test_that("tbl_format_body() results", { expect_snapshot({ "Various column types" tbl_format_body(tbl_format_setup(df_all, width = 30)) tbl_format_body(tbl_format_setup(df_all, width = 300)) "POSIXct and POSIXlt" df <- new_tbl(list(x = as.POSIXct("2016-01-01 12:34:56 GMT") + 1:12)) df$y <- as.POSIXlt(df$x) tbl_format_body(tbl_format_setup(df, width = 60L)) "Colonnade" ctl_colonnade(list(a = 1:3), has_row_id = FALSE) # For coverage tests ctl_colonnade(list(a = 1:3)) }) }) test_that("body: output for wide characters", { skip_if(!l10n_info()$`UTF-8`) if (getRversion() == "4.0.4") { # This seems to show differently on the Mac: # writeLines(evaluate::evaluate('c("\\u6210", "\\u6210")')[[1]]$src) skip_on_os("mac") } local_utf8() expect_snapshot({ x <- c("\u6210\u4ea4\u65e5\u671f", "\u5408\u540c\u5f55\u5165\u65e5\u671f") df <- new_tbl(setNames(list(1:3, 4:6), x)) print(df, n = 8L, width = 60L) }) })