test_that("Checks arguments are correctly filled in", { expect_missing_argument( rds_to_parquet( path_to_file = system.file("extdata","iris.rds",package = "parquetize") ), regexp = "path_to_parquet" ) expect_missing_argument( rds_to_parquet( path_to_parquet = tempfile() ), regexp = "path_to_file" ) }) test_that("Checks message is displayed with rds file", { path_to_parquet <- tempfile() expect_no_error( rds_to_parquet( path_to_file = system.file("extdata","iris.rds",package = "parquetize"), path_to_parquet = path_to_parquet ) ) expect_parquet( file.path(path_to_parquet), with_lines = 150 ) }) test_that("Checks message is displayed with by adding partition and partitioning argument", { path_to_parquet <- tempfile() expect_no_error( rds_to_parquet( path_to_file = system.file("extdata","iris.rds",package = "parquetize"), path_to_parquet = path_to_parquet, partition = "yes", partitioning = c("Species") ) ) expect_parquet( file.path(path_to_parquet), with_lines = 150 ) expect_identical( dir(path_to_parquet), c('Species=setosa', 'Species=versicolor', 'Species=virginica') ) })