test_that("get_config", { svc <- set_config( svc = list( operation = function() get_config() ), cfgs = list(region = 123) ) actual <- svc$operation() expect_equal(actual$region, 123, ignore_attr = TRUE) # Check if config is returned when executed in a `do.call`. expect_equal(do.call(svc$operation, list()), svc$operation(), ignore_attr = TRUE) f <- function() { svc$operation() } expect_equal(f()$region, 123, ignore_attr = TRUE) g <- function() { svc <- set_config( svc = list( operation = function() get_config() ), cfgs = list(endpoint = 456) ) svc$operation() } expect_equal(g()$endpoint, 456, ignore_attr = TRUE) operation <- svc$operation expect_equal(operation(), Config()) }) test_that("get_config optional parameter update", { svc <- set_config( svc = list( operation = function() get_config() ), cfgs = list(sts_regional_endpoint = "legacy") ) actual <- svc$operation() expect_equal(actual$sts_regional_endpoint, "legacy", ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("set_config", { svc <- list( f = function() "foo", g = function() 123, h = function() get_config() ) a <- set_config( svc, list( region = "foo", endpoint = "bar" ) ) expect_equal(a$f(), "foo") expect_equal(a$g(), 123) config <- a$h() expect_equal(config$region, "foo", ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(config$endpoint, "bar", ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_error(set_config(list(), list(foo = 123))) }) test_that("get_profile_name", { withr::with_envvar(list(AWS_PROFILE = "bar"), { expect_equal(get_profile_name(), "bar") expect_equal(get_profile_name(NULL), "bar") expect_equal(get_profile_name("foo"), "foo") }) }) test_that("get_region", { withr::with_envvar(list(AWS_REGION = "foo"), { expect_equal(get_region(), "foo") expect_equal(get_region(NULL), "foo") }) }) test_that("get_role_arn", { withr::with_envvar(list(AWS_ROLE_ARN = "bar"), { expect_equal(get_role_arn(), "bar") expect_equal(get_role_arn(NULL), "bar") expect_equal(get_role_arn("foo"), "foo") }) }) test_that("get_role_session_name", { withr::with_envvar(list(AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME = "bar"), { expect_equal(get_role_session_name(), "bar") expect_equal(get_role_session_name(NULL), "bar") expect_equal(get_role_session_name("foo"), "foo") }) }) test_that("get_web_identity_token_file", { expect_error(get_web_identity_token_file(), "No WebIdentityToken file available") withr::with_envvar(list(AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE = "bar"), { expect_equal(get_web_identity_token_file(), "bar") expect_equal(get_web_identity_token_file(NULL), "bar") expect_equal(get_web_identity_token_file("foo"), "foo") }) }) test_that("get_web_identity_token", { withr::with_tempfile("tmp", { write("token", tmp) expect_equal(get_web_identity_token(tmp), "token") }) }) test_that("get_instance_metadata_imdsv1", { # this function mocks the behaviour of the IMDSv1 metadata service in so far # as it allows testing of get_instance_metadata in config. valid_metadata_response <- "ami-id ami-launch-index ami-manifest-path block-device-mapping/ events/ hostname iam/ identity-credentials/ instance-action instance-id instance-life-cycle instance-type local-hostname local-ipv4 mac metrics/ network/ placement/ profile public-keys/ reservation-id security-groups services/" imdsv1_behaviour <- function(http_request) { # mock behaviour of the imdsv1 metadata service in case it gets an # imdsv2 request if (http_request$url$scheme == "http" && http_request$method == "PUT" && http_request$url$path == "/latest/api/token") { # ignore this as this only available in IMDSv2. mock_imdsv1_response_for_imdsv2_request <- HttpResponse( status_code = 404, header = c( "Server" = "EC2ws", "Connection" = "Close", "Content-Type" = "text/plain", "Content-Length" = "0" ), content_length = 0L, body = charToRaw("") ) return(mock_imdsv1_response_for_imdsv2_request) } # mock behaviour of the imdsv1 metadata service if (http_request$url$scheme == "http" && http_request$method == "GET" && grepl("meta-data", http_request$url$path)) { # provide response according to IMDSv1 mock_imdsv1_metadata_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, header = c( "Server" = "EC2ws", "Connection" = "Close", "Content-Type" = "text/plain", "Content-Length" = "297" ), content_length = 297L, body = charToRaw(valid_metadata_response) ) return(mock_imdsv1_metadata_response) } # if