context("Summary, print and forestplot") data(biomass) # scale data biomass[] <- lapply(biomass, function(x) if (is.double(x)) scale(x) else x) # Gaussian data mod <- lme4::lmer(Biomass ~ Year + Temperature + Precipitation + SpeciesDiversity + (1 | Population), data = biomass ) # Only R2 with CI (R2_1 <- partR2(mod, data = biomass, R2_type = "marginal", CI = 0.95)) # Partitioned R2 (R2_2 <- partR2(mod, data = biomass, partvars = c("SpeciesDiversity", "Temperature", "Precipitation"), R2_type = "marginal", nboot = 10, CI = 0.95 )) test_that("print does not throw an error", { expect_output(print(R2_1)) expect_output(print(R2_2)) expect_output(print(R2_2, round_to = 2)) }) test_that("summary does not throw an error", { expect_output(summary(R2_1)) expect_output(summary(R2_2)) expect_output(summary(R2_2, ests = TRUE)) }) test_that("Forestplot does not throw an error", { expect_error(forestplot(R2_1), NA) expect_error(forestplot(R2_2), NA) expect_error(forestplot(R2_2, line_size = 2, point_size = 3, text_size = 5), NA) expect_error(forestplot(R2_2, type = "BW"), NA) expect_error(forestplot(R2_2, type = "SC"), NA) expect_error(forestplot(R2_2, type = "IR2"), NA) expect_error(forestplot(R2_2, type = "Ests"), NA) })