test_that('extract', { x <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") %>% fit(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars) x_no_spec <- x x_no_spec$spec <- NULL x_no_fit <- x x_no_fit$fit <- NULL expect_true(inherits(extract_spec_parsnip(x), "model_spec")) expect_true(inherits(extract_fit_engine(x), "lm")) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, extract_spec_parsnip(x_no_spec)) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, extract_fit_engine(x_no_fit)) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that('extract parameter set from model with no parameters', { skip_on_covr() lm_model <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") lm_info <- extract_parameter_set_dials(lm_model) check_parameter_set_tibble(lm_info) expect_equal(nrow(lm_info), 0) }) test_that('extract parameter set from model with main and engine parameters', { skip_on_covr() bst_model <- boost_tree(mode = "classification", trees = hardhat::tune("funky name \n")) %>% set_engine("C5.0", rules = hardhat::tune(), noGlobalPruning = TRUE) c5_info <- extract_parameter_set_dials(bst_model) check_parameter_set_tibble(c5_info) expect_equal(nrow(c5_info), 2) expect_true(all(c5_info$source == "model_spec")) expect_true(all(c5_info$component == "boost_tree")) expect_equal(c5_info$component_id, c("main", "engine")) nms <- c("trees", "rules") expect_equal(c5_info$name, nms) ids <- c("funky name \n", "rules") expect_equal(c5_info$id, ids) expect_equal(c5_info$object[[1]], dials::trees(c(1, 100))) expect_equal(c5_info$object[[2]], NA) }) test_that('extract parameter set from model with no loaded implementation', { bt_mod <- bag_tree(min_n = tune()) %>% set_mode("regression") expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, extract_parameter_set_dials(bt_mod)) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, extract_parameter_dials(bt_mod, parameter = "min_n")) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that('extract single parameter from model with no parameters', { skip_on_covr() lm_model <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, extract_parameter_dials(lm_model, parameter = "none there") ) }) test_that('extract single parameter from model with main and engine parameters', { skip_on_covr() bst_model <- boost_tree(mode = "classification", trees = hardhat::tune("funky name \n")) %>% set_engine("C5.0", rules = hardhat::tune(), noGlobalPruning = TRUE) expect_equal( hardhat::extract_parameter_dials(bst_model, parameter = "funky name \n"), dials::trees(c(1, 100)) ) expect_equal( extract_parameter_dials(bst_model, parameter = "rules"), NA ) }) test_that("extract_parameter_dials doesn't error if namespaced args are used", { skip_on_covr() bst_model <- logistic_reg(mode = "classification", penalty = hardhat::tune()) %>% set_engine("glmnet", family = stats::gaussian("log")) expect_no_condition( extract_parameter_dials(bst_model, parameter = "penalty") ) }) test_that("extract_fit_time() works", { lm_fit <- linear_reg() %>% fit(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars) res <- extract_fit_time(lm_fit) expect_true(is_tibble(res)) expect_identical(names(res), c("stage_id", "elapsed")) expect_identical(res$stage_id, "linear_reg") expect_true(is.double(res$elapsed)) expect_true(res$elapsed >= 0) lm_fit$elapsed$elapsed <- NULL expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, extract_fit_time(lm_fit) ) })