test_that("labels are correct after reordering", { x = relabel(nuclearPed(1), letters[1:3]) expect_identical(labels(x), letters[1:3]) x = reorderPed(x, 3:1) expect_identical(labels(x), letters[3:1]) }) test_that("trivial reorder has no effect", { x = relabel(nuclearPed(1), letters[1:3]) y = reorderPed(x, 1:pedsize(x)) expect_identical(x, y) }) test_that("setSex() reverses getSex()", { x = singleton(1) expect_identical(x, setSex(x, 1, getSex(x, 1))) expect_identical(x, setSex(x, sex = getSex(x, 1, named = T))) y = nuclearPed(fa="fa", child = "ch") expect_identical(y, setSex(y, labels(y), getSex(y))) expect_identical(y, setSex(y, sex = getSex(y, named = T))) z = singletons(c(4,1)) expect_identical(z, setSex(z, sex = getSex(z, named = T))) }) test_that("setSex() recycles sex", { x.male = singletons(1:2) x.female = singletons(1:2, sex = 2) expect_identical(setSex(x.male, ids = 1:2, sex = 2), x.female) y = nuclearPed(nch = 4) y2 = nuclearPed(nch = 4, sex = c(2,1,2,1)) expect_identical(setSex(y, ids = 3:6, sex = 2:1), y2) }) test_that("setSex() and swapSex() works with selectors", { x = nuclearPed(1) |> setSex(ids = leaves, sex = 0) |> swapSex(ids = males) y = nuclearPed(fa = 2, mo = 1, ch = 3, sex = 0) |> reorderPed(c(2,1,3)) expect_identical(x, y) }) test_that("swapSex() works with trivial labels", { x = swapSex(nuclearPed(1, sex=1), 3) expect_equal(x$SEX[3], 2) expect_equal(getSex(x,3), 2) }) test_that("swapSex() leaves parents unchanged", { x = nuclearPed(1) y = swapSex(x, 3) expect_equal(parents(x, 3), parents(y, 3)) }) test_that("swapSex() works with nonnumeric labels", { x = relabel(nuclearPed(1, sex=1), letters[1:3]) y = swapSex(x, 'c') expect_equal(y$SEX[3], 2) expect_equal(getSex(y, 'c'), 2) }) test_that("swapSex() works after reorder", { x = reorderPed(nuclearPed(1, sex=1), 3:1) y = swapSex(x, 3) expect_equal(y$SEX[1], 2) expect_equal(getSex(y, 3), 2) }) test_that("swapSex() of all indivs", { x = swapSex(nuclearPed(1), 1:3) expect_equal(x$SEX, c(2,1,2)) expect_equal(parents(x, 3), c("2", "1")) }) test_that("swapSex() ingores indivs of unknown sex", { x = setSex(nuclearPed(1), ids = 3, sex = 0) y1 = swapSex(x, 3) expect_equal(getSex(y1, 3), 0) y2 = swapSex(x, 1:3) expect_equal(getSex(y2), c(2,1,0)) }) test_that("addChildren works with num labels", { # start with male singleton m = singleton(4) |> addChildren(father=4, nch=2) expect_equal(m, nuclearPed(father=4, mother=1, children=2:3)) # start with female singleton f = singleton(4, sex=2) |> addChildren(mother=4, nch=2) |> reorderPed(c(2,1,3,4)) expect_equal(f, nuclearPed(mother=4, father=1, children=2:3)) # inbreeding example x = nuclearPed(1) |> addSon(2:3) |> addDaughter(2:3) |> addSon(2) expect_equal(spouses(x, 2), c("1", "3", "6")) expect_equal(children(x, 2), c("3","4","5","7")) expect_equal(getSex(x, leaves(x)), c(1,2,1)) }) test_that("addChildren works with char labels", { m = singleton("fa") |> addChildren(father="fa", nch=2) expect_equal(m, nuclearPed(father="fa", mother="1", children=2:3)) # start with female singleton f = singleton("mo", sex=2) |> addChildren(mother="mo", nch=2) |> reorderPed(c(2,1,3,4)) expect_equal(f, nuclearPed(father="1", mother="mo", children=2:3)) }) test_that("addChildren with nch=2 gives same result as twice with nch=1", { x = singleton(1) expect_equal(x |> addSon(1:2) |> addSon(1:2), addChildren(x, fa=1, mo=2, nch=2)) expect_equal(x |> addSon(1:2, id = "B") |> addSon(1:2, id = "A"), addChildren(x, fa=1, mo=2, nch=2, ids = c("B", "A"))) }) test_that("adding and removing child restores original", { x = nuclearPed(1) y = x |> addSon(3, id = 5, verbose = F) |> removeIndividuals(5, verbose=F) expect_identical(x, y) x1 = fullSibMating(1) y1 = x1 |> addDaughter(3, id = "99", verbose=F) |> removeIndividuals("99", verbose=F) expect_identical(x1, y1) x2 = relabel(nuclearPed(1), c("F", "M", "C")) y2 = x2 |> addSon("C", id="baby", verbose=F) |> removeIndividuals("baby", verbose=F) expect_identical(x2, y2) # With marker xx = nuclearPed(1) |> addMarker('3' = "1/2") yy = xx |> addDaughter(3, id = 5, verbose=F) |> removeIndividuals(5, verbose=F) expect_equal(xx, yy) }) test_that("addSon(), addDaughter(), addChild() creates children with correct sex", { x = singleton(1) expect_identical(x |> addSon(1, id = "A") |> getSex("A"), 1L) expect_identical(x |> addDaughter(1:2, id = 3) |> getSex(3), 2L) expect_identical(x |> addChild(c(1,"Mo"), id = "Ch", sex = 0) |> getSex("Ch"), 0L) }) test_that("addSon() works with unordered parents", { x = nuclearPed(1) expect_identical(addSon(x, 1:2), addSon(x, 2:1)) expect_identical(addSon(x, 3:4), addSon(x, 4:3)) expect_identical(addDaughter(x, 1:2), addDaughter(x, 2:1)) expect_identical(addDaughter(x, 3:4), addDaughter(x, 4:3)) }) test_that("addChildren() catches errors", { x = nuclearPed(1) expect_error(addChildren(x), "At least one parent must be an existing pedigree member") expect_error(addChildren(x, fa = 4), "At least one parent must be an existing pedigree member") expect_error(addChildren(x, mo = 4), "At least one parent must be an existing pedigree member") expect_error(addChildren(x, fa = 1:2), "More than one father indicated") expect_error(addChildren(x, mo = 1:2), "More than one mother indicated") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, nch = 0), "Argument `nch` must be a positive integer") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, nch = "a"), "Argument `nch` must be a positive integer") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, nch = 1:2), "Argument `nch` must be a positive integer") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, nch = list(1)), "Argument `nch` must be a positive integer") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, id = 3), "Individual already exist") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, id = 1:2), "Individual already exist") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, nch = 2, id = 1), "Length of `ids` must equal the number of children") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, nch = 1, id = 4:5), "Length of `ids` must equal the number of children") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, sex = -1), "Illegal value of `sex`") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, sex = NA), "Illegal value of `sex`") expect_error(addChildren(x, 1, 2, nch = 2, ids = c(4,4)), "Duplicated ID label") }) test_that("addSon() and addDaughter() catches errors", { x = nuclearPed(1) expect_error(addSon(x, c(1,1)), "Duplicated parent") expect_error(addSon(x, c(1,3)), "Assigned mother is male") expect_error(addSon(x, 4:5), "At least one parent must be an existing pedigree member") expect_error(addDaughter(x, c(1,1)), "Duplicated parent") expect_error(addDaughter(x, c(1,3)), "Assigned mother is male") expect_error(addDaughter(x, 4:5), "At least one parent must be an existing pedigree member") }) test_that("adding children across components", { x1 = singletons(1:3, sex = c(1,2,1)) |> addSon(1:2) x2 = list(nuclearPed(ch=4), singleton(3)) expect_identical(x1, x2) y1 = singletons(c("a", "b", "d"), sex = c(1,2,2)) |> addSon(c("a", "b"), id = "c") |> addChildren("c", "d", id = "e", sex = 2) y2 = linearPed(2, sex = 1:2) |> relabel(letters[1:5]) expect_identical(y1, y2) }) test_that("modifaction chains give identical result", { x = singleton(3) |> addSon(3, id = "aa") |> addMarker(aa="1/1") |> addChild(c("aa", "bb"), id = "cc", sex = 0) |> setAlleleLabels(1, "A") |> relabel(c(cc = "c", bb = "b", aa = "a")) # |> plot(mark = 1) y = linearPed(2) |> setSex(5, sex = 0) |> addMarker(`3` = "A/-") |> relabel(c(3,1,"a","b","c")) |> setAlleles(ids = "a", marker = 1, alleles = "A") expect_identical(x,y) }) test_that("adding and removing parents restores original - with markers", { x = nuclearPed(1) |> addMarker('1' = "1/2") y = addParents(x, id=1, verbose=F) z = branch(y, 1) expect_equal(x, z) }) test_that("addParents() catches errors", { x = nuclearPed(1) expect_error(addParents(x,3), "Individual '3' already has parents in the pedigree") expect_error(x |> relabel(c("3" = "fa")) |> addParents("fa"), "Individual 'fa' already has parents in the pedigree") expect_error(addParents(x, 1:2), "Cannot add parents to multiple individuals") expect_error(addParents(x, 1, father=3), "Assigned father is a descendant") expect_error(addParents(x, 1, mother=3), "Assigned mother is a descendant") y = addSon(x, 3, verbose=F) expect_error(addParents(y, 4, father=2), "Assigned father is female") expect_error(addParents(y, 4, mother=1), "Assigned mother is male") }) test_that("addParents() gives message about new parents", { x = addSon(nuclearPed(1), 3, verbose=F) expect_message(addParents(x, 4, father=1), "Creating new mother: 6") expect_message(addParents(x, 4, father=1, mother=123), "Creating new mother: 123") expect_message(addParents(x, 4, father="1", mother="123"), "Creating new mother: 123") expect_message(addParents(x, 4, mother=2), "Creating new father: 6") expect_message(addParents(x, 4, father=123, mother=2), "Creating new father: 123") expect_message(addParents(x, 4, father="123", mother="2"), "Creating new father: 123") }) test_that("addParents() creates parents with correct labels", { x = nuclearPed(1) x1 = addParents(x, 1, verbose=F) x2 = addParents(x, 1, father=4, mother=5, verbose=F) expect_identical(x1, x2) y = nuclearPed(fa="fa", mo="mo", nch=1) y1 = addParents(y, "fa", verbose=F) y2 = addParents(y, "fa", father="1", mother="2", verbose=F) expect_identical(y1, y2) }) test_that("addParents() works with existing parents", { x = addSon(nuclearPed(1), 3, verbose=F) y = addParents(x, 4, father=1, mother=2, verbose=F) z = addChildren(nuclearPed(2, 1:2), 3, 4) expect_identical(y, z) }) test_that("addParents() adds parents before children", { x = addSon(nuclearPed(1), 3, verbose=F) x = addParents(x, 1, verbose=F) x = addParents(x, 4, father=1, verbose=F) expect_true(hasParentsBeforeChildren(x)) }) test_that("relabel() is strict", { x = nuclearPed(1) expect_error(relabel(x, old=c(3,3), new=4:5), "Duplicated entry in argument `old`: 3") expect_error(relabel(x, old=3, new=4:5), "Arguments `new` and `old` must have the same length") expect_error(relabel(x, old=3, new=2), "Duplicated ID label: 2") }) test_that("relabelling is passed on to markers", { x = nuclearPed(1) |> addMarker() x = relabel(x, old=2, new="mother") expect_identical(attr(x$MARKERS[[1]], 'pedmembers'), c('1','mother','3')) }) test_that("relabel() works in pedlist", { x = list(nuclearPed(1), singleton(4)) expect_identical(relabel(x, old=1, new="FA"), list(nuclearPed(fa="FA", 1), singleton(4))) expect_identical(relabel(x, old=4, new="S"), list(nuclearPed(1), singleton("S"))) expect_identical(relabel(x, new=letters[1:4]), list(nuclearPed(fa="a", mo = "b", ch = "c"), singleton("d"))) })