context("Test implementation of euclidean distance ...") P <- 1:10 / sum(1:10) Q <- 20:29 / sum(20:29) V <- -10:10 W <- -20:0 # function to test distance matrix functionality # for different distance measures test_dist_matrix <- function(x, FUN) { <- res.dist.matrix <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(x), nrow(x)) for (i in 1:nrow(x)) { for (j in 1:nrow(x)) { res.dist.matrix[i, j] <-[i,], x[j,]) } } return(res.dist.matrix[lower.tri(res.dist.matrix, diag = FALSE)]) } test_that( "'euclidien' (or any other not implemented string) is caught when wrong input string for method is entered", { distMat <- rbind(rep(0.2, 5), rep(0.1, 10)) expect_error( distance(distMat, method = "euclidien"), "Method 'euclidien' is not implemented in this function. Please consult getDistMethods()." ) } ) test_that("Only numeric values are passed to distance()", { distMat <- rbind(rep("A", 10), rep("B", 10)) expect_error( distance(distMat, method = "euclidean"), paste0( "Your input ", class(distMat)[1], " stores non-numeric values. Non numeric values cannot be used to compute distances.." ) ) }) test_that("Only choose from units: log, log2, or log10", { distMat <- rbind(rep(0.2, 5), rep(0.1, 10)) expect_error( distance(distMat, method = "euclidean", unit = "log5"), "You can only choose units: log, log2, or log10." ) }) test_that("distance(method = 'euclidean') computes the correct distance value.", { expect_equal(as.vector(philentropy::distance(rbind(P, Q), method = "euclidean")), sqrt(sum(abs(( P ) - ( Q )) ^ 2))) expect_equal(as.vector(philentropy::distance(rbind(P, Q), method = "euclidean")), as.vector(stats::dist(base::rbind(P, Q), method = "euclidean"))) expect_equal(as.vector(philentropy::distance(rbind(V, W), method = "euclidean")), as.vector(stats::dist(base::rbind(V, W), method = "euclidean"))) expect_equal(as.vector(philentropy::distance(rbind(V, W), method = "euclidean")), sqrt(sum(abs(( V ) - ( W )) ^ 2))) # test correct computation of distance matrix distMat <- rbind(rep(0.2, 5), rep(0.1, 5), c(5, 1, 7, 9, 5)) dist.vals <- distance(distMat, method = "euclidean") expect_equal(dist.vals[lower.tri(dist.vals, diag = FALSE)], as.vector(dist(distMat))) #expect_error(philentropy::distance(1:10, 20:29, method = "euclidean")) }) test_that("Correct euclidean distance is computed when vectors contain 0 values ...", { P1 <- c(1,0) P2 <- c(0.5, 0.5) Q1 <- c(0.5,0.5) Q2 <- c(1,0) expect_equal(as.vector(philentropy::distance(rbind(P1, Q1), method = "euclidean")), as.vector(stats::dist(base::rbind(P1, Q1), method = "euclidean"))) expect_equal(as.vector(philentropy::distance(rbind(P2, Q2), method = "euclidean")), as.vector(stats::dist(base::rbind(P2, Q2), method = "euclidean"))) distMat <- rbind(P1, Q1, P2, Q2) dist.vals <- distance(distMat, method = "euclidean") expect_equal(dist.vals[lower.tri(dist.vals, diag = FALSE)], as.vector(dist(distMat))) })