R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-28 r87664 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > > set.seed(290875) > library("party") Loading required package: grid Loading required package: mvtnorm Loading required package: modeltools Loading required package: stats4 Loading required package: strucchange Loading required package: zoo Attaching package: 'zoo' The following objects are masked from 'package:base': as.Date, as.Date.numeric Loading required package: sandwich > if (!require("mvtnorm")) + stop("cannot load package mvtnorm") > > > ### get rid of the NAMESPACE > attach(list2env(as.list(asNamespace("party")))) The following objects are masked from package:party: cforest, cforest_classical, cforest_control, cforest_unbiased, conditionalTree, ctree, ctree_control, edge_simple, initVariableFrame, mob, mob_control, node_barplot, node_bivplot, node_boxplot, node_density, node_hist, node_inner, node_scatterplot, node_surv, node_terminal, nodes, party_intern, prettytree, proximity, ptrafo, response, reweight, sctest.mob, treeresponse, varimp, varimpAUC, where > > ### > ### > ### Regression tests for conditional distributions > ### > ### functions defined in file `./src/Distributions.c' > > ### chisq-distribution of quadratic forms > t <- 2.1 > df <- 2 > storage.mode(t) <- "double" > storage.mode(df) <- "double" > stopifnot(isequal(1 - pchisq(t, df = df), ### P-values!!! + .Call(R_quadformConditionalPvalue, t, df))) > > stopifnot(isequal(2*pnorm(-t), + .Call(R_maxabsConditionalPvalue, t, matrix(1), as.integer(1), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))) > > > maxpts <- 25000 > storage.mode(maxpts) <- "integer" > abseps <- 0.0001 > releps <- 0 > tol <- 1e-10 > > a <- 1.96 > b <- diag(2) > > p1 <- .Call(R_maxabsConditionalPvalue, a, b, maxpts, abseps, releps, tol) > p2 <- pmvnorm(lower = rep(-a,2), upper = rep(a,2), corr = b) > stopifnot(isequal(round(p1, 3), round(1 - p2, 3))) > > b <- diag(4) > p1 <- .Call(R_maxabsConditionalPvalue, a, b, maxpts, abseps, releps, tol) > p2 <- pmvnorm(lower = rep(-a,4), upper = rep(a,4), corr = b) > stopifnot(isequal(round(p1, 3), round(1 - p2, 3))) > > b <- diag(4) > b[upper.tri(b)] <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3) > b[lower.tri(b)] <- t(b)[lower.tri(b)] > p1 <- .Call(R_maxabsConditionalPvalue, a, b, maxpts, abseps, releps, tol) > p2 <- pmvnorm(lower = rep(-a,4), upper = rep(a,4), corr = b) > stopifnot(isequal(round(p1, 3), round(1 - p2, 3))) > > if (FALSE) { + ### Monte-Carlo approximation of P-Values, univariate + mydata = data.frame(y = gl(2, 50), x1 = rnorm(100), + x2 = rnorm(100), x3 = rnorm(100)) + inp <- initVariableFrame(mydata[,"x1",drop = FALSE], trafo = function(data) + ptrafo(data, numeric_trafo = rank)) + resp <- initVariableFrame(mydata[,"y",drop = FALSE], trafo = NULL, response = TRUE) + ls <- new("LearningSample", inputs = inp, responses = resp, + weights = rep(1, inp@nobs), nobs = nrow(mydata), + ninputs = inp@ninputs) + tm <- ctree_memory(ls) + varctrl <- new("VariableControl") + varctrl@teststat <- factor("max", levels = c("max", "quad")) + varctrl@pvalue <- FALSE + gtctrl <- new("GlobalTestControl") + gtctrl@testtype <- factor("MonteCarlo", levels = levels(gtctrl@testtype)) + gtctrl@nresample <- as.integer(19999) + + pvals <- .Call(R_GlobalTest, ls, ls@weights, tm, varctrl, gtctrl) + wstat <- abs(qnorm(wilcox.test(x1 ~ y, data = mydata, + exact = FALSE, correct = FALSE)$p.value/2)) + wpval <- wilcox.test(x1 ~ y, data = mydata, exact = TRUE)$p.value + stopifnot(isequal(wstat, pvals[[1]])) + stopifnot(abs(wpval - (1 - pvals[[2]])) < 0.01) + + ### Monte-Carlo approximations of P-Values, multiple inputs + mydata = data.frame(y = gl(2, 50), x1 = rnorm(100), + x2 = rnorm(100), x3 = rnorm(100)) + inp <- initVariableFrame(mydata[,c("x1", "x2", "x3"), + drop = FALSE], trafo = function(data) + ptrafo(data, numeric_trafo = rank)) + resp <- initVariableFrame(mydata[,"y",drop = FALSE], trafo = NULL, response = TRUE) + ls <- new("LearningSample", inputs = inp, responses = resp, + weights = rep(1, inp@nobs), nobs = nrow(mydata), + ninputs = inp@ninputs) + tm <- ctree_memory(ls) + varctrl <- new("VariableControl") + varctrl@teststat <- factor("max", levels = c("max", "quad")) + varctrl@pvalue <- TRUE + gtctrl <- new("GlobalTestControl") + gtctrl@testtype <- factor("Univariate", levels = levels(gtctrl@testtype)) + gtctrl@nresample <- as.integer(19999) + + pvals <- .Call(R_GlobalTest, ls, ls@weights, tm, varctrl, gtctrl) + wstat <- c(abs(qnorm(wilcox.test(x1 ~ y, data = mydata, + exact = FALSE, correct = FALSE)$p.value/2)), + abs(qnorm(wilcox.test(x2 ~ y, data = mydata, + exact = FALSE, correct = FALSE)$p.value/2)), + abs(qnorm(wilcox.test(x3 ~ y, data = mydata, + exact = FALSE, correct = FALSE)$p.value/2))) + wpval <- c(wilcox.test(x1 ~ y, data = mydata, + exact = FALSE, correct = FALSE)$p.value, + wilcox.test(x2 ~ y, data = mydata, + exact = FALSE, correct = FALSE)$p.value, + wilcox.test(x3 ~ y, data = mydata, + exact = FALSE, correct = FALSE)$p.value) + stopifnot(isequal(wstat, pvals[[1]])) + stopifnot(isequal(wpval, 1 - pvals[[2]])) + + ### Monte-Carlo approximations of P-Values, min-P approach + gtctrl@testtype <- factor("MonteCarlo", levels = levels(gtctrl@testtype)) + gtctrl@nresample <- as.integer(19999) + pvals <- .Call(R_GlobalTest, ls, ls@weights, tm, varctrl, gtctrl) + stopifnot(isequal(wstat, pvals[[1]])) + stopifnot(all(wpval < (1 - pvals[[2]]))) + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.06 0.20 1.21