test_that("father() and mother() works", { x = nuclearPed(father="fa", mother="mo", children="ch") y = list(singleton(1), x, singleton(2)) expect_equal(father(x, "ch"), "fa") expect_equal(mother(x, "ch"), "mo") expect_equal(father(y, "ch"), "fa") expect_equal(mother(y, "ch"), "mo") expect_equal(father(x, "fa"), character(0)) expect_equal(mother(x, "fa"), character(0)) expect_equal(father(y, "fa"), character(0)) expect_equal(mother(y, "fa"), character(0)) expect_equal(father(y, 1), character(0)) expect_equal(mother(y, 1), character(0)) expect_equal(father(x, 3, internal=T), 1) expect_equal(mother(x, 3, internal=T), 2) expect_equal(father(x, 1, internal=T), 0) expect_equal(mother(x, 1, internal=T), 0) expect_error(father(y, 1, internal=T), "Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is disconnected") expect_error(mother(y, 1, internal=T), "Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is disconnected") }) test_that("children() are correct", { x = nuclearPed(4) y = list(singleton("NN1"), x, singleton("NN2")) true_offs = as.character(3:6) expect_setequal(children(x, 1), true_offs) expect_setequal(children(x, 2), true_offs) expect_setequal(children(y, 1), true_offs) expect_setequal(children(y, 2), true_offs) }) test_that("children() are correct after reorder", { x = reorderPed(nuclearPed(4), 6:1) true_offs = as.character(3:6) expect_setequal(children(x, 1), true_offs) expect_setequal(children(x, 2), true_offs) }) test_that("spouses() are correct", { x = nuclearPed(4) y = list(singleton("NN1"), x, singleton("NN2")) expect_equal(spouses(x,1), "2") expect_equal(spouses(x,2), "1") expect_equal(spouses(x,3), character(0)) expect_equal(spouses(y,1), "2") expect_equal(spouses(y,2), "1") expect_equal(spouses(y,3), character(0)) expect_equal(spouses(x,3, internal=T), numeric(0)) }) test_that("spouses are correct after reorder", { x = reorderPed(nuclearPed(4), 6:1) expect_equal(spouses(x,1), "2") expect_equal(spouses(x,2), "1") expect_equal(spouses(x,3), character(0)) expect_equal(spouses(x,3, internal=T), numeric(0)) }) test_that("siblings are correctly detected", { x = halfSibPed(nch1 = 2, nch2 = 1) y = list(singleton("NN1"), x, singleton("NN2")) expect_equal(siblings(x, 1), character(0)) expect_equal(siblings(x, 4), c("5", "6")) expect_equal(siblings(x, 4, half = T), "6") expect_equal(siblings(x, 4, half = F), "5") expect_equal(siblings(y, 1), character(0)) expect_equal(siblings(y, 4), c("5", "6")) expect_equal(siblings(y, 4, half = T), "6") expect_equal(siblings(y, 4, half = F), "5") }) test_that("unrelated ped members are correctly detected", { x = halfCousinPed(0, removal = 1, child = T) y = list(singleton("NN1"), x, singleton("NN2")) expect_equal(unrelated(x, 4), c("3", "6")) expect_equal(unrelated(x, 8), character(0)) expect_equal(unrelated(y, 4), c("3", "6", "NN1", "NN2")) expect_equal(unrelated(y, 8), c("NN1", "NN2")) }) test_that("internal = TRUE results in integer output", { x = singleton(1) expect_type(father(x, 1, internal = T), "integer") expect_type(mother(x, 1, internal = T), "integer") expect_type(parents(x, 1, internal = T), "integer") expect_type(children(x, 1, internal = T), "integer") # expect_type(cousins(x, 1, internal = T), "integer") expect_type(ancestors(x, 1, internal = T), "integer") expect_type(descendants(x, 1, internal = T), "integer") expect_type(unrelated(x, 1, internal = T), "integer") }) test_that("common ancestors are properly detected", { x = nuclearPed(2) expect_equal(commonAncestors(x, leaves(x)), as.character(1:2)) expect_equal(commonAncestors(x, leaves(x), inclusive = T), as.character(1:2)) expect_equal(commonAncestors(x, 2:3), character(0)) expect_equal(commonAncestors(x, 2:3, inclusive = T), "2") expect_equal(commonAncestors(x, 1:4, inclusive = T), character(0)) y = list(singleton("NN1"), x, singleton("NN2")) expect_equal(commonAncestors(y, leaves(x)), as.character(1:2)) expect_equal(commonAncestors(y, 2:3, inclusive = T), "2") }) test_that("common descendants are properly detected", { x = nuclearPed(2) expect_equal(commonDescendants(x, founders(x)), as.character(3:4)) expect_equal(commonDescendants(x, founders(x), inclusive = T), as.character(3:4)) expect_equal(commonDescendants(x, 2:3), character(0)) expect_equal(commonDescendants(x, 2:3, inclusive = T), "3") expect_equal(commonDescendants(x, 1:4, inclusive = T), character(0)) y = list(singleton("NN1"), x, singleton("NN2")) expect_equal(commonDescendants(y, founders(x)), as.character(3:4)) expect_equal(commonDescendants(y, 2:3, inclusive = T), "3") }) test_that("common ancestors/descendants are detected in selfing ped", { x = selfingPed(3) expect_equal(commonAncestors(x, 1:4), character(0)) expect_equal(commonAncestors(x, 1:4, inclusive = T), "1") expect_equal(commonAncestors(x, 2:4), "1") expect_equal(commonDescendants(x, 1:4), character(0)) expect_equal(commonDescendants(x, 1:4, inclusive = T), "4") expect_equal(commonDescendants(x, 1:3), "4") y = list(singleton("NN1"), x, singleton("NN2")) expect_equal(commonAncestors(y, 1:4, inclusive = T), "1") })