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Type 'q()' to quit R. > # Testing the cppBP function > library(pedbp) > > ################################################################################ > # Verify error if more than one source > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP(0.5, 0.5, 34, 0, NA, NA, 0.5, source = c("martin2022", "gemelli1990"), type = "distribution"), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "'source' should have length 1")) > > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP(0.5, 0.5, 34, 0, NA, NA, 0.5, source = c("martin2022", "not-a-source"), type = "distribution"), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "'source' should have length 1")) > > ################################################################################ > # Verify error if more than one type > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP(0.5, 0.5, 34, 0, NA, NA, 0.5, source = c("martin2022"), type = c("quantile", "distribution")), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "'type' should have length 1")) > > ################################################################################ > # Verify error if source is not a known source > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP(0.5, 0.5, 34, 0, NA, NA, 0.5, source = c("not-a-source"), type = "distribution"), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "Unknown source")) > > ################################################################################ > # Verify error if type is not distribution, qualtile, nor zscore > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP(0.5, 0.5, 34, 0, NA, NA, 0.5, source = c("martin2022"), type = "no"), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "type needs to be one of 'distribution', 'quantile', or 'zscore'")) > > ################################################################################ > # verify error if male is not 0 or 1 > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP(0.5, 0.5, 34, 2, NA, NA, 0.5, source = c("martin2022"), type = "no"), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "male needs to be a 0 or 1")) > > ################################################################################ > # verify error if length of qp_sbp and qp_dbp differ > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP(0.5, c(0.5, 0.5), 34, 0, NA, NA, 0.5, source = c("martin2022"), type = "no"), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "qp_sbp and qp_dbp lengths are not equal")) > > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP(c(0.5, 0.5), 0.5, 34, 0, NA, NA, 0.5, source = c("martin2022"), type = "no"), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "qp_sbp and qp_dbp lengths are not equal")) > > ################################################################################ > # verify error if any of the inputs are zero length > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = numeric(0), + qp_dbp = numeric(0), + age = 56, + male = 0, + height = NA, + height_percentile = NA, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "no"), + error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) > > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = 0.5, + qp_dbp = 0.5, + age = numeric(0), + male = 0, + height = NA, + height_percentile = NA, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "no"), + error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) > > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = 0.5, + qp_dbp = 0.5, + age = 54, + male = numeric(0), + height = NA, + height_percentile = NA, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "no"), + error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) > > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = 0.5, + qp_dbp = 0.5, + age = 54, + male = 0, + height = numeric(0), + height_percentile = NA, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "no"), + error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) > > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = 0.5, + qp_dbp = 0.5, + age = 54, + male = 0, + height = 0, + height_percentile = numeric(0), + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "no"), + error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "zero length vector")) > > ################################################################################ > # test the expansion of vectors. > x <-pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = 0.5, + qp_dbp = 0.5, + age = 54, + male = 0:1, + height = NA, + height_percentile = NA, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "quantile") > stopifnot(identical(class(x), "list")) > stopifnot(identical(length(x), 2L)) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[1]]), 2L)) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[2]]), 2L)) > > x <-pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = 0.5, + qp_dbp = 0.5, + age = 54, + male = 0, + height = c(NA, NA), + height_percentile = NA, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "quantile") > stopifnot(identical(class(x), "list")) > stopifnot(identical(length(x), 