context("curvefits") source('helper_MOD13A1.R') wFUN = wTSM # lambda <- init_lambda(INPUT$y) # lambda for whittaker # # param = listk( # # INPUT, nptperyear, # # FUN = whitsmw2, wFUN = wBisquare, iters = 2, # # lambda, # # IsPlot = IsPlot, plotdat = d, # # south = sp$lat[1] < 0, # # rymin_less = 0.6, ypeak_min = ypeak_min, # # max_MaxPeaksperyear =2.5, max_MinPeaksperyear = 3.5 # # ) brks2 <- season_mov(INPUT, options = list(rFUN = "smooth_wWHIT", wFUN = wFUN)) param <- list( INPUT, brks2, options = list( methods = c("AG", "Beck", "Elmore", "Gu", "Zhang"), #,"klos", wFUN = wFUN, nextend = 2, maxExtendMonth = 3, minExtendMonth = 1, minPercValid = 0.2, use.rough = TRUE, verbose = FALSE ) ) meth <- "AG" test_curvefit <- function(meth){ test_that(sprintf("`curvefits` with %s", meth), { expect_silent({ suppressWarnings({ param$options$methods <- meth fit <-, param) }) }) }) } test_curvefit("AG") # works with rough fitting result param$use.rough <- FALSE test_curvefit("AG") test_curvefit("Beck") test_curvefit("Elmore") test_curvefit("Gu") test_curvefit("Zhang") # ## check the curve fitting parameters # params <- getparam(fit) # # print(str(params, 1)) # # print(params$AG) # ## Get GOF information # stat <- ldply(fit$fits, function(fits_meth){ # ldply(fits_meth, statistic.fFIT, .id = "flag") # }, .id = "meth") # fit$stat <- stat # print(head(stat)) # # print(mean(stat$NSE, na.rm = T)) # ## visualization # # svg("Figure1_phenofit_curve_fitting.svg", 11, 7) # # Cairo::CairoPDF(file_pdf, 11, 6) # # # # titlestr = "test logistics" # g <- plot_phenofit(fit, d, titlestr) # grid::grid.newpage(); grid::grid.draw(g)# plot to check the curve fitting # test_that("multiplication works", { # expect_equal(2 * 2, 4) # })