library(pcalg) suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) ## setwd("/sfs/u/kalischm/research/packages/unifDAGs/") ## source("aux_general.R") ## source("randDAG.R") ### Check all methods: ---------------------------------------------- ## MM hack: extract them from the randDAG() function definition body. <- body(randDAG) is.switch <- function(P) !is.symbol(P) && identical(as.symbol("switch"), P[[1]]) switchCall <- body.[vapply(body., is.switch, NA)][[1]] stopifnot(identical(as.symbol("switch"), switchCall[[1]])) (rDAGmeths <- names(switchCall)[-c(1:2, length(switchCall))]) rDAGall <- function(n, d, ...) sapply(rDAGmeths, function(meth) randDAG(n,d, method=meth, ...), simplify=FALSE) set.seed(37) rD.10.4 <- rDAGall(10, 4) # 2024-02: no "low-level warning" anymore ## , warning = function(w) { ## rDAG.warn <<- conditionMessage(w); invokeRestart("muffleWarning") }) ## ## with a low-level warning: ## ## IGNORE_RDIFF_BEGIN ## rDAG.warn ## ## IGNORE_RDIFF_END ## stopifnot(grepl("graph_molloy_.*Cannot shuffle graph", rDAG.warn)) ## rD.10.4 # looks ok ## Show, but ignore the package startup messages: ## IGNORE_RDIFF_BEGIN stopifnot( require("graph") ) ## IGNORE_RDIFF_END stopifnot(vapply(rD.10.4, isDirected, NA), vapply(rD.10.4, inherits, NA, what="graph")) ## nice plot of all 8 : op <- par(mfrow=c(4,2)) invisible(lapply(names(rD.10.4), function(nm) plot(rD.10.4[[nm]], main=nm))) par(op) str(outs <- lapply(rD.10.4, leaves, "out")) if(packageVersion("igraph") < "2.0") ## currently fails stopifnot(identical( outs, list(er = "3", regular = c("1", "5", "6"), watts = c("3", "4", "6"), bipartite = c("1", "2", "5"), barabasi = c("4", "8"), geometric = c("4", "7"), power = c("4", "5", "9"), interEr = c("3", "7")) )) str(ins <- lapply(rD.10.4, leaves, "in")) if(packageVersion("igraph") < "2.0") ## currently fails stopifnot(identical( ins, list(er = c("1", "4", "7"), regular = c("3", "7", "10"), watts = c("1", "8"), bipartite = c("4", "6"), barabasi = c("6", "7"), geometric = c("5", "10"), power = c("2", "7"), interEr = c("8", "10")) )) set.seed(47) (rD.12.2 <- rDAGall(12, 2)) if(packageVersion("igraph") < "2.0") ## currently fails stopifnot(exprs = { vapply(rD.12.2, isDirected, NA) vapply(rD.12.2, numNodes, 1) == 12 identical(vapply(rD.12.2, numEdges, 1), setNames(c(9, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 13, 8), rDAGmeths)) }) ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Use the output here require(Matrix) lapply(rD.10.4, function(g) as(as(g, "Matrix"),"nMatrix")) lapply(rD.12.2, function(g) as(as(g, "Matrix"),"nMatrix")) ## Minimal checks on graphs generated via igraph stopifnot( require("graph") ) set.seed(37) dagList <- vector(mode = "list", length = 7) dagList[[1]] <- randDAG(10, 4, "regular") dagList[[2]] <- randDAG(10, 4, "watts") dagList[[3]] <- randDAG(10, 4, "er") dagList[[4]] <- randDAG(10, 4, "bipartite") dagList[[5]] <- randDAG(10, 4, "barabasi") dagList[[6]] <- randDAG(10, 4, "geometric") dagList[[7]] <- randDAG(10, 4, "interEr", par2 = 0.5) ## number of nodes stopifnot(all.equal( sapply(dagList, numNodes), rep(10,7) )) ## number of edges stopifnot(all.equal( sapply(dagList, numEdges), c(20,20,16,15,0,10,19) )) ## Use the output here -- FIXME: check more require(Matrix) lapply(rD.10.4, function(g) as(as(g, "Matrix"),"nMatrix")) lapply(rD.12.2, function(g) as(as(g, "Matrix"),"nMatrix")) ## check weights set.seed(123) n <- 100 g <- randDAG(n=n,d=3, wFUN=list(runif,min=0,max=1)) m <- wgtMatrix(g) stopifnot(sum(m != 0) == 137) v <- as.numeric(m) v <- v[v!=0] ## dput(as.vector(summary(v, digits=7))) stopifnot(all.equal(as.vector(summary(v, digits=7)), c(0.008103577, 0.2589966, 0.5287397, 0.5232445, 0.8159941, 0.9915566))) ct <- cut(x=v, breaks=seq(0,1,by=0.1)) stopifnot(all.equal(chisq.test(as.numeric(table(ct)), p = rep(0.1,10))$p.value, 0.3101796548)) ## check generation of negative weights (fixed Bug) set.seed(123) ; tmp1 <- randDAG(3,2, wFUN = list(runif, min = 2, max = 2)) set.seed(123) ; tmp2 <- randDAG(3,2, wFUN = list(runif, min = -2, max = -2)) stopifnot(unlist(tmp1@edgeData@data) == 2, unlist(tmp2@edgeData@data) == -2 )