library(testthat) context("errors") library(penaltyLearning) data(neuroblastomaProcessed, package="penaltyLearning") fit <- with(neuroblastomaProcessed, IntervalRegressionUnregularized( feature.mat[, c("log.hall", "log.n")], target.mat)) <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, NA), 2, 2) test_that("predict without all pred col names is an error", { expect_error({ fit$predict( }, "columns needed for prediction but not present: log.hall, log.n") }) named.mat <- colnames(named.mat) <- c("log.hall", "log.n") pred.vec <- predict(fit, named.mat)#also tests S3 method. test_that("predict NA results in NA", { expect_identical(as.logical(, c(FALSE, TRUE)) }) ok.targets <- rbind( c(1, 2), c(3, 4)) test_that("error for missing prediction", { expect_error({ targetIntervalROC(ok.targets, pred.vec) }, "missing") }) test_that("error for infinite prediction", { expect_error({ targetIntervalROC(ok.targets, c(1, Inf)) }, "infinite") }) test_that("error for wrong size prediction", { expect_error({ targetIntervalROC(ok.targets, 1:3) }, "length(pred) must be same as nrow(target.mat)", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("error for no finite limit", { expect_error({ targetIntervalROC(rbind(ok.targets, c(-Inf, Inf)), 1:3) }, "each row of target.mat must have at least one finite limit") }) ok3 <- rbind(ok.targets, c(-1, 5)) test_that("no error for finite limits", { roc.list <- targetIntervalROC(ok3, 1:3) expect_is(roc.list$thresholds, "data.table") expect_is(roc.list$auc.polygon, "data.table") expect_is(roc.list$roc, "data.table") expect_is(roc.list$auc, "numeric") }) test_that("error for row vector predictions", { expect_error({ targetIntervalROC(ok3, rbind(bar=1:3)) }, "nrow(pred) must be same as nrow(target.mat)", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("no error for one col vector predictions", { roc.list <- targetIntervalROC(ok3, cbind(foo=1:3)) expect_is(roc.list$thresholds, "data.table") expect_is(roc.list$auc.polygon, "data.table") expect_is(roc.list$roc, "data.table") expect_is(roc.list$auc, "numeric") }) test_that("error for two col vector predictions", { expect_error({ targetIntervalROC(ok3, cbind(foo=1:3, bar=2:4)) }, "length(pred) must be same as nrow(target.mat)", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("S3 coef method returns numeric matrix with dimnames", { expect_is(fit, "IntervalRegression") result <- coef(fit) expect_is(result, "matrix") expect_true(is.numeric(result)) expect_identical(dimnames(result), list( c("(Intercept)", "log.hall", "log.n"), "0")) }) test_that("error for more than two columns in target Unregularized", { expect_error({ with(neuroblastomaProcessed, IntervalRegressionUnregularized( target.mat, feature.mat)) }, "target.mat should be a numeric matrix with two columns (lower and upper limits of correct outputs)", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("error for more than two columns in target CV", { expect_error({ with(neuroblastomaProcessed, IntervalRegressionCV( target.mat, feature.mat)) }, "target.mat should be a numeric matrix with two columns (lower and upper limits of correct outputs)", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("error for different number of rows", { expect_error({ with(neuroblastomaProcessed, IntervalRegressionCV( feature.mat[1:100,], target.mat[1:200,])) }, "feature.mat and target.mat should have the same number of rows", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("error for constant features", { expect_error({ with(neuroblastomaProcessed, IntervalRegressionCV( cbind(x=rep(1, 200)), target.mat[1:200,])) }, "after filtering NA and constant features, none remain for training") }) test_that("error for NA features", { expect_error({ with(neuroblastomaProcessed, IntervalRegressionCV( cbind(x=rep(NA_real_, 200)), target.mat[1:200,])) }, "after filtering NA features, none remain for training") }) test_that("error for NA and constant features", { expect_error({ with(neuroblastomaProcessed, IntervalRegressionCV( cbind("NA"=rep(NA_real_, 200), constant=rep(1, 200)), target.mat[1:200,])) }, "after filtering NA and constant features, none remain for training") }) test_that("error for un-named features", { expect_error({ with(neuroblastomaProcessed, IntervalRegressionCV( cbind(rnorm(200)), target.mat[1:200,])) }, "feature.mat should be a numeric matrix with colnames (input features)", fixed=TRUE) })