Package check result: ERROR Check: examples, Result: ERROR Running examples in ‘pencal-Ex.R’ failed The error most likely occurred in: > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv") > ### Name: fit_mlpmms > ### Title: Step 1 of PRC-MLPMM (estimation of the linear mixed models) > ### Aliases: fit_mlpmms > > ### ** Examples > > ## No test: > # generate example data > set.seed(123) > n.items = c(4,2,2,3,4,2) > simdata = simulate_prcmlpmm_data(n = 100, p = length(n.items), + p.relev = 3, n.items = n.items, + type = 'u+b', seed = 1) > > # specify options for cluster bootstrap optimism correction > # procedure and for parallel computing > do.bootstrap = FALSE > # IMPORTANT: set do.bootstrap = TRUE to compute the optimism correction! > = ifelse(do.bootstrap, 100, 0) > more.cores = FALSE > # IMPORTANT: set more.cores = TRUE to speed computations up! > if (!more.cores) n.cores = 2 > if (more.cores) { + # identify number of available cores on your machine + n.cores = parallel::detectCores() + if ( n.cores = 2 + } > > # step 1 of PRC-MLPMM: estimate the MLPMMs > y.names = vector('list', length(n.items)) > for (i in 1:length(n.items)) { + y.names[[i]] = paste('marker', i, '_', 1:n.items[i], sep = '') + } > > step1 = fit_mlpmms(y.names, fixefs = ~ contrast(age), + ranef.time = age, randint.items = TRUE, + = simdata$, + = simdata$, + t.from.base = t.from.base, + =, n.cores = n.cores) Sorting by subject id Sorting by subject id Preliminary step: remove measurements taken after event / censoring. Removed: 0 measurements. Retained: 400 measurements. This computation will be run in parallel Estimating the MLPMMs on the original dataset... Error in { : task 1 failed - "Estimation of the MLPMM for the 1-th latent biological process (on the original dataset) failed. Try to increase maxiter, or (if this fails) to change the 1-th element of randint.items. See also point C of the Details section of ?multlcmm" Calls: fit_mlpmms -> %dopar% -> Execution halted