context("Testing cross platform and R version compatibility") # Eastern Bering Sea pollcok test_that("phylosem example is working ", { # checkDepPackageVersion( warn=FALSE ) #skip_on_ci() data(rhino, rhino_tree, package="phylopath") # Run phylosem model = " DD -> RS, p1 BM -> LS, p2 BM -> NL, p3 NL -> DD, p4 " psem = phylosem( sem = model, data = rhino[,c("BM","NL","DD","RS","LS")], tree = rhino_tree, control = phylosem_control( getJointPrecision=TRUE ) ) # Check objective function expect_equal( as.numeric(psem$opt$obj), 1087.686, tolerance=1e-2 ) # Convert and plot using phylopath as_fitted_DAG(psem) as_sem(psem) as_phylo4d(psem) # logLik(psem) AIC(psem) summary(psem) print(sem) coef(psem) vcov(psem, which="fixed") vcov(psem, which="random") vcov(psem, which="both") # psem_full = phylosem( sem = model, data = rhino[,c("BM","NL","DD","RS","LS")], tree = rhino_tree, estimate_ou = TRUE, estimate_lambda = TRUE, estimate_kappa = TRUE, control = phylosem_control( getsd = FALSE, quiet = TRUE ) ) # model2 = " LS -> BM, p2 BM -> NL, p3 NL -> DD, p4 DD -> RS, p1 " myset = compare_phylosem( sem_set = list("one"=model,"two"=model2), data = rhino[,c("BM","NL","DD","RS","LS")], tree = rhino_tree ) best(myset) choice(myset,1) average(myset) })