2L)) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[1]]), 2L)) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[2]]), 2L)) > > ################################################################################ > # verify error if inputs are not lenght 1 or equal > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = numeric(2), + qp_dbp = numeric(2), + age = numeric(2), + male = numeric(2), + height = numeric(2), + height_percentile = numeric(5), + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "distribution"), + error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "all input vectors need to be of equal length, or length 1.")) > > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = numeric(2), + qp_dbp = numeric(2), + age = numeric(2), + male = numeric(2), + height = numeric(5), + height_percentile = numeric(2), + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "distribution"), + error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "all input vectors need to be of equal length, or length 1.")) > > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = numeric(2), + qp_dbp = numeric(2), + age = numeric(2), + male = numeric(5), + height = numeric(2), + height_percentile = numeric(2), + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "distribution"), + error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "all input vectors need to be of equal length, or length 1.")) > > x <- tryCatch(pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = numeric(2), + qp_dbp = numeric(2), + age = numeric(5), + male = numeric(2), + height = numeric(2), + height_percentile = numeric(2), + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = c("martin2022"), + type = "distribution"), + error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(x$message, "all input vectors need to be of equal length, or length 1.")) > > ################################################################################ > # Verify expected output for gemelli1990 > x <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = gemelli1990$sbp_mean + , qp_dbp = gemelli1990$dbp_mean + , age = gemelli1990$age + , male = gemelli1990$male + , height = NA + , height_percentile = NA + , default_height_percentile = 0.5 + , source = "gemelli1990" + , type = "distribution" + ) > stopifnot(identical(class(x), "list")) > stopifnot(identical(length(x), 2L)) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[1]]), nrow(gemelli1990))) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[2]]), nrow(gemelli1990))) > stopifnot(identical(class(attr(x, "bp_params")), "data.frame")) > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(unname(x), list(rep(0.5, nrow(gemelli1990)), rep(0.5, nrow(gemelli1990))), check.attributes = FALSE))) > > x <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = 0.5 + , qp_dbp = 0.5 + , age = gemelli1990$age + , male = gemelli1990$male + , height = NA + , height_percentile = NA + , default_height_percentile = 0.5 + , source = "gemelli1990" + , type = "quantile" + ) > stopifnot(identical(class(x), "list")) > stopifnot(identical(length(x), 2L)) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[1]]), nrow(gemelli1990))) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[2]]), nrow(gemelli1990))) > stopifnot(identical(class(attr(x, "bp_params")), "data.frame")) > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(unname(x), as.list(gemelli1990[c("sbp_mean", "dbp_mean")]), check.attributes = FALSE))) > > ################################################################################ > # Verify expected output for lo2013 > x <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = lo2013$sbp_mean + , qp_dbp = lo2013$dbp_mean + , age = lo2013$age + , male = lo2013$male + , height = NA + , height_percentile = NA + , default_height_percentile = 0.5 + , source = "lo2013" + , type = "distribution" + ) > stopifnot(identical(class(x), "list")) > stopifnot(identical(length(x), 2L)) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[1]]), nrow(lo2013))) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[2]]), nrow(lo2013))) > stopifnot(identical(class(attr(x, "bp_params")), "data.frame")) > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(unname(x), list(rep(0.5, nrow(lo2013)), rep(0.5, nrow(lo2013))), check.attributes = FALSE))) > > x <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = 0.5 + , qp_dbp = 0.5 + , age = lo2013$age + , male = lo2013$male + , height = NA + , height_percentile = NA + , default_height_percentile = 0.5 + , source = "lo2013" + , type = "quantile" + ) > stopifnot(identical(class(x), "list")) > stopifnot(identical(length(x), 2L)) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[1]]), nrow(lo2013))) > stopifnot(identical(length(x[[2]]), nrow(lo2013))) > stopifnot(identical(class(attr(x, "bp_params")), "data.frame")) > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(unname(x), as.list(lo2013[c("sbp_mean", "dbp_mean")]), check.attributes = FALSE))) > > ################################################################################ > # verify output for nhlbi > nq <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = nhlbi_bp_norms$bp_percentile/100, + qp_dbp = nhlbi_bp_norms$bp_percentile/100, + male = nhlbi_bp_norms$male, + age = nhlbi_bp_norms$age, + height = NA, + height_percentile = nhlbi_bp_norms$height_percentile, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = "nhlbi", + type = "quantile" + ) > > np <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = nhlbi_bp_norms$sbp, + qp_dbp = nhlbi_bp_norms$dbp, + male = nhlbi_bp_norms$male, + age = nhlbi_bp_norms$age, + height = NA, + height_percentile = nhlbi_bp_norms$height_percentile, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = "nhlbi", + type = "distribution" + ) > > nhlbi_bp <- + cbind(nhlbi_bp_norms, + pedbp_sbp = nq$sbp, + pedbp_dbp = nq$dbp, + pedbp_sbp_p = np$sbp_p * 100, + pedbp_dbp_p = np$dbp_p * 100 + ) > > > # All the quantile estimates are within 2 mmHg: > stopifnot(max(abs(nhlbi_bp$pedbp_sbp - nhlbi_bp$sbp)) < 2) > stopifnot(max(abs(nhlbi_bp$pedbp_dbp - nhlbi_bp$dbp)) < 2) > > # All the percentiles are within 2 percentile points: > stopifnot(max(abs(nhlbi_bp$pedbp_sbp_p - nhlbi_bp$bp_percentile)) < 2) > stopifnot(max(abs(nhlbi_bp$pedbp_dbp_p - nhlbi_bp$bp_percentile)) < 2) > > ################################################################################ > # verify output for flynn2017 > nq <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = flynn2017$bp_percentile/100, + qp_dbp = flynn2017$bp_percentile/100, + male = flynn2017$male, + age = flynn2017$age, + height = NA, + height_percentile = flynn2017$height_percentile, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = "flynn2017", + type = "quantile" + ) > > np <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = flynn2017$sbp, + qp_dbp = flynn2017$dbp, + male = flynn2017$male, + age = flynn2017$age, + height = NA, + height_percentile = flynn2017$height_percentile, + default_height_percentile = 0.5, + source = "flynn2017", + type = "distribution" + ) > > flynn2017 <- + cbind(flynn2017, + pedbp_sbp = nq$sbp, + pedbp_dbp = nq$dbp, + pedbp_sbp_p = np$sbp_p * 100, + pedbp_dbp_p = np$dbp_p * 100 + ) > > > # All the quantile estimates are within 2 mmHg: > stopifnot(max(abs(flynn2017$pedbp_sbp - flynn2017$sbp)) < 2) > stopifnot(max(abs(flynn2017$pedbp_dbp - flynn2017$dbp)) < 2) > > # All the percentiles are within 2 percentile points: > stopifnot(max(abs(flynn2017$pedbp_sbp_p - flynn2017$bp_percentile)) < 2) > stopifnot(max(abs(flynn2017$pedbp_dbp_p - flynn2017$bp_percentile)) < 2) > > ################################################################################ > # test output for martin2022 > test_martin2022 <- + expand.grid(age = seq(0, 217, by = 1), + male = 0:1, + height = c(NA, seq(75, 160, by = 10)), + height_percentile = c(NA, seq(0.01, 0.99, by = 0.1)), + source = NA_character_, + stringsAsFactors = FALSE + ) > # build up the expected source > test_martin2022$source[test_martin2022$age < 12] <- "gemelli1990" > > test_martin2022$source[(test_martin2022$age >= 12) & + (!is.na(test_martin2022$height) | !is.na(test_martin2022$height_percentile)) + ] <- "nhlbi" > > test_martin2022$source[(test_martin2022$age >= 12) & + (is.na(test_martin2022$height) & is.na(test_martin2022$height_percentile)) & + (test_martin2022$age < 36) + ] <- "nhlbi" > > test_martin2022$source[(test_martin2022$age >= 12) & + (is.na(test_martin2022$height) & is.na(test_martin2022$height_percentile)) & + (test_martin2022$age >= 36) + ] <- "lo2013" > > # clean up expected source > test_martin2022$source[test_martin2022$age <= 0] <- NA_character_ > test_martin2022$source[test_martin2022$age > 216] <- NA_character_ > > original_hash <- digest::digest(test_martin2022) # needed for testing against error seen in #18 > > x <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = numeric(1), + qp_dbp = numeric(1), + age = test_martin2022$age, + male = test_martin2022$male, + height = test_martin2022$height, + height_percentile = test_martin2022$height_percentile, + default_height_percentile = 0.8, + source = "martin2022", + type = 'quantile') > > new_hash <- digest::digest(test_martin2022) > stopifnot(identical(original_hash, new_hash)) > > x <- attr(x, 'bp_params') > stopifnot(identical(test_martin2022$source, x$source) ) > > x <- + pedbp:::cppBP( + qp_sbp = numeric(1), + qp_dbp = numeric(1), + age = test_martin2022$age, + male = test_martin2022$male, + height = test_martin2022$height, + height_percentile = test_martin2022$height_percentile, + default_height_percentile = 0.8, + source = "martin2022", + type = 'distribution') > > new_hash <- digest::digest(test_martin2022) > stopifnot(identical(original_hash, new_hash)) > > x <- attr(x, 'bp_params') > stopifnot(identical(test_martin2022$source, x$source) ) > > ################################################################################ > ## End of file ## > ################################################################################ > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.79 0.07 0.84