# misspecified formula argument Code fit(linear_reg(), rec, mtcars) Condition Error in `fit()`: ! The `formula` argument must be a formula, but it is a . i To fit a model with a recipe preprocessor, please use a workflow (`?workflows::workflow()`). --- Code fit(linear_reg(), "boop", mtcars) Condition Error in `fit()`: ! The `formula` argument must be a formula, but it is a . # No loaded engines ! parsnip could not locate an implementation for `cubist_rules` model specifications. i The parsnip extension package rules implements support for this specification. i Please install (if needed) and load to continue. --- ! parsnip could not locate an implementation for `poisson_reg` model specifications. i The parsnip extension packages multilevelmod, poissonreg, and agua implement support for this specification. i Please install (if needed) and load to continue. --- ! parsnip could not locate an implementation for `cubist_rules` model specifications using the `Cubist` engine. i The parsnip extension package rules implements support for this specification. i Please install (if needed) and load to continue.