R Under development (unstable) (2024-09-06 r87103 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
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> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(pbdZMQ))
> ### rzmq interface
> ### In general and separate files
> # server_context = init.context()
> # server_socket = init.socket(server_context, "ZMQ_REP")
> # client_context = init.context()
> # client_socket = init.socket(client_context, "ZMQ_REQ")
> ### Server file
> # bind.socket(server_socket, "tcp://*:55555")
> ### Client file
> # connect.socket(client_socket, "tcp://localhost:55555")
> ### For CRAN testing in local (the same process) only to avoid block
> cran_context = init.context()
> server_socket = init.socket(cran_context, "ZMQ_REP")
> client_socket = init.socket(cran_context, "ZMQ_REQ")
> ### Server
> bind.socket(server_socket, "inproc://#1")
> ### Client
> connect.socket(client_socket, "inproc://#1")
> ### Test rzmq
> tester_rzmq = function(indata)
+ {
+   send.socket(client_socket, indata)
+   c2s <- receive.socket(server_socket)
+   stopifnot(all.equal(c2s, indata))
+   send.socket(server_socket, "ok")
+   s2c <- receive.socket(client_socket)
+   stopifnot(all.equal(s2c, "ok"))
+ }
> tester_rzmq("test")
> tester_rzmq(1:5)
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
   0.26    0.06    0.31