test_that("macos platforms", { skip_on_cran() expect_snapshot({ get_cran_macos_platform("4.2") get_cran_macos_platform("4.3") get_cran_macos_platform("4.4") get_cran_macos_platform("4.5") get_cran_macos_platform("4.6") get_cran_macos_platform("5.0") get_cran_macos_platform("10.0") }) # error if we don't know the platform # we do this so we can detect the failure on the CI and update # the platform v <- paste0(getRversion()[,1:2]) expect_true(v %in% macos_cran_platforms$rversion) # In case CRAN changes the platform for R-devel if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Darwin" && .Platform$pkgType != "source") { plt <- get_cran_macos_platform(v) expect_true(R.Version()$platform %in% plt$platform) expect_true(.Platform$pkgType %in% paste0("mac.binary.", plt$subdir)) } })