#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build tests svc <- Client( client_info = ClientInfo( endpoint = "https://test" ) ) svc$handlers$build <- HandlerList(restxml_build) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # REST tests test_that("no parameters", { op1 <- Operation( name = "OperationName", http_method = "GET", http_path = "/2014-01-01/jobs" ) req <- new_request(svc, op1, NULL, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$http_request expect_equal(build_url(r$url), "https://test/2014-01-01/jobs") }) test_that("URI parameter with no location name", { op2 <- Operation( name = "OperationName", http_method = "GET", http_path = "/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/{PipelineId}" ) op_input2 <- function(PipelineId) { args <- list(PipelineId = PipelineId) interface <- Structure( PipelineId = Scalar(type = "string", .tags = list(location = "uri")) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input2( PipelineId = "foo" ) req <- new_request(svc, op2, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$http_request expect_equal(build_url(r$url), "https://test/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/foo") }) test_that("URI parameter with location name", { op3 <- Operation( name = "OperationName", http_method = "GET", http_path = "/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/{PipelineId}" ) op_input3 <- function(Foo) { args <- list(Foo = Foo) interface <- Structure( Foo = Scalar(type = "string", .tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "PipelineId")) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input3( Foo = "bar" ) req <- new_request(svc, op3, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$http_request expect_equal(build_url(r$url), "https://test/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/bar") }) test_that("query string list of strings", { op4 <- Operation( name = "OperationName", http_method = "GET", http_path = "/path" ) op_input4 <- function(Items) { args <- list(Items = Items) interface <- Structure( Items = List(Scalar(type = "string"), .tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "item")) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input4( Items = list("value1", "value2") ) req <- new_request(svc, op4, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$http_request expect_equal(build_url(r$url), "https://test/path?item=value1&item=value2") }) test_that("query string map of strings", { op5 <- Operation( name = "OperationName", http_method = "GET", http_path = "/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/{PipelineId}" ) op_input5 <- function(PipelineId, QueryDoc) { args <- list(PipelineId = PipelineId, QueryDoc = QueryDoc) interface <- Structure( PipelineId = Scalar(type = "string", .tags = list(location = "uri")), QueryDoc = Map(Scalar(type = "string"), .tags = list(location = "querystring")) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input5( PipelineId = "foo", QueryDoc = list( bar = "baz", fizz = "buzz" ) ) req <- new_request(svc, op5, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$http_request expect_equal(build_url(r$url), "https://test/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/foo?bar=baz&fizz=buzz") }) test_that("query string map of lists of strings", { op6 <- Operation( name = "OperationName", http_method = "GET", http_path = "/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/{PipelineId}" ) op_input6 <- function(PipelineId, QueryDoc) { args <- list(PipelineId = PipelineId, QueryDoc = QueryDoc) interface <- Structure( PipelineId = Scalar(type = "string", .tags = list(location = "uri")), QueryDoc = Map(List(Scalar(type = "string")), .tags = list(location = "querystring")) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input6( PipelineId = "id", QueryDoc = list( fizz = c("buzz", "pop"), foo = c("bar", "baz") ) ) req <- new_request(svc, op6, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$http_request expect_equal(build_url(r$url), "https://test/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/id?fizz=buzz&fizz=pop&foo=bar&foo=baz") }) test_that("query string with bool (true)", { op7 <- Operation( name = "OperationName", http_method = "GET", http_path = "/path" ) op_input7 <- function(BoolQuery) { args <- list(BoolQuery = BoolQuery) interface <- Structure( BoolQuery = Scalar(type = "boolean", .tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "bool-query")) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input7( BoolQuery = TRUE ) req <- new_request(svc, op7, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$http_request expect_equal(build_url(r$url), "https://test/path?bool-query=true") }) test_that("query string with bool (false)", { op8 <- Operation( name = "OperationName", http_method = "GET", http_path = "/path" ) op_input8 <- function(BoolQuery) { args <- list(BoolQuery = BoolQuery) interface <- Structure( BoolQuery = Scalar(type = "boolean", .tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "bool-query")) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input8( BoolQuery = FALSE ) req <- new_request(svc, op8, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$http_request expect_equal(build_url(r$url), "https://test/path?bool-query=false") }) test_that("URI and query string parameters", { op9 <- Operation( name = "OperationName", http_method = "GET", http_path = "/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/{PipelineId}" ) op_input9 <- function(Ascending, PageToken, PipelineId) { args <- list(Ascending = Ascending, PageToken = PageToken, PipelineId = PipelineId) interface <- Structure( Ascending = Scalar(type = "string", .tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "Ascending")), PageToken = Scalar(type = "string", .tags = list(location = "querystring", locationName = "PageToken")), PipelineId = Scalar(type = "string", .tags = list(location = "uri", locationName = "PipelineId")) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input9( Ascending = "true", PageToken = "bar", PipelineId = "foo" ) req <- new_request(svc, op9, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$http_request expect_equal(build_url(r$url), "https://test/2014-01-01/jobsByPipeline/foo?Ascending=true&PageToken=bar") }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # XML tests test_that("Basic XML Case1", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationName") op_input_test <- function(Description, Name) { args <- list(Description = Description, Name = Name) interface <- Structure( Description = Scalar(type = "string"), Name = Scalar(type = "string"), .tags = list(locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/") ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( Description = "bar", Name = "foo" ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'barfoo') }) test_that("Other Scalar Case1", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationName") op_input_test <- function(First, Second, Third, Fourth) { args <- list(First = First, Second = Second, Third = Third, Fourth = Fourth) interface <- Structure( First = Scalar(type = "boolean"), Fourth = Scalar(type = "integer"), Second = Scalar(type = "boolean"), Third = Scalar(type = "float"), .tags = list( locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/" ) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( First = TRUE, Fourth = 3, Second = FALSE, Third = 1.2 ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'true3false1.2') }) test_that("Nested Structure Case1", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationRequest") op_input_test <- function(Description, SubStructure) { args <- list(Description = Description, SubStructure = SubStructure) interface <- Structure( Description = Scalar(type = "string"), SubStructure = Structure( Bar = Scalar(type = "string"), Foo = Scalar(type = "string") ), .tags = list(locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/") ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( Description = "baz", SubStructure = list( Bar = "b", Foo = "a" ) ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'bazba') }) test_that("NonFlattened List Case1", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationRequest") op_input_test <- function(ListParam) { args <- list(ListParam = ListParam) interface <- Structure( ListParam = List( Scalar(type = "string") ), .tags = list(locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/") ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( ListParam = list( "one", "two", "three" ) ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'onetwothree') }) test_that("NonFlattened List With LocationName Case1", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationRequest") op_input_test <- function(ListParam) { args <- list(ListParam = ListParam) interface <- Structure( ListParam = List( Scalar(type = "string"), .tags = list( locationName = "AlternateName", locationNameList = "NotMember" ) ), .tags = list(locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/") ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( ListParam = list( "one", "two", "three" ) ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'onetwothree') }) test_that("Flattened List Case1", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationRequest") op_input_test <- function(ListParam) { args <- list(ListParam = ListParam) interface <- Structure( ListParam = List( Scalar(type = "string"), .tags = list(flattened = "true") ), .tags = list(locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/") ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( ListParam = list( "one", "two", "three" ) ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'onetwothree') }) test_that("Flattened List with LocationName Case1", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationRequest") op_input_test <- function(ListParam) { args <- list(ListParam = ListParam) interface <- Structure( ListParam = List( Scalar(type = "string"), .tags = list(flattened = "true", locationName = "item") ), .tags = list(locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/") ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( ListParam = list( "one", "two", "three" ) ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'onetwothree') }) test_that("List of Structures Case1", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationName") op_input_test <- function(ListParam) { args <- list(ListParam = ListParam) interface <- Structure( ListParam = List( Structure( Element = Scalar( type = "string", .tags = list(locationName = "value") ) ), .tags = list(flattened = "true", locationName = "item") ), .tags = list( locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/" ) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( ListParam = list( list(Element = "one"), list(Element = "two"), list(Element = "three") ) ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'onetwothree') }) test_that("Blob Case1", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationName") op_input_test <- function(StructureParam) { args <- list(StructureParam = StructureParam) interface <- Structure( StructureParam = Structure( B = Scalar(type = "blob", .tags = list(locationName = "b")) ), .tags = list( locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/" ) ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( StructureParam = list(B = list(charToRaw("foo"))) ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'Zm9v') }) test_that("skip empty argument", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationName") op_input_test <- function(Description, Name = NULL) { args <- list(Description = Description, Name = Name) interface <- Structure( Description = Scalar(type = "string"), Name = Scalar(type = "string"), .tags = list(locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/") ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( Description = "bar" ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'bar') }) test_that("newline in XML", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationName") op_input_test <- function(Description) { args <- list(Description = Description) interface <- Structure( Description = Scalar(type = "string"), .tags = list(locationName = "OperationRequest", xmlURI = "https://foo/") ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( Description = "foo\nbar" ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, 'foo bar') }) test_that("parameters with no provided arguments are dropped", { op_test <- Operation(name = "OperationRequest") op_input_test <- function(Nested) { args <- list(Nested = Nested) interface <- Structure( Nested = Structure( Foo = Structure( Bar = Scalar(type = "string") ), Baz = List( Structure(Qux = Scalar(type = "string")) ) ), .tags = list(locationName = "OperationRequest") ) return(populate(args, interface)) } input <- op_input_test( Nested = list( Foo = list( Bar = "abc123" ) ) ) req <- new_request(svc, op_test, input, NULL) req <- build(req) r <- req$body expect_equal(r, "abc123") }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Unmarshal tests op <- Operation(name = "OperationName") svc <- Client() svc$handlers$unmarshal_meta <- HandlerList(restxml_unmarshal_meta) svc$handlers$unmarshal <- HandlerList(restxml_unmarshal) svc$handlers$unmarshal_error <- HandlerList(restxml_unmarshal_error) op_output1 <- Structure( Char = Scalar(type = "character"), Double = Scalar(type = "double"), FalseBool = Scalar(type = "boolean"), Float = Scalar(type = "float"), Long = Scalar(type = "long"), Num = Scalar(type = "integer", .tags = list(locationName = "FooNum")), Str = Scalar(type = "string"), TrueBool = Scalar(type = "boolean") ) test_that("unmarshal scalar members", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output1) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("myname123falsetrue1.21.3200arequest-id") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Char, "a") expect_equal(out$Double, 1.3) expect_equal(out$FalseBool, FALSE) expect_equal(out$Float, 1.2) expect_equal(out$Long, 200L) expect_equal(out$Num, 123L) expect_equal(out$Str, "myname") expect_equal(out$TrueBool, TRUE) }) op_output2 <- Structure( Blob = Scalar(type = "blob") ) test_that("unmarshal blob", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output2) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("dmFsdWU=requestid") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(rawToChar(out$Blob), "value") }) op_output3 <- Structure( ListMember = List(Scalar(type = "string")) ) test_that("unmarshal list", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output3) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("abc123requestid") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$ListMember[1], "abc") expect_equal(out$ListMember[2], "123") }) op_output4 <- Structure( ListMember = List(Scalar(type = "string")) ) test_that("unmarshal list", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output4) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("abc123requestid") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$ListMember[1], "abc") expect_equal(out$ListMember[2], "123") }) op_output5 <- Structure( ListMember = List(Scalar(type = "string"), .tags = list(flattened = TRUE)) ) test_that("unmarshal flattened list", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output5) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("abc123requestid") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$ListMember[1], "abc") expect_equal(out$ListMember[2], "123") }) op_output6 <- Structure( Map = Map(Structure(Foo = Scalar(.tags = list(locationName = "foo")))) ) test_that("unmarshal map", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output6) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("quxbarbazbamrequestid") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Map$baz$Foo, "bam") expect_equal(out$Map$qux$Foo, "bar") }) op_output7 <- Structure( Map = Map(Scalar(), .tags = list(flattened = TRUE)) ) test_that("unmarshal flattened map", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output7) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("quxbarbazbamrequestid") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Map$baz, "bam") expect_equal(out$Map$qux, "bar") }) op_output8 <- Structure( Map = Map(Scalar(), .tags = list(locationNameKey = "foo", locationNameValue = "bar", flattened = TRUE)) ) test_that("unmarshal flattened named map", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output8) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("quxbarbazbamrequestid") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Map$baz, "bam") expect_equal(out$Map$qux, "bar") }) op_output9 <- Structure( Foo = Scalar(type = "string") ) test_that("unmarshal empty string", { skip("skip") req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output9) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("requestid") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Foo, "") }) op_output10 <- Structure( FooEnum = Scalar(type = "string", .tags = list(enum = "OutputService10TestShapeEC2EnumType")), ListEnums = List(Scalar(type = "string")) ) test_that("unmarshal enum", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output10) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("foofoobar") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$FooEnum, "foo") expect_equal(out$ListEnums[1], "foo") expect_equal(out$ListEnums[2], "bar") }) test_that("unmarshal timestamp", { op_output11 <- Structure( Timestamp = Scalar(type = "timestamp") ) req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output11) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Timestamp, unix_time(0)) }) test_that("unmarshal timestamp in header", { op_output <- Structure( Timestamp = Scalar(type = "timestamp", .tags = list(location = "header")) ) req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("") ) req$http_response$header[["Timestamp"]] <- "Wed, 02 Oct 2002 13:00:00 GMT" req <- unmarshal_meta(req) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expected <- as.POSIXct("2002-10-02 13:00:00 GMT", tz = "GMT") expect_equal(as.integer(out$Timestamp), as.integer(expected)) }) op_output11 <- Structure( Body = Scalar(type = "string"), Header = Scalar(type = "string", .tags = list(location = "header")) ) test_that("unmarshal elements in header and body", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output11) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("foorequest-id") ) req$http_response$header[["Header"]] <- "bar" req <- unmarshal_meta(req) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equivalent(out$Body, "foo") expect_equivalent(out$Header, "bar") }) op_output12 <- Structure( OperationNameResult = list( Body = Scalar(type = "string"), Header = Scalar(type = "string") ) ) test_that("unmarshal result elements at root of xml", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output12) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("foo
") ) req <- unmarshal_meta(req) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equivalent(out$OperationNameResult$Body, "foo") expect_equivalent(out$OperationNameResult$Header, "bar") }) op_output13 <- Structure( Timestamp = Scalar(type = "timestamp") ) test_that("unmarshal error", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output13) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 400, body = charToRaw("FooBarBaz") ) req <- unmarshal_error(req) err <- req$error expect_equal(err$message, "Bar") expect_equal(err$code, "Foo") expect_equal(err$status_code, 400) expect_equal(err$error_response$RequestID, "Baz") }) op_output14 <- Structure( Contents = List( Structure( Size = Scalar(type = "integer"), Owner = list( DisplayName = Scalar(type = "string"), ID = Scalar(type = "string") ) ), .tags = list(flattened = TRUE) ) ) test_that("unmarshal default flattened list", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output14) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("12345") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Contents[[1]]$Size, 12345) expect_equal(out$Contents[[1]]$Owner$DisplayName, character()) expect_equal(out$Contents[[1]]$Owner$ID, character()) }) test_that("unmarshal default flattened list", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output14) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("123456789") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Contents[[1]]$Size, 12345) expect_equal(out$Contents[[1]]$Owner$DisplayName, character()) expect_equal(out$Contents[[1]]$Owner$ID, character()) expect_equal(out$Contents[[2]]$Size, 6789) expect_equal(out$Contents[[2]]$Owner$DisplayName, character()) expect_equal(out$Contents[[2]]$Owner$ID, character()) }) test_that("unmarshal OperationNameResult not in interface but in xml", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output14) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("123456789") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Contents[[1]]$Size, 12345) expect_equal(out$Contents[[1]]$Owner$DisplayName, character()) expect_equal(out$Contents[[1]]$Owner$ID, character()) expect_equal(out$Contents[[2]]$Size, 6789) expect_equal(out$Contents[[2]]$Owner$DisplayName, character()) expect_equal(out$Contents[[2]]$Owner$ID, character()) }) op_output15 <- Structure( Version = List( Structure( Size = Scalar(type = "integer"), Owner = list( DisplayName = Scalar(type = "string"), ID = Scalar(type = "string") ) ), .tags = list(flattened = TRUE) ) ) test_that("unmarshal nested structure", { req <- new_request(svc, op, NULL, op_output15) req$http_response <- HttpResponse( status_code = 200, body = charToRaw("9barfoo10zoocho") ) req <- unmarshal(req) out <- req$data expect_equal(out$Version[[1]]$Size, 9) expect_equal(out$Version[[1]]$Owner$DisplayName, "foo") expect_equal(out$Version[[1]]$Owner$ID, "bar") expect_equal(out$Version[[2]]$Size, 10) expect_equal(out$Version[[2]]$Owner$DisplayName, "cho") expect_equal(out$Version[[2]]$Owner$ID, "zoo") })