there is an invalid request in general return a HTTP error code mock_imdsv1_response_invalid_request <- HttpResponse( status_code = 405, header = c( "Server" = "EC2ws", "Connection" = "Close", "Content-Type" = "text/plain", "Content-Length" = "0" ), content_length = 0L, body = charToRaw("") ) return(mock_imdsv1_response_invalid_request) } mock_imdsv1_behaviour <- mock2(side_effect = imdsv1_behaviour) mockery::stub(get_instance_metadata, "issue", mock_imdsv1_behaviour) actual <- get_instance_metadata() expect_equal(mock_call_no(mock_imdsv1_behaviour), 2) expect_equal( charToRaw(valid_metadata_response), actual$body ) }) test_that("get_instance_metadata_imdsv2", { # this function mocks the behaviour of the IMDSv2 metadata service in so far # as it allows testing of get_instance_metadata in config. valid_metadata_response <- "ami-id ami-launch-index ami-manifest-path block-device-mapping/ events/ hostname iam/ identity-credentials/ instance-action instance-id instance-life-cycle instance-type local-hostname local-ipv4 mac metrics/ network/ placement/ profile public-keys/ reservation-id security-groups services/" test_aws_token <- "AWSTESTINGTokENZZ-XXXXxxxXXXx2XXx1X45XXxXXxX-XxXXxxxXx==" imdsv2_behaviour <- function(http_request) { # mock behaviour of the imdsv2 metadata service if (http_request$url$scheme == "http" && http_request$method == "PUT" && http_request$url$path == "/latest/api/token" && !is.na(http_request$header[["X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds"]]) && !is.na(as.numeric(http_request$header[["X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds"]])) ) { # provide a valid IMDSv2 metadata service token mock_imdsv2_token_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, header = c( "Server" = "EC2ws", "Connection" = "Close", "Content-Type" = "text/plain", "Content-Length" = "56" ), content_length = 56L, body = charToRaw(test_aws_token) ) return(mock_imdsv2_token_response) } # mock behaviour of the imdsv2 metadata service if (http_request$url$scheme == "http" && http_request$method == "GET" && grepl("meta-data", http_request$url$path) && !is.na(http_request$header[["X-aws-ec2-metadata-token"]]) && http_request$header[["X-aws-ec2-metadata-token"]] == test_aws_token ) { # provide response according to IMDSv1 mock_imdsv2_metadata_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, header = c( "Server" = "EC2ws", "Connection" = "Close", "Content-Type" = "text/plain", "Content-Length" = "297", "X-Aws-Ec2-Metadata-Token-Ttl-Seconds" = "21587" ), content_length = 297L, body = charToRaw(valid_metadata_response) ) return(mock_imdsv2_metadata_response) } # if there is an invalid request in general return a HTTP error code mock_imdsv1_response_invalid_request <- HttpResponse( status_code = 405, header = c( "Server" = "EC2ws", "Connection" = "Close", "Content-Type" = "text/plain", "Content-Length" = "0" ), content_length = 0L, body = charToRaw("") ) return(mock_imdsv1_response_invalid_request) } mock_imdsv2_behaviour <- mock2(side_effect = imdsv2_behaviour) mockery::stub(get_instance_metadata, "issue", mock_imdsv2_behaviour) actual <- get_instance_metadata() expect_equal(mock_call_no(mock_imdsv2_behaviour), 2) expect_equal( charToRaw(valid_metadata_response), actual$body ) }) test_that("get sso legacy credentials", { mock_get_config_file_path <- mock2("data_sso_ini") mock_sso_credential_process <- mock2(invisible(TRUE)) mockery::stub(config_file_provider, "get_config_file_path", mock_get_config_file_path) mockery::stub(config_file_provider, "sso_credential_process", mock_sso_credential_process) config_file_provider("legacy_sso") expect_equal(mock_arg(mock_sso_credential_process), list( NULL, "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", "123456789011", "us-east-1", "readOnly", "profile legacy_sso" )) }) test_that("get sso credentials", { mock_get_config_file_path <- mock2("data_sso_ini") mock_sso_credential_process <- mock2(invisible(TRUE)) mockery::stub(config_file_provider, "get_config_file_path", mock_get_config_file_path) mockery::stub(config_file_provider, "sso_credential_process", mock_sso_credential_process) config_file_provider("sso") expect_equal(mock_arg(mock_sso_credential_process), list( "my-sso", "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", "123456789011", "us-east-1", "readOnly", "profile