library(gpindex) ms_prices$rel <- with(ms_prices, price_relative(price, period, product)) ms_prices$w1 <- 1:40 ms_prices$w2 <- 40:1 epr1 <- with( ms_prices, elemental_index(rel, period, business, contrib = TRUE) ) epr2 <- with( ms_prices, elemental_index(rel, period, business, r = -1, contrib = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE) ) # Test a Fisher calculation fw <- function(x, w1, w2) { v1 <- scale_weights(transmute_weights(1, 0)(x, w1)) v2 <- scale_weights(transmute_weights(-1, 0)(x, w2)) v1 + v2 } ms_prices2 <- na.omit(ms_prices) w <- with(ms_prices2, grouped(fw)(rel, w1, w2, group = interaction(period, business))) epr3 <- with( ms_prices2, elemental_index(rel, period, business, w, contrib = TRUE) ) test_that("results agree with an alternate implementation", { epr11 <- aggregate(rel ~ as.character(business) + period, ms_prices, function(x) exp(weighted.mean(log(x))), na.action = na.pass, drop = FALSE) epr22 <- aggregate(rel ~ as.character(business) + period, ms_prices, function(x) 1 / weighted.mean(1 / x), na.action = na.omit, drop = FALSE) names(epr11) <- names(epr22) <- c("level", "period", "value") expect_equal(, epr11[c(2, 1, 3)]) expect_equal(, epr22[c(2, 1, 3)]) }) test_that("Fisher calculation agrees with manual calculation", { l <- with(ms_prices2, elemental_index(rel, period, business, w1, r = 1)) p <- with(ms_prices2, elemental_index(rel, period, business, w2, r = -1)) expect_equal(sqrt(as.matrix(l) * as.matrix(p)), as.matrix(epr3)) # Should work for other kinds of superlative indexes fw <- function(x, w1, w2) { v1 <- scale_weights(transmute_weights(1.5, 0)(x)) v2 <- scale_weights(transmute_weights(-1.5, 0)(x, w2)) v1 + v2 } w <- with( ms_prices2, grouped(fw)(rel, w1, w2, group = interaction(period, business)) ) sepr <- with(ms_prices2, elemental_index(rel, period, business, w)) l <- with(ms_prices2, elemental_index(rel, period, business, r = 1.5)) p <- with(ms_prices2, elemental_index(rel, period, business, w2, r = -1.5)) all.equal(sqrt(as.matrix(l) * as.matrix(p)), as.matrix(sepr)) }) test_that("contributions add up", { sum_contrib <- \(x, ...) sum(x, ...) / (sum(! > 0) expect_equal(epr1$index, lapply(epr1$contrib, \(x) sapply(x, sum_contrib) + 1)) expect_equal( epr2$index, lapply(epr2$contrib, function(x) sapply(x, sum_contrib, na.rm = TRUE) + 1) ) expect_equal(epr3$index, lapply(epr3$contrib, function(x) sapply(x, sum_contrib) + 1)) }) test_that("argument checking works", { expect_error(elemental_index(1:3, 1:2)) expect_error(elemental_index(1:3, 1:3, 1:4)) expect_error(elemental_index(1:3, 1:3, 1:3, w = 1:2)) expect_error(elemental_index(1:3, factor(1:3, levels = numeric(0)))) expect_error(elemental_index(1:3, ea = factor(1:3, levels = numeric(0)))) })