R Under development (unstable) (2024-09-10 r87115 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(pcalg) > doExtras <- pcalg:::doExtras() > > showProc.time <- local({ + pct <- proc.time() + function() { ## CPU elapsed __since last called__ + ot <- pct ; pct <<- proc.time() + cat('Time elapsed: ', (pct - ot)[1:3],'\n') + } + }) > > ######################################################## > ## > ## Example 1: Zhang (2008), Fig. 6, p.1882 > ## Paper with rules > ## > ######################################################## > ## Removed here: is already in ../man/fci.Rd > ## ------- ------------- > showProc.time() Time elapsed: 0 0 0 > > ######################################################## > ## > ## Example 2: Zhang (2006), Fig. 5.2, p.198 > ## Dissertation > ## > ######################################################## > > ## create the graph g > p <- 5; . <- 0 > V2 <- LETTERS[1:6] > edL2 <- setNames(vector("list", length=length(V2)), V2) > edL2[[1]] <- list(edges=4,weights=1) > edL2[[2]] <- list(edges=c(4,5),weights=c(0.5,1)) > edL2[[3]] <- list(edges=4,weights=1) > edL2[[4]] <- list(edges=5,weights=1) > edL2[[6]] <- list(edges=c(3,4),weights=c(1,1)) > g2 <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V2, edgeL=edL2,edgemode="directed") > print.table(1*(as(g2, "matrix") != 0), zero.print=".") A B C D E F A . . . 1 . . B . . . 1 1 . C . . . 1 . . D . . . . 1 . E . . . . . . F . . 1 1 . . > ## A B C D E F > ## A . . . 1 . . > ## B . . . 1 1 . > ## C . . . 1 . . > ## D . . . . 1 . > ## E . . . . . . > ## F . . 1 1 . . > > ## hidden: > L2 <- 6 > > ## compute the true covariance matrix of g > cov.mat2 <- trueCov(g2) > ## delete rows and columns which belong to L > true.cov2 <- cov.mat2[-L2,-L2] > ## transform it into a correlation matrix > true.corr2 <- cov2cor(true.cov2) > > ## PAG > suffStat2 <- list(C = true.corr2, n = 10^9) > true.pag2 <- fci(suffStat2, indepTest=gaussCItest, alpha = 0.99, p=p) > > ## define correct PAG > corr.pag2 <- rbind(c(.,.,.,2,.), + c(.,.,.,2,2), + c(.,.,.,2,.), + c(1,1,1,.,2), + c(.,3,.,3,.)) > > correctEst2 <- all(corr.pag2 == true.pag2@amat) > if (!correctEst2) stop("Test fci wrong: example 2!") > showProc.time() Time elapsed: 0.08 0.02 0.09 > > if (doExtras) { + + ######################################################## + ## + ## Example 3: random DAG + ## + ######################################################## + + suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) + set.seed(40) + ##Random graph only R1-R10 + g3 <- randomDAG(14,0.3) + + ## Define the latent variables + L3 <- c(8,10) + + ##pcAlgo.Perfect with true correlation matrix + ##______________________________________________________ + p <- 12 + amat.g <- as(g3,"matrix") + colnames(amat.g) <- rownames(amat.g) <- graph::nodes(g3) + amat.g[amat.g!=0] <- 1 + print.table(amat.g, zero.print=".") + + ##Compute the true covariance matrix of g + cov.mat3 <- trueCov(g3) + + ##Delete rows and columns which belong to L + true.cov3 <- cov.mat3[-L3,-L3] + ##Transform it in a correlation matrix + true.corr3 <- cov2cor(true.cov3) + + ##PAG + suffStat3 <- list(C = true.corr3, n = 10^9) + true.pag3 <- fci(suffStat3, indepTest=gaussCItest, alpha = 0.99, p=p) + + ##define correct PAG + corr.pag3 <- rbind(c(.,.,2,.,.,2,.,.,.,2,2,2), + c(.,.,2,.,2,.,.,.,.,2,2,2), + c(1,1,.,.,2,.,2,2,.,.,.,.), + c(.,.,.,.,.,2,.,.,2,.,2,2), + c(.,3,3,.,.,2,2,.,2,2,2,.), + c(3,.,.,1,3,.,2,.,2,.,.,.), + c(.,.,3,.,3,3,.,.,.,.,.,.), + c(.,.,3,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.), + c(.,.,.,3,3,3,.,.,.,.,.,.), + c(3,3,.,.,3,.,.,.,.,.,2,.), + c(3,3,.,1,3,.,.,.,.,1,.,2), + c(3,3,.,3,.,.,.,.,.,.,3,.)) + + correctEst3 <- all(corr.pag3 == true.pag3@amat) + if (!correctEst3) stop("Test fci wrong: example 3!") + showProc.time() + + + ######################################################################################### + ## + ## Example 4: Spirtes 1997 p.21 DAG with latent variables and p.24 PAG + ## + ######################################################################################### + + p <- 5; . <- 0 + amat4 <- rbind(c(.,.,.,.,1,1,.), + c(.,.,.,1,.,.,1), + c(.,.,.,1,.,1,.), + c(.,.,.,.,1,.,.), + c(.,.,.,.,.,.,.), + c(.,.,.,.,.,.,1), + c(.,.,.,.,.,.,.)) + colnames(amat4) <- rownames(amat4) <- as.character(1:7) + L4 <- c(1,2) + V4 <- as.character(1:7) + edL4 <- vector("list",length=7) + names(edL4) <- V4 + edL4[[1]] <- list(edges=c(5,6),weights=c(abs(rnorm(1)),abs(rnorm(1)))) + edL4[[2]] <- list(edges=c(4,7),weights=c(abs(rnorm(1)),abs(rnorm(1)))) + edL4[[3]] <- list(edges=c(4,6),weights=c(abs(rnorm(1)),abs(rnorm(1)))) + edL4[[4]] <- list(edges=5,weights=c(abs(rnorm(1)))) + edL4[[6]] <- list(edges=7,weights=c(abs(rnorm(1)))) + g4 <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V4, edgeL=edL4,edgemode="directed") + + ## compute the true covariance matrix of g1 + cov.mat4 <- trueCov(g4) + + ## delete rows and columns which belong to L1 + true.cov4 <- cov.mat4[-L4,-L4] + + ## transform it into a correlation matrix + true.corr4 <- cov2cor(true.cov4) + + ##PAG + suffStat4 <- list(C = true.corr4, n = 10^9) + true.pag4 <- fci(suffStat4, indepTest=gaussCItest, alpha = 0.99, p=p) + + ##define correct PAG + corr.pag4 <- rbind(c(.,2,.,2,.), + c(1,.,2,.,2), + c(.,3,.,2,.), + c(1,.,2,.,2), + c(.,2,.,3,.)) + + correctEst4 <- all(corr.pag4 == true.pag4@amat) + if (!correctEst4) stop("Test fci wrong: example 4!") + showProc.time() + + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.90 0.17 1.06