test_that("parsing and building URLs", { input <- "https://example.com/a%20path%20with%20spaces" actual <- build_url(parse_url(input)) expected <- input expect_equal(actual, expected) input <- "https://example.com/a-path-without-spaces" actual <- build_url(parse_url(input)) expected <- input expect_equal(actual, expected) }) test_that("parse and build query strings", { # One parameter with a value, one without a value. input <- "bar=baz&foo=" actual <- build_query_string(parse_query_string(input)) expected <- input expect_equal(actual, expected) }) test_that("missing query values become empty strings", { expect_equal(parse_query_string("?q="), list(q = "")) expect_equal(parse_query_string("?q"), list(q = "")) expect_equal(parse_query_string("?a&q"), list(a = "", q = "")) }) test_that("empty queries become NULL", { expect_equal(parse_query_string("?"), list()) expect_equal(parse_query_string(""), list()) })