library(testthat) context("features") library(penaltyLearning) if(requireNamespace("neuroblastoma")){ data(neuroblastoma, package="neuroblastoma") one <- subset(neuroblastoma$profiles,"1" & chromosome=="1") f.vec <- featureVector(one$logratio) test_that("median absolute difference computed", { expect_equal( f.vec[["diff abs.identity.quantile.50%"]], median(abs(diff(one$logratio)))) }) test_that("error for data.frame", { expect_error({ featureVector(one) }, "data.vec must be a numeric data sequence with at least two elements, all of which are finite (not missing)", fixed=TRUE) }) two <- subset(neuroblastoma$profiles,"2" & chromosome=="2") f2 <- featureVector(two$logratio) test_that("feature vectors are the same size", { expect_equal(length(f2), length(f.vec)) }) three <- subset(neuroblastoma$profiles, %in% 1:3) f.mat <- featureMatrix(three, c("", "chromosome"), "logratio") test_that("feature matrix has same columns as vector", { expect_identical(colnames(f.mat), names(f2)) }) u3 <- with(three, unique(paste(, chromosome))) test_that("feature matrix has expected row names", { expect_identical(rownames(f.mat), u3) }) }