hpc <- hpc_data[1:150, c(2:5, 8)] # to go from lm_object$x results to our format format_x_for_test <- function(x, df = TRUE) { x <- x[, colnames(x) != "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE] if (df) as.data.frame(x) else x } Puromycin_miss <- Puromycin Puromycin_miss$state[20] <- NA Puromycin_miss$conc[1] <- NA # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Testing formula -> xy conversion test_that("numeric x and y", { expected <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( mpg ~ ., data = mtcars, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(mtcars$mpg, observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_null(observed$offset) expect_equal( mtcars[1:6,-1], .convert_form_to_xy_new( observed, new_data = head(mtcars))$x ) }) test_that("numeric x and y, subsetting", { expected <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars, subset = hp > 170, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( mpg ~ ., data = mtcars, subset = hp > 170, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(mtcars$mpg[mtcars$hp > 170], observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_null(observed$offset) # subset does not affect newdata calcs }) test_that("numeric x and y, weights", { expected <- lm(mpg ~ . -disp, data = mtcars, weights = disp, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( mpg ~ . - disp, data = mtcars, weights = disp, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(mtcars$mpg, observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_equal(mtcars$disp, observed$weights) expect_null(observed$offset) }) test_that("numeric x and y, offset in-line", { expected <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + hp + offset(log(disp)), data = mtcars, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( mpg ~ cyl + hp + offset(log(disp)), data = mtcars, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(mtcars$mpg, observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_equal(log(mtcars$disp), observed$offset) expect_null(observed$weights) new_obs <- .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = mtcars[1:6, ]) expect_equal(mtcars[1:6, c("cyl", "hp")], new_obs$x) expect_equal(log(mtcars$disp)[1:6], new_obs$offset) }) test_that("numeric x and y, multiple offsets in-line", { expected <- lm( mpg ~ cyl + hp + offset(log(disp)) + offset(qsec), data = mtcars, x = TRUE, y = TRUE ) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( mpg ~ cyl + hp + offset(log(disp)) + offset(qsec), data = mtcars, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(mtcars$mpg, observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_equal(log(mtcars$disp) + mtcars$qsec, observed$offset) expect_null(observed$weights) new_obs <- .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = mtcars[1:6, ]) expect_equal(mtcars[1:6, c("cyl", "hp")], new_obs$x) expect_equal(log(mtcars$disp)[1:6] + mtcars$qsec[1:6], new_obs$offset) }) test_that("numeric x and y, no intercept", { expected <- lm(mpg ~ 0 + ., data = mtcars, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( mpg ~ 0 + ., data = mtcars, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(mtcars$mpg, observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_null(observed$offset) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_equal(mtcars[1:6,-1], .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = head(mtcars))$x) }) test_that("numeric x and y, inline functions", { expected <- lm(log(mpg) ~ hp + poly(wt, 3), data = mtcars, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( log(mpg) ~ hp + poly(wt, 3), data = mtcars, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(log(mtcars$mpg), observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_null(observed$offset) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_equal( format_x_for_test(model.matrix(expected$terms, head(mtcars))), .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = head(mtcars))$x ) }) test_that("numeric y and mixed x", { expected <- lm(rate ~ ., data = Puromycin, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( rate ~ ., data = Puromycin, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(Puromycin$rate, observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_null(observed$offset) expect_equal( format_x_for_test(model.matrix(expected$terms, head(Puromycin))), .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = head(Puromycin))$x ) }) test_that("mixed x, no dummies, compare to a model that does not create dummies", { expected <- rpart::rpart(rate ~ ., data = Puromycin) data_classes <- attr(expected$terms, "dataClasses")[2:3] observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( rate ~ ., data = Puromycin, indicators = "none", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(names(data_classes), names(observed$x)) expect_equal(unname(data_classes), c("numeric", "factor")) expect_s3_class(observed$x$state, "factor") expect_equal(Puromycin$rate, observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_null(observed$offset) }) test_that("numeric y and mixed x, omit missing data", { expected <- lm(rate ~ ., data = Puromycin_miss, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( rate ~ ., data = Puromycin_miss, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(Puromycin_miss$rate[complete.cases(Puromycin_miss)], observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_null(observed$offset) expect_equal( format_x_for_test(model.matrix(expected$terms, head(Puromycin_miss))), .convert_form_to_xy_new( observed, new_data = head(Puromycin_miss), na.action = na.omit )$x ) }) test_that("numeric y and mixed x, include missing data", { frame_obj <- model.frame(rate ~ ., data = Puromycin_miss, na.action = na.pass) expected <- model.matrix(rate ~ ., frame_obj) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( rate ~ ., data = Puromycin_miss, na.action = na.pass, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected), observed$x) expect_equal( format_x_for_test(head(expected)), .convert_form_to_xy_new( observed, new_data = head(Puromycin_miss), na.action = na.pass )$x ) }) test_that("numeric y and mixed x, fail missing data", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, .convert_form_to_xy_fit( rate ~ ., data = Puromycin_miss, na.action = na.fail, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) ) }) test_that("numeric y and mixed x, no dummies", { expected <- model.frame(rate ~ ., data = Puromycin)[,-1] observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( rate ~ ., data = Puromycin, indicators = "none", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(expected, observed$x) expect_equal( format_x_for_test(head(expected)), .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = head(Puromycin))$x ) }) test_that("numeric x and numeric multivariate y", { expected <- lm(cbind(mpg, disp) ~ ., data = mtcars, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( cbind(mpg, disp) ~ ., data = mtcars, indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(mtcars[, c("mpg", "disp")], observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_null(observed$offset) expect_equal(mtcars[1:6,-c(1, 3)], .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = head(mtcars))$x) }) test_that("numeric x and factor y", { expect_snapshot( expected <- glm(class ~ ., data = hpc, x = TRUE, y = TRUE, family = binomial()) ) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit(class ~ ., data = hpc) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x), observed$x) expect_equal(hpc$class, observed$y) expect_equal(expected$terms, observed$terms) expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed$xlevels) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_null(observed$offset) expect_equal( head(format_x_for_test(expected$x)), .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = head(hpc))$x ) expect_no_error( observed2 <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit(class ~ ., data = hpc %>% mutate(x = NA)) ) expect_equal(hpc$class[logical()], observed2$y) expect_s3_class(observed2$terms, "terms") expect_equal(expected$xlevels, observed2$xlevels) expect_null(observed2$weights) expect_null(observed2$offset) }) test_that("bad args", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, .convert_form_to_xy_fit( mpg ~ ., data = mtcars, composition = "tibble", indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, .convert_form_to_xy_fit( mpg ~ ., data = mtcars, weights = letters[1:nrow(mtcars)], indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) ) }) test_that("numeric x and y, matrix composition", { expected <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( mpg ~ ., data = mtcars, composition = "matrix", indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x, df = FALSE), observed$x) expect_equal(mtcars$mpg, observed$y) new_obs <- .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = head(mtcars), composition = "matrix") expect_equal(as.matrix(mtcars[1:6,-1]), new_obs$x) }) test_that("numeric x and multivariate y, matrix composition", { expected <- lm(cbind(mpg, cyl) ~ ., data = mtcars, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) observed <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( cbind(mpg, cyl) ~ ., data = mtcars, composition = "matrix", indicators = "traditional", remove_intercept = TRUE ) expect_equal(format_x_for_test(expected$x, df = FALSE), observed$x) expect_equal(expected$y, observed$y) new_obs <- .convert_form_to_xy_new(observed, new_data = head(mtcars), composition = "matrix") expect_equal(as.matrix(mtcars[1:6,-(1:2)]), new_obs$x) }) test_that("global `contrasts` option is respected", { contrasts <- getOption("contrasts") contrasts["unordered"] <- "contr.helmert" rlang::local_options(contrasts = contrasts) # Fit time fit_result <- .convert_form_to_xy_fit( num_pending ~ class + compounds, data = hpc ) fit_data <- fit_result$x expect_identical(names(fit_data), c("class1", "class2", "class3", "compounds")) expect_true(all(fit_data$class1 %in% c(-1, 0, 1))) # Predict time predict_result <- .convert_form_to_xy_new(fit_result, hpc) predict_data <- predict_result$x expect_identical(names(predict_data), c("class1", "class2", "class3", "compounds")) expect_true(all(predict_data$class1 %in% c(-1, 0, 1))) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Testing xy -> formula conversion test_that("data frame x, vector y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(mtcars[, -1], mtcars$mpg, remove_intercept = TRUE) expected <- mtcars[, c(2:11, 1)] names(expected)[11] <- "..y" expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("..y ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[-1], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_equal(mtcars[1:6, -1], .convert_xy_to_form_new(observed, new_data = head(mtcars[,-1]))) }) test_that("matrix x, vector y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(as.matrix(mtcars[,-1]), mtcars$mpg, remove_intercept = TRUE) expected <- mtcars[, c(2:11, 1)] names(expected)[11] <- "..y" expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("..y ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[-1], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) expect_equal( mtcars[1:6,-1], .convert_xy_to_form_new(observed, new_data = as.matrix(mtcars[1:6, -1])) ) }) test_that("data frame x, 1 col data frame y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(mtcars[, -1], mtcars[, "mpg", drop = FALSE], remove_intercept = TRUE) expected <- mtcars[, c(2:11, 1)] expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("mpg ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[-1], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) test_that("matrix x, 1 col matrix y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(as.matrix(mtcars[,-1]), as.matrix(mtcars[, "mpg", drop = FALSE]), remove_intercept = TRUE) expected <- mtcars[, c(2:11, 1)] expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("mpg ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[-1], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) test_that("matrix x, 1 col data frame y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(as.matrix(mtcars[,-1]), mtcars[, "mpg", drop = FALSE], remove_intercept = TRUE) expected <- mtcars[, c(2:11, 1)] expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("mpg ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[-1], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) test_that("data frame x, 1 col matrix y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(mtcars[,-1], as.matrix(mtcars[, "mpg", drop = FALSE]), remove_intercept = TRUE) expected <- mtcars[, c(2:11, 1)] expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("mpg ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[-1], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) test_that("data frame x, 2 col data frame y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(mtcars[,-(1:2)], mtcars[, 1:2], remove_intercept = TRUE) expected <- mtcars[, c(3:11, 1:2)] expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("cbind(mpg, cyl) ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[-(1:2)], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) test_that("matrix x, 2 col matrix y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(as.matrix(mtcars[,-(1:2)]), as.matrix(mtcars[, 1:2]), remove_intercept = TRUE) expected <- mtcars[, c(3:11, 1:2)] expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("cbind(mpg, cyl) ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[-(1:2)], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) test_that("1 col data frame x, 1 col data frame y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(mtcars[, 2, drop = FALSE], mtcars[, 1, drop = FALSE], remove_intercept = TRUE) expected <- mtcars[, 2:1] expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("mpg ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[2], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) # weights test_that("1 col matrix x, 1 col matrix y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit( as.matrix(mtcars[, 2, drop = FALSE]), as.matrix(mtcars[, 1, drop = FALSE]), remove_intercept = TRUE ) expected <- mtcars[, 2:1] expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("mpg ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(mtcars)[2], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) test_that("matrix x, factor y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(as.matrix(hpc[, -5]), hpc$class) expected <- as.data.frame(hpc) names(expected)[5] <- "..y" expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("..y ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(hpc)[-5], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) test_that("data frame x, factor y", { observed <- .convert_xy_to_form_fit(hpc[, -5], hpc$class) expected <- hpc names(expected)[5] <- "..y" expect_equal(expected, observed$data) expect_equal(formula("..y ~ ."), observed$formula, ignore_formula_env = TRUE) expect_equal(names(hpc)[-5], observed$x_var) expect_null(observed$weights) }) test_that("bad args", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, .convert_xy_to_form_fit(mtcars$disp, mtcars$mpg, remove_intercept = TRUE) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, .convert_xy_to_form_fit(mtcars[, 1:3], mtcars[, 2:5], remove_intercept = TRUE) ) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("convert to matrix", { expect_true(inherits(parsnip::maybe_matrix(mtcars), "matrix")) expect_true(inherits(parsnip::maybe_matrix(tibble::as_tibble(mtcars)), "matrix")) expect_true(inherits(parsnip::maybe_matrix(as.matrix(mtcars)), "matrix")) expect_true( inherits(parsnip::maybe_matrix(Matrix::Matrix(as.matrix(mtcars), sparse = TRUE)), "dgCMatrix") ) data(ames, package = "modeldata") expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, parsnip::maybe_matrix(ames[, c("Year_Built", "Neighborhood")]) ) # Also for date columns data(Chicago, package = "modeldata") expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, parsnip::maybe_matrix(Chicago[, c("ridership", "date")]) ) })