############################################################################### ## Title: Test load_notes() function ## Project: parseRPDR ## Description: Test load_notes() function ## Copyright: Márton Kolossváry, MD, PhD ## Date: 2023-02-24 ############################################################################### testthat::skip_if_offline() # Load and check equality ==================== suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(parseRPDR)) folder_wd <- "/Users/mjk2/Dropbox (Partners HealthCare)/parseRPDR_test/" folder_raw <- paste0(folder_wd, "RAW/") folder_parse <- paste0(folder_wd, "PARSE/") OVERWRITE <- TRUE supp <- c("car", "dis", "end", "hnp", "opn", "pat", "prg", "pul", "rad", "vis") d_fname <- list.files(folder_raw, full.names = TRUE)[grep(paste0(paste(supp, collapse = ".txt|"), ".txt"), list.files(folder_raw), ignore.case = TRUE)] expect_error(load_notes(d_fname[i], type = "TEST", nThread = 1, load_report = FALSE)) expect_error(load_notes("TEST", type = supp[i], nThread = 1, load_report = FALSE)) for(i in 1) { ## Check sequential vs. parallel loads ----- ### Run without returing the notes d_s <- suppressMessages(load_notes(d_fname[i], type = supp[i], nThread = 1, load_report = FALSE)) d_p <- suppressMessages(load_notes(d_fname[i], type = supp[i], nThread = 2, load_report = FALSE)) test_that(paste0("load_notes for ", supp[i], " run using sequential and parallel loading returns same results without report"), { expect_equal(d_s, d_p) }) ### Run with returning the notes d_s <- suppressMessages(load_notes(d_fname[i], type = supp[i], nThread = 1)) d_p <- suppressMessages(load_notes(d_fname[i], type = supp[i], nThread = 2)) test_that(paste0("load_notes for ", supp[i], " run using sequential and parallel loading returns same results with report"), { expect_equal(d_s, d_p) }) # Run with returning the notes in original format d_s <- suppressMessages(load_notes(d_fname[i], type = supp[i], nThread = 1, format_orig = TRUE)) d_p <- suppressMessages(load_notes(d_fname[i], type = supp[i], nThread = 2, format_orig = TRUE)) test_that(paste0("load_notes for ", supp[i], " run using sequential and parallel loading returns same results with original report"), { expect_equal(d_s, d_p) }) ## Compare loaded data with legacy data ----- ### Convert dates to text and remove NAs expect_true({ date_cols <- colnames(d_s)[which(as.vector(d_s[,lapply(.SD, class)][1,]) == "POSIXct")] suppressWarnings(d_s[,(date_cols):= lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = date_cols]) d_s[is.na(d_s)] <- "" #d_s[] <- lapply(d_s, gsub, pattern = '"', replacement = '') for (j in colnames(d_s)) data.table::set(d_s, j = j, value = gsub(pattern = '"', replacement = '', d_s[[j]], fixed = TRUE)) for (j in colnames(d_s)) data.table::set(d_s, j = j, value = gsub(pattern = '\\', replacement = '', d_s[[j]], fixed = TRUE)) for (j in colnames(d_s)) data.table::set(d_s, j = j, value = gsub(pattern = '\\\\', replacement = '', d_s[[j]], fixed = TRUE)) TRUE }) if(OVERWRITE | !file.exists(paste0(folder_parse, supp[i], ".csv"))) {data.table::fwrite(d_s, paste0(folder_parse, supp[i], ".csv"))} l_s <- data.table::fread(paste0(folder_parse, supp[i], ".csv"), na.strings = "NA", strip.white = FALSE, colClasses = apply(d_s, 2, class)) test_that("Compare loaded data with legacy data", { expect_equal(l_s, d_s) }) }