R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-17 r87446 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > source("incl/start.R") > > is_fqdn <- parallelly:::is_fqdn > is_ip_number <- parallelly:::is_ip_number > is_localhost <- parallelly:::is_localhost > find_rshcmd <- parallelly:::find_rshcmd > > message("*** makeClusterPSOCK() ...") *** makeClusterPSOCK() ... > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - internal utility functions") - makeClusterPSOCK() - internal utility functions > > stopifnot( + is_fqdn("a.b"), + is_fqdn("a.b.c"), + !is_fqdn("a") + ) > > stopifnot( + is_ip_number(""), + !is_ip_number("a"), + !is_ip_number("1.2.3"), + !is_ip_number(""), + !is_ip_number("1.2.3.-1"), + !is_ip_number("1.2.3.a") + ) > > ## Reset internal cache > stopifnot(is.na(is_localhost(worker = NULL, hostname = NULL))) > stopifnot( + is_localhost("localhost"), + is_localhost(""), + is_localhost(Sys.info()[["nodename"]]), + is_localhost(Sys.info()[["nodename"]]), ## cache hit + !is_localhost("not.a.localhost.hostname") + ) > > cmd <- find_rshcmd(must_work = FALSE) > print(cmd) $ssh ssh "d:\\rtools44\\usr\\bin\\ssh.exe" attr(,"type") [1] "ssh" attr(,"version") [1] "OpenSSH_9.9p1, OpenSSL 3.3.2 3 Sep 2024" $`putty-plink` plink "C:\\PROGRA~1\\PuTTY\\plink.exe" "-ssh" attr(,"type") [1] "putty-plink" attr(,"version") [1] "plink: Release 0.81; Build platform: 64-bit x86 Windows; Compiler: clang 14.0.0 , emulating Visual Studio 2022 (17.2), _MSC_VER=1932, _MSC_FULL_VER=193231329; Source commit: a8601a72a918dfc2a8e8536a77139d7f37700044" > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK()") - makeClusterPSOCK() > > cl <- makeClusterPSOCK("", user = "johndoe", master = NULL, revtunnel = FALSE, rshcmd = "my_ssh", renice = TRUE, manual = TRUE, dryrun = TRUE) [18:32:45.266] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:45.331] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] '' [18:32:45.342] [local output] Base port: 28368 [18:32:45.342] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:45.342] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:45.346] [local output] Rscript port: 28368 [18:32:45.346] [local output] Using 'rshcmd': 'my_ssh' [type='', version=''] [18:32:45.347] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:45.347] [local output] Creating node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:45.347] [local output] - setting up node [18:32:45.348] [local output] - attempt #1 of 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Manually, (i) login into external machine '': "my_ssh" -l johndoe and (ii) start worker #1 from there: nice --adjustment=1 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN' -e 'options(socketOptions = "no-delay")' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=CRANWIN3 PORT=28368 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=sequential Alternatively, start worker #1 from the local machine by combining both steps in a single call: "my_ssh" -l johndoe "nice --adjustment=1 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript' --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e '#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN' -e 'options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")' -e 'workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()' MASTER=CRANWIN3 PORT=28368 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=sequential" [18:32:45.349] [local output] Creating node #1 of 1 ... done [18:32:45.349] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:45.349] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:45.349] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:45.350] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:45.350] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > print(cl) Socket cluster with 1 nodes where 1 node is on host 'NA' (R version and platform not queried) > > cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, port = "random", dryrun = TRUE) [18:32:45.355] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:45.366] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:45.372] [local output] Base port: 27706 [18:32:45.372] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:45.373] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:45.374] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:45.376] [local output] Rscript port: 27706 [18:32:45.377] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:45.377] [local output] Creating node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:45.377] [local output] - setting up node [18:32:45.377] [local output] - attempt #1 of 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Manually, start worker #1 on local machine 'localhost' with: "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=27706 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=sequential [18:32:45.378] [local output] Creating node #1 of 1 ... done [18:32:45.378] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:45.379] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:45.379] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:45.380] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:45.380] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > print(cl) Socket cluster with 1 nodes where 1 node is on host 'NA' (R version and platform not queried) > > cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L) [18:32:45.382] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:45.389] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:45.396] [local output] Base port: 32589 [18:32:45.396] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:45.396] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:45.398] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:45.401] Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: '"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0559a5cf9.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "file.exists(\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0559a5cf9.pid\")"' [18:32:45.952] - Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE [18:32:45.953] [local output] Rscript port: 32589 [18:32:45.954] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:45.954] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:45.955] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:45.956] List of 36 [18:32:45.956] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:45.956] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:45.956] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:45.956] $ port : int 32589 [18:32:45.956] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:45.956] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:45.956] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:45.956] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:45.956] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:45.956] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:45.956] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:45.956] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:45.956] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:45.956] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:45.956] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:45.956] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:45.956] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:45.956] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:45.956] $ renice : int NA [18:32:45.956] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:45.956] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:45.956] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:45.956] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:45.956] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:45.956] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:45.956] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:45.956] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:45.956] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:45.956] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:45.956] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:45.956] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0559a5cf9.pid" [18:32:45.956] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:45.956] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:45.956] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:45.956] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:45.956] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:45.956] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:45.956] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:45.956] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:45.956] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:45.956] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:45.956] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:45.956] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:45.956] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:45.956] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:45.956] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:45.956] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:45.956] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:45.956] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:45.956] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:45.956] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:45.956] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ port : int 32589 [18:32:45.956] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:45.956] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:45.956] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:45.956] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:45.956] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:45.956] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:45.956] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:45.956] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:45.956] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:45.956] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:45.956] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:45.956] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:45.956] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:45.956] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:45.956] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:45.956] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:45.956] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:45.997] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:45.998] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0559a5cf9.