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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(phoenix) > > #' # Clinical Vignettes > #' > #' These are taken from the supplemental material of > #' [@sanchez_2024_development](https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2024.0196) > #' > #' ## Clinical Vignette 1 > #' > #' A previously healthy 3-year-old girl presents to an emergency department in > #' Lima, Peru, with a temperature of 39°C, tachycardia, and irritability. Blood > #' pressure with an oscillometric device is 67/32 mmHg (mean arterial pressure > #' of 43 mmHg). She is given fluid resuscitation per local best practice > #' guidelines, is started on broad spectrum antibiotics, and blood and urine > #' cultures are sent. After an hour, she becomes hypotensive again and she is > #' started on a norepinephrine drip. A complete blood count reveals > #' leukocytosis, mild anemia, and a platelet count of 95 K/μL. > #' > #' _Phoenix Sepsis Score:_ > #' > #' * 0 respiratory points (no hypoxemia or respiratory support) > #' * 2 cardiovascular points (1 for low mean arterial pressure for age, 1 for use of a vasoactive medication) > #' * 1 coagulation points (for low platelet count) > #' * 0 neurologic points (irritability would result in a Glasgow > #' Coma Scale of approximately 14) > #' * total = 3 points. > #' > #' _Phoenix Sepsis Criteria:_ > #' The patient has suspected infection, ≥ 2 points of the Phoenix Sepsis Score, and > #' ≥1 cardiovascular points, so she meets criteria for septic shock. > #' > cv1 <- + phoenix( + vasoactives = 1, # norepinephrine drip + map = 32 + (67 - 32) / 3, # 43.667 mmHg + platelets = 95, + gcs = 14, # irritability + age = 3 * 12 # expected input for age is in months + ) > > expected_cv1 <- + structure(list(phoenix_respiratory_score = 0L, + phoenix_cardiovascular_score = 2L, + phoenix_coagulation_score = 1L, + phoenix_neurologic_score = 0L, + phoenix_sepsis_score = 3L, + phoenix_sepsis = 1L, + phoenix_septic_shock = 1L), + class = "data.frame", + row.names = c(NA, -1L) + ) > > stopifnot("Clinical Vignette 1" = identical(cv1, expected_cv1)) > > #' > #' ## Clinical Vignette 2 > #' > #' A 6-year-old boy with a history of prematurity presents with respiratory > #' distress to his pediatrician’s office in Tucson, Arizona. He is noted to have > #' a temperature of 38.7°C, tachypnea, crackles in the left lower quadrant on > #' chest auscultation, and an oxygen saturation of 89% on room air. He is > #' started on supplemental oxygen and is transported to the local emergency > #' department via ambulance. In the emergency department, a chest X-ray shows a > #' consolidation in the left lower lobe and hazy bilateral lung opacities, so he > #' is started on antibiotics for a suspected bacterial pneumonia. His > #' respiratory status worsens, and he is started on non-invasive positive > #' pressure ventilation. While awaiting to be admitted, his level of > #' consciousness deteriorates rapidly: with nailbed pressure he only opens his > #' eyes briefly, moans in pain, and withdraws his hand (Glasgow Coma Scale: 2 > #' for eye response + 2 for verbal response + 4 for motor response = 8). He is > #' intubated using rapid sequence induction and placed on a conventional > #' ventilator. During this time, his lowest mean arterial pressure using a > #' non-invasive oscillometric device is 52 mmHg and he receives a fluid bolus. > #' He is then transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit where he requires > #' a high positive end expiratory pressure and an FiO2 of 0.45 to achieve an > #' oxygen saturation of 92% (S/F ratio: 204). Complete blood count and lactate > #' level reveal a platelet count of 120 K/μL and a serum lactate of 2.9 mmol/L. > #' Given his platelet count below the normal reference range, a coagulation > #' panel is sent, which reveals an INR of 1.7, a D-Dimer of 4.4 mg/L, and a > #' fibrinogen of 120 mg/dL. > #' > #' _Phoenix Sepsis Score:_ > #' > #' * 2 respiratory points (for an S/F ratio <292 on invasive mechanical ventilator) > #' * 0 cardiovascular points (mean arterial pressure >48 mmHg and Lactate level <5 mmol/L) > #' * 2 coagulation points (for high INR and D-Dimer) > #' * 1 neurologic point (Glasgow Coma Scale ≤10) > #' * total = 5 points. > #' > #' _Phoenix Sepsis Criteria:_ The patient has a suspected > #' infection, ≥2 points of the Phoenix Sepsis Score, and 0 cardiovascular > #' points, so he meets criteria for sepsis. > #' > cv2 <- + phoenix( + gcs = 2 + 2 + 4, # eye + verbal + motor + map = 52, + imv = 1, + sf_ratio = 92 / 0.45, + platelets = 120, + lactate = 2.9, + inr = 1.7, + d_dimer = 4.4, + fibrinogen = 120) > > expected_cv2 <- + structure(list(phoenix_respiratory_score = 2L, + phoenix_cardiovascular_score = 0L, + phoenix_coagulation_score = 2L, + phoenix_neurologic_score = 1L, + phoenix_sepsis_score = 5L, + phoenix_sepsis = 1L, + phoenix_septic_shock = 0L), + class = "data.frame", + row.names = c(NA, -1L) + ) > > stopifnot("Clinical Vignette 2" = identical(cv2, expected_cv2)) > > ################################################################################ > # End of File # > ################################################################################ > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.21 0.06 0.26