set.seed(290875) library("party") if (!require("")) stop("cannot load package") if (!require("coin")) stop("cannot load package coin") ### get rid of the NAMESPACE attach(list2env(as.list(asNamespace("party")))) data(treepipit, package = "coin") ct <- ctree(counts ~ ., data = treepipit) stopifnot(isequal(predict(ct), predict(ct, newdata = treepipit))) data(GlaucomaM, package = "") ct <- ctree(Class ~ ., data = GlaucomaM) stopifnot(isequal(predict(ct), predict(ct, newdata = GlaucomaM))) stopifnot(isequal(predict(ct, type = "prob"), predict(ct, type = "prob", newdata = GlaucomaM))) stopifnot(isequal(predict(ct, type = "node"), predict(ct, type = "node", newdata = GlaucomaM))) stopifnot(isequal(predict(ct, type = "prob"), treeresponse(ct))) data("GBSG2", package = "") GBSG2tree <- ctree(Surv(time, cens) ~ ., data = GBSG2) stopifnot(isequal(GBSG2tree@predict_response(), GBSG2tree@predict_response(newdata = GBSG2))) stopifnot(isequal(GBSG2tree@cond_distr_response(), GBSG2tree@cond_distr_response(newdata = GBSG2))) data("mammoexp", package = "") attr(mammoexp$ME, "scores") <- 1:3 attr(mammoexp$SYMPT, "scores") <- 1:4 attr(mammoexp$DECT, "scores") <- 1:3 names(mammoexp)[names(mammoexp) == "SYMPT"] <- "symptoms" names(mammoexp)[names(mammoexp) == "PB"] <- "benefit" names(mammoexp) mtree <- ctree(ME ~ ., data = mammoexp) stopifnot(isequal(predict(mtree), predict(mtree, newdata = mammoexp))) stopifnot(isequal(predict(mtree), predict(mtree, newdata = mammoexp)))