fixture <- local({ get_test_data <- function(expr) { code <- enc2utf8(paste0(deparse(expr, backtick = TRUE), collapse = "\n")) hash <- cli::hash_md5(code) snap <- getOption("testthat.snapshotter") list( root = testthat::test_path(), expr = expr, code = code, hash = hash, file = snap$file, test = snap$test, seen = snap$test_file_seen ) } mkdirp <- function(dir) { s <- vlapply(dir, dir.create, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE) invisible(s) } find_test_file <- function(ctx, root) { ptn <- paste0("^test[-_]", ctx, "[.][Rr]") file <- grep(ptn, dir(root), value = TRUE)[1] as.character(file) } context_name <- function(filename) { # Remove test- prefix filename <- sub("^test[-_]", "", filename) # Remove terminal extension filename <- sub("[.][Rr]$", "", filename) filename } rstudio_tickle <- function() { if (!requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly = TRUE)) { return() } if (!asNamespace("rstudioapi")$hasFun("executeCommand")) { return() } asNamespace("rstudioapi")$executeCommand("vcsRefresh") asNamespace("rstudioapi")$executeCommand("refreshFiles") } read_lines <- function(path, n = -1L, encoding = "UTF-8") { base::readLines(path, n = n, encoding = encoding, warn = FALSE) } write_lines <- function(text, path) { base::writeLines(enc2utf8(text), path, useBytes = TRUE) } fix_to_md <- function(data) { h2 <- paste0("# ", names(data), "\n\n") code_block <- function(x) paste0(indent_add(x), collapse = "\n\n---\n\n") data <- vapply(data, code_block, character(1)) paste0(h2, data, "\n\n", collapse = "") } indent_add <- function(x, prefix = " ") { paste0(prefix, gsub("\n", paste0("\n", prefix), x, fixed = TRUE)) } indent_del <- function(x, prefix = " ") { x <- gsub(paste0("^", prefix), "", x) x <- gsub(paste0("\n", prefix), "\n", x) x } compact <- function(x) { x[lengths(x) > 0] } new_fixture_reporter <- function(data) { FixtureReporter <- R6::R6Class( "FixtureReporter", inherit = testthat::Reporter, public = list( fix_dir = "_fixtures", file = NULL, test = NULL, cur_fixs = NULL, files_seen = NULL, hashes_seen = NULL, initialize = function(files_seen = character()) { self$files_seen <- files_seen }, start_file = function(path, test = NULL) { self$files_seen <- c(self$files_seen, path) self$file <- context_name(path) self$cur_fixs <- list() if (!is.null(test)) { self$start_test(NULL, test) } }, start_test = function(context, test) { self$test <- test if (length(self$cur_fixs[[test]]) > 0) { warning("Duplicate test, discarding previous fixtures") } self$cur_fixs[[test]] <- list() }, add_fixture = function(hash, code) { value <- paste(collapse = "\n", c( "Hash", paste0(" ", hash), "Code", paste0(" ", strsplit(code, "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]) )) self$hashes_seen <- c(self$hashes_seen, hash) self$cur_fixs <- self$fix_append(self$cur_fixs, value) }, end_file = function() { dir.create(self$fix_dir, showWarnings = FALSE) self$fixs_write(self$cur_fixs) }, end_reporter = function() { tests <- testthat::find_test_scripts(".", full.names = FALSE) if (all(tests %in% self$files_seen)) { rds <- dir(self$fix_dir, pattern = "[.]rds$") seen <- paste0(self$hashes_seen, ".rds") unused <- setdiff(rds, seen) if (length(unused) > 0) { message("Deleting unused fixtures: ", unused) unlink(file.path(self$fix_dir, unused)) } } if (length(dir(self$fix_dir)) == 0) { unlink(self$fix_dir, recursive = TRUE) } rstudio_tickle() }, fix_append = function(data, fix) { data[[self$test]] <- c(data[[self$test]], list(fix)) data }, # File management ---------------------------------------------------------- fixs_write = function(data, suffix = "") { data <- compact(data) if (length(data) > 0) { out <- fix_to_md(data) # trim off last line since write_lines() adds one out <- gsub("\n$", "", out) write_lines(out, self$fix_path(suffix)) } else { self$fixs_delete(suffix) } }, fixs_delete = function(suffix = "") { unlink(self$fix_path(suffix)) }, fix_path = function(suffix = "") { file.path(self$fix_dir, paste0(self$file, suffix, ".md")) } ) ) fixer <- FixtureReporter$new(data$seen) fixer } setup_reporter <- function(data) { rep <- testthat::get_reporter() if (!isTRUE(rep$capabilities$fixture_setup)) { rep$capabilities$fixture_setup <- TRUE if (class(rep)[1] != "MultiReporter") return() fixer <- new_fixture_reporter(data) file <- find_test_file(data$file, data$root) if ( stop("Cannot determine test file for fixtures") fixer$start_file(file, data$test) rep$reporters <- c(rep$reporters, list(fixer)) } wfix <- sapply(rep$reporters, inherits, "FixtureReporter") if (sum(wfix) != 1) stop("Must be exactly one FixtureReporter") fixer <- rep$reporters[[which(wfix)]] fixer$add_fixture(data$hash, data$code) } get <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame()) { expr <- substitute(expr) data <- get_test_data(expr) if (!is.null(data$file)) setup_reporter(data) fxfile <- paste0(data$hash, ".rds") fxpath <- file.path(data$root, "_fixtures", fxfile) upd <- isTRUE(getOption("fixtures.update")) upd1 <- isTRUE(getOption("fixtures.update1")) if (upd || upd1) { if (upd1) options(fixtures.update1 = NULL) value <- eval(expr, envir = envir) mkdirp(dirname(fxpath)) saveRDS(value, fxpath, version = 2L) value } else { tryCatch( suppressWarnings(readRDS(fxpath)), error = function(err) { stop("Cannot read fixture file `", fxpath, "`") } ) } } update <- function(files = NULL, ...) { opt <- options(fixtures.update = TRUE) on.exit(options(opt), add = TRUE) testthat::test_local(filter = files, ...) } update_next <- function() { options(fixtures.update1 = TRUE) } snap_from_md <- function(lines) { lines <- gsub("\r", "", lines, fixed = TRUE) h2 <- grepl("^# ", lines) tests_group <- cumsum(h2) tests <- split(lines[!h2], tests_group[!h2]) names(tests) <- gsub("^# ", "", lines[h2]) split_tests <- function(lines) { sep <- grepl("^-{3, }", lines) case_group <- cumsum(sep) # Remove first line and last line, separator, line above and line below sep_loc <- which(sep) drop <- c(1, sep_loc, sep_loc + 1, sep_loc - 1, length(lines)) cases <- unname(split(lines[-drop], case_group[-drop])) code_unblock <- function(x) paste0(indent_del(x), collapse = "\n") vapply(cases, code_unblock, character(1)) } lapply(tests, split_tests) } read_hashes <- function(path) { lines <- readLines(path) fixes <- snap_from_md(lines) hashes <- sub("^Hash\n[ ]+([a-f0-9]+)\n.*$", "\\1", unlist(fixes)) unique(sort(unname(hashes))) } read_all_hashes <- function(root, reports) { unique(sort(unlist(lapply(file.path(root, reports), read_hashes)))) } cleanup <- function(force = FALSE) { root <- testthat::test_path() fixroot <- file.path(root, "_fixtures") reports <- dir(fixroot, pattern = "[.]md$") tests <- testthat::find_test_scripts(root, full.names = FALSE) tests_used <- vcapply(sub("[.]md$", "", reports), find_test_file, root) old <- names(tests_used)[which(] old <- setdiff(old, "_other") if (length(old) > 0) { old <- paste0(old, ".md") message("Unused test fixture reports: ", paste(old, collapse = ", ")) reports <- setdiff(reports, old) } allfix <- dir(fixroot, pattern = "[.]rds$") usedfix <- paste0(read_all_hashes(fixroot, reports), ".rds") old2 <- setdiff(allfix, usedfix) if (length(old2) > 0) { message("Unused test fixture files: ", paste(old2, collapse = ", ")) } if (length(old) > 0 || length(old2) > 0) { if (!force) { message("Call with `force = TRUE` to remove these files") } else { message("Removing them.") unlink(file.path(fixroot, old)) unlink(file.path(fixroot, old2)) } } } list( get = get, update = update, update_next = update_next, cleanup = cleanup, .internal = environment() ) })