test_that("withr_with_makevars", { skip_on_cran() # need to run this without a user Makevars file file.create(tmpmake <- tempfile()) on.exit(unlink(tmpmake), add = TRUE) withr::local_envvar("R_MAKEVARS_USER" = tmpmake, R_MAKEVARS_SITE = tmpmake) split_lines <- function(x) strsplit(x, "\n\r?")[[1]] orig <- split_lines(callr::rcmd("config", "CFLAGS")$stdout) new <- withr_with_makevars( new = c(CFLAGS = "-DFOO"), split_lines(callr::rcmd("config", "CFLAGS")$stdout) ) expect_equal(new, paste(orig, "-DFOO")) # with our own custom Makevars file tmp <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE) writeLines(c( "CFLAGS=-DTHIS", "CXXFLAGS+=-DTHAT" ), tmp) orig <- split_lines(callr::rcmd("config", "CFLAGS")$stdout) new <- withr_with_makevars( new = c(CFLAGS = "-DFOO"), path = tmp, split_lines(callr::rcmd("config", "CFLAGS")$stdout) ) expect_equal(new, "-DTHIS -DFOO") orig <- split_lines(callr::rcmd("config", "CXXFLAGS")$stdout) new <- withr_with_makevars( new = c(CXXFLAGS = "-DFOO"), path = tmp, split_lines(callr::rcmd("config", "CXXFLAGS")$stdout) ) expect_equal(new, paste(orig, "-DTHAT -DFOO")) })