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=32589 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:45.998] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:46.004] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:46.004] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:46.004] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:46.245] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:46.246] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:46.246] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:46.246] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:46.247] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:46.248] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:46.248] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > print(cl) Socket cluster with 1 nodes where 1 node is on host 'localhost' (R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-17 r87446 ucrt), platform x86_64-w64-mingw32) > node <- cl[[1]] > utils::str(node) List of 4 $ con : 'sockconn' int 4 ..- attr(*, "conn_id")= $ host : chr "localhost" ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE $ rank : int 0 $ session_info:List of 6 ..$ r :List of 16 .. ..$ platform : chr "x86_64-w64-mingw32" .. ..$ arch : chr "x86_64" .. ..$ os : chr "mingw32" .. ..$ crt : chr "ucrt" .. ..$ system : chr "x86_64, mingw32" .. ..$ status : chr "Under development (unstable)" .. ..$ major : chr "4" .. ..$ minor : chr "5.0" .. ..$ year : chr "2024" .. ..$ month : chr "12" .. ..$ day : chr "17" .. ..$ svn rev : chr "87446" .. ..$ language : chr "R" .. ..$ version.string: chr "R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-17 r87446 ucrt)" .. ..$ nickname : chr "Unsuffered Consequences" .. ..$ os.type : chr "windows" ..$ system :List of 9 .. ..$ sysname : chr "Windows" .. ..$ release : chr "Server x64" .. ..$ version : chr "build 20348" .. ..$ nodename : chr "CRANWIN3" .. ..$ machine : chr "x86-64" .. ..$ login : chr "CRAN" .. ..$ user : chr "CRAN" .. ..$ effective_user: chr "CRAN" .. ..$ udomain : chr "CRANWIN3" ..$ libs : chr [1:2] "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpAtndy0/RLIBS_164501709370a" "D:/RCompile/recent/R/library" ..$ pkgs : NULL ..$ pwd : chr "d:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/parallelly.Rcheck/tests" ..$ process:List of 1 .. ..$ pid: int 195868 - attr(*, "options")=List of 35 ..$ worker : chr "localhost" .. ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE ..$ master : chr "localhost" ..$ port : int 32589 ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 ..$ timeout : num 120 ..$ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" ..$ homogeneous : logi TRUE ..$ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ ..$ rscript_envs : NULL ..$ rscript_libs : NULL ..$ rscript_startup : NULL ..$ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... ..$ methods : logi TRUE ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" ..$ renice : int NA ..$ rshcmd : NULL ..$ user : chr(0) ..$ revtunnel : logi FALSE ..$ rshlogfile : NULL ..$ rshopts : chr(0) ..$ rank : int 0 ..$ manual : logi FALSE ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE ..$ quiet : logi FALSE ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" ..$ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ ..$ rshcmd_label : NULL ..$ rsh_call : NULL ..$ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ ..$ localMachine : logi TRUE ..$ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) ..$ arguments :List of 28 .. ..$ worker : chr "localhost" .. ..$ master : NULL .. ..$ port : int 32589 .. ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 .. ..$ timeout : num 120 .. ..$ rscript : NULL .. ..$ homogeneous : NULL .. ..$ rscript_args : NULL .. ..$ rscript_envs : NULL .. ..$ rscript_libs : NULL .. ..$ rscript_startup : NULL .. ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" .. ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... .. ..$ methods : logi TRUE .. ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" .. ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE .. ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" .. ..$ renice : int NA .. ..$ rshcmd : NULL .. ..$ user : NULL .. ..$ revtunnel : logi NA .. ..$ rshlogfile : NULL .. ..$ rshopts : NULL .. ..$ rank : int 1 .. ..$ manual : logi FALSE .. ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE .. ..$ quiet : logi FALSE .. ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "RichSOCKnode" "SOCK0node" > stopifnot(isTRUE(attr(node[["host"]], "localhost"))) > parallel::stopCluster(cl) > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - useXDR = TRUE/FALSE") - makeClusterPSOCK() - useXDR = TRUE/FALSE > > for (xdr in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { + cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, useXDR = xdr) + node <- cl[[1]] + stopifnot( + is.list(node), + inherits(node, if (xdr) "SOCKnode" else "SOCK0node"), + "session_info" %in% names(node) + ) + si <- node[["session_info"]] + stopifnot(is.list(si)) + parallel::stopCluster(cl) + } [18:32:46.358] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:46.365] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:46.371] [local output] Base port: 33068 [18:32:46.372] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:46.372] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:46.373] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:46.377] [local output] Rscript port: 33068 [18:32:46.377] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:46.378] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:46.379] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:46.379] List of 36 [18:32:46.379] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:46.379] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:46.379] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:46.379] $ port : int 33068 [18:32:46.379] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:46.379] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:46.379] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:46.379] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:46.379] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:46.379] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:46.379] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:46.379] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:46.379] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:46.379] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:46.379] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:46.379] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:46.379] $ useXDR : logi TRUE [18:32:46.379] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:46.379] $ renice : int NA [18:32:46.379] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:46.379] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:46.379] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:46.379] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:46.379] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:46.379] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:46.379] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:46.379] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:46.379] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:46.379] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:46.379] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:46.379] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f07e0726f7.pid" [18:32:46.379] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:46.379] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:46.379] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:46.379] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:46.379] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:46.379] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:46.379] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:46.379] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:46.379] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:46.379] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:46.379] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:46.379] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:46.379] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:46.379] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:46.379] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:46.379] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:46.379] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:46.379] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:46.379] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:46.379] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:46.379] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ port : int 33068 [18:32:46.379] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:46.379] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:46.379] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:46.379] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:46.379] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:46.379] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:46.379] ..