context("Phenology Extraction") # source('helper_MOD13A1.R') wFUN = wTSM # wBisquare # # The `maxExtendMonth` in season_mov and curvefits is different # lambda <- init_lambda(INPUT$y) # lambda for whittaker brks <- season_mov(INPUT, options = list(rFUN = "smooth_wWHIT", wFUN = wFUN) ) param <- list( INPUT, brks, options = list( methods = c("AG", "Beck", "Elmore", "Gu", "Zhang"), # ,"klos", wFUN = wFUN, nextend = 2, maxExtendMonth = 3, minExtendMonth = 1, minPercValid = 0.2, use.rough = TRUE ) ) fit <-, param)[1:6] # test plot.fFIT expect_silent({ fit[[1]] %>% plot() # 1th year }) ## check the curve fitting parameters params <- get_param(fit) print(str(params, 1)) print(params$AG) # Test GOF expect_silent({ suppressWarnings({ stat <- get_GOF(fit) d_fit <- get_fitting(fit) g <- plot_curvefits(d_fit, brks) grid::grid.newpage(); grid::grid.draw(g) }) }) test_that("get_pheno.fFIT works", { # analytical expect_silent({ p <- get_pheno(fit, analytical = TRUE, smoothed.spline = FALSE, IsPlot = TRUE) }) # numDeriv expect_silent({ p <- get_pheno(fit, analytical = FALSE, smoothed.spline = FALSE, IsPlot = FALSE) }) # spline expect_silent({ p <- get_pheno(fit, analytical = FALSE, smoothed.spline = TRUE, IsPlot = FALSE) }) }) test_that("get_pheno.rfit works", { rfit = brks2rfit(brks) r = get_pheno(rfit) expect_equal(names(r), c("doy", "date")) expect_equal(nrow(r$doy), nrow(brks$dt)) expect_equal(colnames(r$doy)[1:2], c("flag", "origin")) })