hpc <- hpc_data[1:150, c(2:5, 8)] %>% as.data.frame() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template <- function(col, pred, ob, lev, fact, dat, x, y) { lst <- list(.cols = col, .preds = pred, .obs = ob, .lvls = lev, .facts = fact, .dat = dat, .x = x, .y = y) Filter(Negate(is.null), lst) } eval_descrs <- function(descrs, not = NULL) { if (!is.null(not)) { for (descr in not) { descrs[[descr]] <- NULL } } lapply(descrs, do.call, list()) } class_tab <- table(hpc$class, dnn = NULL) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Should descriptors be created? test_that("requires_descrs", { # embedded in a function fn <- function() { .cols() } # doubly embedded fn2 <- function() { fn() } # core args expect_false(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest())) expect_false(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest(mtry = 3))) expect_false(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest(mtry = tune()))) expect_true(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest(mtry = .cols()))) expect_false(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest(mtry = expr(3)))) expect_false(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest(mtry = quote(3)))) expect_true(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest(mtry = fn()))) expect_true(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest(mtry = fn2()))) # descriptors in `eng_args` expect_false(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest() %>% set_engine("ranger", arrrg = 3))) expect_false(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest() %>% set_engine("ranger", arrrg = tune()))) expect_true(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest() %>% set_engine("ranger", arrrg = .obs()))) expect_false(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest() %>% set_engine("ranger", arrrg = expr(3)))) expect_true(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest() %>% set_engine("ranger", arrrg = fn()))) expect_true(parsnip:::requires_descrs(rand_forest() %>% set_engine("ranger", arrrg = fn2()))) # mixed expect_true( parsnip:::requires_descrs( rand_forest(mtry = 3) %>% set_engine("ranger", arrrg = fn2()) ) ) expect_true( parsnip:::requires_descrs( rand_forest(mtry = .cols()) %>% set_engine("ranger", arrrg = 3) ) ) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Testing formula -> xy conversion test_that("numeric y and dummy vars", { expect_equal( template(6, 4, 150, NA, 1, hpc, hpc[-2], hpc[,"input_fields"]), eval_descrs(get_descr_form(input_fields ~ ., data = hpc)) ) expect_equal( template(3, 1, 150, NA, 1, hpc, hpc["class"], hpc[,"input_fields"]), eval_descrs(get_descr_form(input_fields ~ class, data = hpc)) ) }) test_that("numeric y and x", { expect_equal( template(1, 1, 150, NA, 0, hpc, hpc["input_fields"], hpc[,"compounds"]), eval_descrs(get_descr_form(compounds ~ input_fields, data = hpc)) ) expect_equal( { log_sep <- hpc["input_fields"] log_sep[["input_fields"]] <- log(log_sep[["input_fields"]]) names(log_sep) <- "log(input_fields)" template(1, 1, 150, NA, 0, hpc, log_sep, hpc[,"compounds"]) }, eval_descrs(get_descr_form(compounds ~ log(input_fields), data = hpc)) ) }) test_that("factor y", { expect_equal( template(4, 4, 150, class_tab, 0, hpc, hpc[-5], hpc[,"class"]), eval_descrs(get_descr_form(class ~ ., data = hpc)) ) expect_equal( template(1, 1, 150, class_tab, 0, hpc, hpc["compounds"], hpc[,"class"]), eval_descrs(get_descr_form(class ~ compounds, data = hpc)) ) }) test_that("factors all the way down", { dat <- npk[,1:4] expect_equal( template(7, 3, 24, table(npk$K, dnn = NULL), 3, dat, dat[-4], dat[,"K"]), eval_descrs(get_descr_form(K ~ ., data = dat)) ) }) test_that("weird cases", { # So model.frame ignores - signs in a model formula so class is not removed # prior to model.matrix; otherwise this should have n_cols = 3 expect_equal( template(3, 4, 150, NA, 1, hpc, hpc[-2], hpc[,"input_fields"]), eval_descrs(get_descr_form(input_fields ~ . - class, data = hpc)) ) # Oy ve! Before going to model.matrix, model.frame produces a data frame # with one column and that column is a matrix (with the results from # `poly(input_fields, 3)` x <- model.frame(~poly(input_fields, 3), hpc) attributes(x) <- attributes(as.data.frame(x))[c("names", "class", "row.names")] expect_equal( template(3, 1, 150, NA, 0, hpc, x, hpc[,"compounds"]), eval_descrs(get_descr_form(compounds ~ poly(input_fields, 3), data = hpc)) ) expect_equal( template(0, 0, 150, NA, 0, hpc, hpc[,numeric()], hpc[,"compounds"]), eval_descrs(get_descr_form(compounds ~ 1, data = hpc)) ) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Testing xy -> formula conversion test_that("numeric y and dummy vars", { hpc2 <- dplyr::rename(hpc, ..y = class) rownames(hpc2) <- rownames(hpc2) # convert to char expect_equal( template(4, 4, 150, class_tab, 0, hpc2, hpc[, 1:4], hpc$class), eval_descrs(get_descr_xy(x = hpc[, 1:4], y = hpc$class)) ) hpc2 <- hpc[,c(4,5,1,2)] rownames(hpc2) <- rownames(hpc2) expect_equal( template(2, 2, 150, NA, 1, hpc2, hpc[,4:5], hpc[,1:2]), eval_descrs(get_descr_xy(x = hpc[, 4:5], y = hpc[, 1:2])) ) hpc3 <- hpc2[,c("num_pending", "class", "compounds")] expect_equal( template(2, 2, 150, NA, 1, hpc3, hpc[, 4:5], hpc[, 1, drop = FALSE]), eval_descrs(get_descr_xy(x = hpc[, 4:5], y = hpc[, 1, drop = FALSE])) ) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Descriptor helpers test_that("can be temporarily overriden at evaluation time", { scope_n_cols <- function() { scoped_descrs(list(.cols = function() { 1 })) .cols() } # .cols() overriden, but instantly reset expect_equal( scope_n_cols(), 1 ) # .cols() should now be reset to an error expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, .cols()) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("system-level descriptor tests", { skip_if_not_installed("xgboost") expect_no_condition( boost_tree(mode = "regression", mtry = .cols()) %>% set_engine("xgboost") %>% fit_xy(x = mtcars[, -1], y = mtcars$mpg) ) expect_no_condition( boost_tree(mode = "regression", mtry = .cols()) %>% set_engine("xgboost") %>% fit(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars) ) })