pias <- with( ms_weights, aggregation_structure(c(expand_classification(classification), list(business)), weight) ) sp <- with(ms_prices, shadow_price(price, period, product, business, pias)) test_that("a length 0 inputs returns a length 0 output", { expect_length(carry_forward(integer(0), factor(integer(0), 1:5), integer(0)), 0) expect_length( shadow_price(integer(0), integer(0), integer(0), integer(0), pias), 0 ) }) test_that("imputing shadow prices does noting", { expect_equal( sp, with(ms_prices, shadow_price(sp, period, product, business, pias)) ) }) test_that("sp imputation is the same are regular parental in periods 1, 2", { epr <- with( ms_prices, elemental_index(price_relative(price, period, product), period, business, na.rm = TRUE) ) epr2 <- with( ms_prices, elemental_index(price_relative(sp, period, product), period, business, na.rm = TRUE) ) # B2 is imputed from above the EA level expect_equal(epr[c(1, 3:4), 1:3], epr2[c(1, 3:4), 1:3]) expect_equal(aggregate(epr, pias, na.rm = TRUE)[, 1:2], aggregate(epr2, pias, na.rm = TRUE)[, 1:2]) }) test_that("imputing with an improper pias does nothing", { # Append a '1' to each business label to make a garbage pias pias2 <- with( ms_weights, aggregation_structure(c(expand_classification(classification), list(paste0(business, 1))), weight) ) expect_equal( ms_prices$price, with(ms_prices, shadow_price(price, period, product, business, pias2)) ) }) test_that("jumbling prices does nothing", { jumble <- c(27, 29, 10, 15, 24, 5, 38, 34, 40, 13, 4, 30, 19, 28, 22, 23, 2, 35, 6, 16, 17, 25, 3, 39, 11, 20, 1, 33, 9, 18, 14, 8, 32, 26, 31, 12, 21, 36, 7, 37) ms_prices <- ms_prices[jumble, ] expect_equal( with(ms_prices, shadow_price(price, period, product, business, pias)), sp[jumble] ) })