sso" )) }) test_that("sso_credential_process legacy", { mock_file_exists <- mock2(TRUE) mock_fromJSON <- mock2(list( startUrl = "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", region = "us-east-1", accessToken = "foo", expiresAt = "bar", clientId = "cho", clientSecret = "zap", registrationExpiresAt = "2023-01-01T12:00:00Z" )) mock_get_role_credentials <- mock2(list( roleCredentials = list( accessKeyId = "hello", secretAccessKey = "world", sessionToken = "foo_hello", expiration = "foo_world" ) )) mock_Creds <- mock2(Creds()) mock_sso <- mock2(list(get_role_credentials = mock_get_role_credentials)) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "file.exists", mock_file_exists) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "jsonlite::fromJSON", mock_fromJSON) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "sso", mock_sso) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "Creds", mock_Creds) cred <- sso_credential_process( NULL, "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", "123456789011", "us-east-1", "readOnly" ) # check for correct sso_cache expect_true( grepl( "c7aaaf71fcc8777ae2475525ed049d39fe16c484", mock_arg(mock_fromJSON)[[1]] ) ) expect_equal(mock_arg(mock_Creds), list( access_key_id = "hello", secret_access_key = "world", session_token = "foo_hello", expiration = "foo_world" )) }) test_that("sso_credential_process", { mock_file_exists <- mock2(TRUE) mock_fromJSON <- mock2(list( startUrl = "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", region = "us-east-1", accessToken = "foo", expiresAt = "bar", clientId = "cho", clientSecret = "zap", registrationExpiresAt = "2023-01-01T12:00:00Z" )) mock_get_role_credentials <- mock2(list( roleCredentials = list( accessKeyId = "hello", secretAccessKey = "world", sessionToken = "foo_hello", expiration = "foo_world" ) )) mock_Creds <- mock2(Creds()) mock_sso <- mock2(list(get_role_credentials = mock_get_role_credentials)) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "file.exists", mock_file_exists) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "jsonlite::fromJSON", mock_fromJSON) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "sso", mock_sso) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "Creds", mock_Creds) cred <- sso_credential_process( "my-sso", "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", "123456789011", "us-east-1", "readOnly" ) # check for correct sso_cache expect_true( grepl( "0ad374308c5a4e22f723adf10145eafad7c4031c", mock_arg(mock_fromJSON)[[1]] ) ) expect_equal(mock_arg(mock_Creds), list( access_key_id = "hello", secret_access_key = "world", session_token = "foo_hello", expiration = "foo_world" )) }) test_that("check sso_cache doesn't exist legacy", { mock_file_exists <- mock2(FALSE) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "file.exists", mock_file_exists) expect_error( sso_credential_process( NULL, "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", "123456789011", "us-east-1", "readOnly" ), "Error loading SSO Token: Token for https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start does not exist" ) }) test_that("check sso_cache doesn't exist", { mock_file_exists <- mock2(FALSE) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "file.exists", mock_file_exists) expect_error( sso_credential_process( "my-sso", "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", "123456789011", "us-east-1", "readOnly" ), "Error loading SSO Token: Token for my-sso does not exist" ) }) test_that("check for invalid token, missing accessToken", { mock_file_exists <- mock2(TRUE) mock_fromJSON <- mock2(list( startUrl = "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", region = "us-east-1", expiresAt = "bar", clientId = "cho", clientSecret = "zap", registrationExpiresAt = "2023-01-01T12:00:00Z" )) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "file.exists", mock_file_exists) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "jsonlite::fromJSON", mock_fromJSON) expect_error( sso_credential_process( NULL, "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", "123456789011", "us-east-1", "readOnly" ), "Error loading SSO Token: Token for https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start is invalid." ) }) test_that("check for invalid token, missing expiresAt", { mock_file_exists <- mock2(TRUE) mock_fromJSON <- mock2(list( startUrl = "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", region = "us-east-1", accessToken = "foo", clientId = "cho", clientSecret = "zap", registrationExpiresAt = "2023-01-01T12:00:00Z" )) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "file.exists", mock_file_exists) mockery::stub(sso_credential_process, "jsonlite::fromJSON", mock_fromJSON) expect_error( sso_credential_process( NULL, "https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start", "123456789011", "us-east-1", "readOnly" ), "Error loading SSO Token: Token for https://my-sso-portal.awsapps.com/start is invalid." ) }) test_that("check sts regional from environment", { withr::with_envvar(list(AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS = "regional"), { actual <- get_sts_regional_endpoint() expect_equal(actual, "regional") }) }) test_that("check sts regional from config file", { mock_get_config_file_path <- mock2("data_ini") mockery::stub( check_config_file_sts_regional_endpoint, "get_config_file_path", mock_get_config_file_path ) actual <- check_config_file_sts_regional_endpoint("sts") expect_equal(actual, "legacy") }) test_that("merge_config default param config", { cfg <- list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string", anonymous = "logical" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string", close_connection = "logical", timeout = "numeric", s3_force_path_style = "logical" ) # Check cfg is not affected by default credentials() actual1 <- merge_config( cfg, list(credentials = credentials(), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL) ) # Check if cfg is not affected by credentials list() actual2 <- merge_config( cfg, list(credentials = list(), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL) ) # Check if default config is not affected by default credentials() actual3 <- merge_config( config(), list(credentials = credentials(), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL) ) # Check if empty list isnt affect by default credentials() actual4 <- merge_config( list(), list(credentials = credentials(), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL) ) expect_equal(actual1, cfg) expect_equal(actual2, cfg) expect_equal(actual3, config()) expect_equal(actual4, list()) }) test_that("merge_config modify default config with param config", { # check if list config is modified by credentials() actual1 <- merge_config( list(), list(credentials = credentials(profile = "dummy"), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL) ) # check if list config is modified by credentials actual2 <- merge_config( list(), list(credentials = list(profile = "dummy"), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL) ) # check if config() is modified by all param config actual3 <- merge_config( config(), list(credentials = credentials(profile = "dummy"), endpoint = "bar", region = "zoo") ) expect_credentials <- as.list(credentials(profile = "dummy")) expect_equal(actual1, list(credentials = expect_credentials)) expect_equal(actual2, list(credentials = list(profile = "dummy"))) expect_equal(actual3, config(credentials = expect_credentials, endpoint = "bar", region = "zoo")) }) test_that("merge_config config and param config", { # check if config is modified by param config actual1 <- merge_config( config(credentials(profile = "dummy"), sts_regional_endpoint = "regional"), list(credentials = credentials(profile = "dummy"), endpoint = NULL, region = "us-east-1") ) # check if list config is modified by credentials actual2 <- merge_config( config(credentials(profile = "dummy"), endpoint = "endpoint1", region = "eu-west-1"), list(credentials = list(profile = "edited"), endpoint = "my-endpoint", region = "us-east-1") ) # check if list config is modified by list param config actual3 <- merge_config( list(credentials = list(profile = "dummy"), endpoint = "endpoint1", region = "eu-west-1"), list(credentials = list(profile = "edited"), endpoint = "my-endpoint", region = "us-east-1") ) expect1 <- config( credentials(profile = "dummy"), region = "us-east-1", sts_regional_endpoint = "regional" ) expect2 <- config( credentials(profile = "edited"), region = "us-east-1", endpoint = "my-endpoint" ) expect3 <- list( credentials = list( profile = "edited" ), endpoint = "my-endpoint", region = "us-east-1" ) expect_equal(actual1, expect1) expect_equal(actual2, expect2) expect_equal(actual3, expect3) })