test_that("repo_status", { setup_fake_apps() withr::local_options( width = 1000 ) configs <- list( list("source", "4.2.1"), list(c("aarch64-apple-darwin20", "source"), "4.2.1"), list(c("aarch64-apple-darwin20", "source"), c("4.1.2", "4.2.1")), list(c("x86_64-apple-darwin17.0", "source"), "4.2.1"), list(c("windows", "source"), "4.2.1"), list(c("windows", "source"), "4.0.5"), list(c("windows", "source"), "3.6.3"), list(c("windows", "source"), "3.5.3") ) for (cf in configs) { expect_snapshot({ print(cf) stat <- repo_status(bioc = FALSE, platforms = cf[[1]], r_version = cf[[2]]) stat$ping[stat$ok] <- 0.1 stat summary(stat) }, transform = fix_port_number) } }) test_that("bioc repo status", { if (getRversion() < "4.2.0") skip("Need R 4.2.x") setup_fake_apps() withr::local_options(width = 1000) expect_snapshot({ stat <- repo_status(bioc = TRUE, platforms = "source", r_version = "4.2") stat$ping[stat$ok] <- 0.1 stat summary(stat) }, transform = fix_port_number) }) test_that("repo with binary packages", { if (getRversion() < "4.2.0" || getRversion() >= "4.3.0") skip("Need R 4.2.x") withr::local_options(width = 1000) platforms <- c("aarch64-apple-darwin20", "source") fake_cran <- webfakes::local_app_process( cran_app(cran_app_pkgs, options = list(platforms = platforms, r_version = "4.2")), opts = webfakes::server_opts(num_threads = 3) ) withr::local_options(repos = c(CRAN = fake_cran$url())) expect_snapshot({ stat <- repo_status(platforms = platforms, r_version = "4.2", bioc = FALSE) stat$ping[stat$ok] <- 0.1 stat summary(stat) }, transform = fix_port_number) }) cli::test_that_cli(config = "fancy", "repo_status unicode output", { setup_fake_apps() withr::local_options( width = 1000 ) expect_snapshot({ stat <- repo_status(bioc = FALSE, platforms = "source") stat$ping[stat$ok] <- 0.1 summary(stat) }, transform = fix_port_number) }) test_that("convert repo_status summary to data frame", { setup_fake_apps() withr::local_options( width = 1000 ) expect_snapshot({ stat <- repo_status(bioc = FALSE, platforms = "source") stat$ping[stat$ok] <- 0.1 summary(stat)[] }, transform = fix_port_number) })