkg$solve()) suppressMessages(pkg$download()) expect_equal(pkg$get_downloads()$download_status, "Had") suppressMessages(pkg$install()) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "crayon"))) # install from cache, no binary, no source, tree is selected remove.packages("crayon", lib = lib) pkgcache::pkg_cache_delete_files(built = TRUE) pkg <- new_pkg_installation_proposal("r-lib/crayon", config = config) suppressMessages(pkg$solve()) suppressMessages(pkg$download()) expect_equal(pkg$get_downloads()$download_status, "Had") suppressMessages(pkg$install()) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "crayon"))) # cache is updated with the source and binary check_cache() }) test_that("install package from GH, in subdir", { setup_fake_apps() setup_fake_gh_app() pkgcache::pkg_cache_delete_files() lib <- withr::local_tempdir() config <- list(library = lib) pkg <- new_pkg_installation_proposal("wesm/feather/R", config = config) suppressMessages(pkg$solve()) suppressMessages(pkg$download()) suppressMessages(pkg$install()) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "feather"))) # check cache state, must have a tree, a source and a binary package check_cache <- function() { cache <- pkgcache::pkg_cache_list() expect_equal(nrow(cache), 3L) expect_true(any(cache$package == "feather" & !cache$built)) expect_true(any( cache$package == "feather" & cache$built & cache$platform == "source" )) expect_true(any( cache$package == "feather" & cache$built & cache$platform != "source" )) } check_cache() # install from cache, binary is selected remove.packages("feather", lib = lib) pkg <- new_pkg_installation_proposal("wesm/feather/R", config = config) suppressMessages(pkg$solve()) suppressMessages(pkg$download()) expect_equal( pkg$get_downloads()$download_status, paste("Had", current_r_platform()) ) suppressMessages(pkg$install()) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "feather"))) # cache is updated with the binary check_cache() # install from cache, no binary, source package is selected remove.packages("feather", lib = lib) pkgcache::pkg_cache_delete_files( built = TRUE, platform = current_r_platform() ) pkg <- new_pkg_installation_proposal("wesm/feather/R", config = config) suppressMessages(pkg$solve()) suppressMessages(pkg$download()) expect_equal(pkg$get_downloads()$download_status, "Had") suppressMessages(pkg$install()) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "feather"))) # install from cache, no binary, no source, tree is selected remove.packages("feather", lib = lib) pkgcache::pkg_cache_delete_files(built = TRUE) pkg <- new_pkg_installation_proposal("wesm/feather/R", config = config) suppressMessages(pkg$solve()) suppressMessages(pkg$download()) expect_equal(pkg$get_downloads()$download_status, "Had") suppressMessages(pkg$install()) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(lib, "feather"))) # cache is updated with the source and binary check_cache() })