# Testing the cppBP function library(pedbp) library(data.table) setDTthreads(threads = 1L) # to prevent CPU time exceeding elapsed time on CRAN ################################################################################ # Verify error if any input is zero length x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = character(0) , source = "CDC" , male = 0 , x = 48 , qp = 15 , type = "quantile" ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "bmi_for_age" , source = character(0) , male = 0 , x = 48 , qp = 15 , type = "quantile" ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "bmi_for_age" , source = "CDC" , male = numeric(0) , x = 48 , qp = 15 , type = "quantile" ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = 'bmi_for_age' , source = "CDC" , male = 0 , x = numeric(0) , qp = 15 , type = "quantile" ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = 'bmi_for_age' , source = "CDC" , male = 0 , x = 48 , qp = numeric(0) , type = "quantile" ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = 'bmi_for_age' , source = "CDC" , male = 0 , x = 48 , qp = 15 , type = numeric(0) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) ################################################################################ # If any length is > 1 but < max length, then error x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = character(1) , source = character(1) , male = integer(1) , x = numeric(1) , qp = numeric(4) , type = numeric(5) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "all input vectors need to be of equal length, or length 1.")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = character(1) , source = character(1) , male = integer(1) , x = numeric(2) , qp = numeric(5) , type = numeric(5) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "all input vectors need to be of equal length, or length 1.")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = character(1) , source = character(1) , male = integer(2) , x = numeric(5) , qp = numeric(5) , type = numeric(5) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "all input vectors need to be of equal length, or length 1.")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = character(1) , source = character(2) , male = integer(5) , x = numeric(5) , qp = numeric(5) , type = numeric(5) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "all input vectors need to be of equal length, or length 1.")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = character(2) , source = character(5) , male = integer(5) , x = numeric(5) , qp = numeric(5) , type = numeric(5) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "all input vectors need to be of equal length, or length 1.")) ################################################################################ # verify error if male is not 0 or 1 x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = character(1) , source = character(1) , male = 2 , x = numeric(1) , qp = numeric(1) , type = numeric(1) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "male needs to be a 0 or 1")) ################################################################################ # verify error for unknown source x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "bmi_for_age" , source = "not-a-source" , male = 0 , x = numeric(1) , qp = numeric(1) , type = numeric(1) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "Unknown source for bmi_for_age data")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "head_circumference_for_age" , source = "not-a-source" , male = 0 , x = numeric(1) , qp = numeric(1) , type = numeric(1) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "Unknown source for head_circumference_for_age data")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "height_for_age" , source = "not-a-source" , male = 0 , x = numeric(1) , qp = numeric(1) , type = numeric(1) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "Unknown source for height_for_age data")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "weight_for_age" , source = "not-a-source" , male = 0 , x = numeric(1) , qp = numeric(1) , type = numeric(1) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "Unknown source for weight_for_age data")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "weight_for_height" , source = "not-a-source" , male = 0 , x = numeric(1) , qp = numeric(1) , type = numeric(1) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "Unknown source for weight_for_height data")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "weight_for_length" , source = "not-a-source" , male = 0 , x = numeric(1) , qp = numeric(1) , type = numeric(1) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "Unknown source for weight_for_length data")) x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "length_for_age" , source = "not-a-source" , male = 0 , x = numeric(1) , qp = numeric(1) , type = numeric(1) ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "Unknown source for length_for_age data")) ################################################################################ # verify error if unknown type x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "bmi_for_age" , source = "CDC" , male = 0 , x = 48 , qp = 15 , type = "Not-a-type" ) , error = function(e) e ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "type needs to be one of 'quantile', 'distribution', or 'zscore'")) ################################################################################ # verify warning if age is out of bounds x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "bmi_for_age" , source = "CDC" , male = 0 , x = -1 , qp = 15 , type = "quantile" ) , warning = function(w) w ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "warning")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "age/stature below lower limit")) # verify warning if age is out of bounds x <- tryCatch( pedbp:::cppPGSF( metric = "bmi_for_age" , source = "CDC" , male = 0 , x = 1000 , qp = 15 , type = "quantile" ) , warning = function(w) w ) stopifnot(inherits(x, "warning")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "age/stature above upper limit")) ################################################################################ # check output against published values internal_lms_data <- pedbp:::lms_data |> lapply(lapply, data.table::rbindlist, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) |> lapply(data.table::rbindlist, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) |> data.table::rbindlist(use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) internal_lms_data <- data.table::melt( internal_lms_data , id.vars = c("source", "metric", "male", "age", "height", "length", "L", "M", "S") , measure.vars = patterns("P") , variable.factor = FALSE , variable.name = "published_percentile" , value.name = "published_quantile" ) internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P01", published_percentile := 0.001] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P1", published_percentile := 0.010] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P3", published_percentile := 0.030] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P5", published_percentile := 0.050] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P10", published_percentile := 0.100] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P15", published_percentile := 0.150] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P25", published_percentile := 0.250] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P50", published_percentile := 0.500] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P75", published_percentile := 0.750] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P85", published_percentile := 0.850] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P90", published_percentile := 0.900] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P95", published_percentile := 0.950] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P97", published_percentile := 0.970] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P99", published_percentile := 0.990] internal_lms_data[published_percentile == "P999", published_percentile := 0.999] internal_lms_data[, published_percentile := as.numeric(published_percentile)] internal_lms_data <- internal_lms_data[!is.na(published_quantile)] internal_lms_data[, x := fcase(!is.na(age), age, !is.na(length), length, !is.na(height), height)] internal_lms_data[, `:=`( test_quantile = pedbp:::cppPGSF(metric = metric, source = source, male = male, x = x, qp = published_percentile, type = "quantile"), test_percentile = pedbp:::cppPGSF(metric = metric, source = source, male = male, x = x, qp = published_quantile, type = "distribution"), test_zscore = pedbp:::cppPGSF(metric = metric, source = source, male = male, x = x, qp = published_quantile, type = "zscore") ) ] stopifnot(isTRUE(internal_lms_data[, max(abs(test_quantile - published_quantile)) <= 5.1e-04])) stopifnot(isTRUE(internal_lms_data[, max(abs(test_percentile - published_percentile)) <= 0.001])) stopifnot(isTRUE(internal_lms_data[, max(abs(test_percentile - published_percentile)) <= 0.001])) stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(pnorm(internal_lms_data$test_zscore), internal_lms_data$test_percentile))) ################################################################################ # verify that the inputs will be extended as needed stopifnot( internal_lms_data[metric == "bmi_for_age" & source == "CDC" & male == 0, isTRUE(all.equal( test_percentile, pedbp:::cppPGSF(metric = "bmi_for_age", source = "CDC", male = 0, x = x, qp = published_quantile, type = "distribution") ))] ) stopifnot( isTRUE( all.equal( pedbp:::cppPGSF(metric = "bmi_for_age", source = c("CDC", "WHO"), male = 0, x = 56, qp = 15, type = "distribution"), c(0.4390000, 0.4294214), tol = 1e-7 ) ) ) ################################################################################ ## End of file ## ################################################################################