$ useXDR : logi TRUE [18:32:46.379] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:46.379] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:46.379] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:46.379] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:46.379] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:46.379] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:46.379] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:46.379] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:46.379] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:46.379] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:46.421] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:46.422] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f07e0726f7.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=33068 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=TRUE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:46.422] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:46.427] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:46.427] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:46.428] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:46.653] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:46.654] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:46.654] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:46.655] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:46.655] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:46.656] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:46.657] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done [18:32:46.662] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:46.669] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:46.675] [local output] Base port: 35615 [18:32:46.678] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:46.678] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:46.679] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:46.682] [local output] Rscript port: 35615 [18:32:46.683] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:46.683] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:46.684] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:46.684] List of 36 [18:32:46.684] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:46.684] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:46.684] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:46.684] $ port : int 35615 [18:32:46.684] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:46.684] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:46.684] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:46.684] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:46.684] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:46.684] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:46.684] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:46.684] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:46.684] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:46.684] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:46.684] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:46.684] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:46.684] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:46.684] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:46.684] $ renice : int NA [18:32:46.684] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:46.684] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:46.684] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:46.684] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:46.684] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:46.684] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:46.684] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:46.684] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:46.684] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:46.684] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:46.684] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:46.684] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f03ac212b6.pid" [18:32:46.684] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:46.684] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:46.684] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:46.684] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:46.684] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:46.684] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:46.684] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:46.684] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:46.684] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:46.684] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:46.684] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:46.684] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:46.684] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:46.684] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:46.684] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:46.684] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:46.684] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:46.684] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:46.684] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:46.684] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:46.684] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ port : int 35615 [18:32:46.684] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:46.684] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:46.684] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:46.684] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:46.684] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:46.684] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:46.684] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:46.684] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:46.684] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:46.684] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:46.684] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:46.684] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:46.684] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:46.684] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:46.684] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:46.684] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:46.684] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:46.725] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:46.725] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f03ac212b6.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=35615 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:46.726] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:46.731] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:46.732] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:46.732] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.016] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.019] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.019] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:47.019] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:47.020] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:47.021] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:47.021] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - argument 'socketOptions'") - makeClusterPSOCK() - argument 'socketOptions' > > for (value in list(NULL, "NULL", "no-delay")) { + cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, socketOptions = value) + y <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, 42L)[[1]] + stopifnot(identical(y, 42L)) + parallel::stopCluster(cl) + } [18:32:47.033] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:47.038] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:47.043] [local output] Base port: 25093 [18:32:47.043] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:47.044] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:47.044] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:47.047] [local output] Rscript port: 25093 [18:32:47.047] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:47.048] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:47.048] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:47.049] List of 36 [18:32:47.049] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.049] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:47.049] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.049] $ port : int 25093 [18:32:47.049] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:47.049] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:47.049] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:47.049] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:47.049] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:47.049] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:47.049] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:47.049] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:47.049] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:47.049] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:47.049] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:47.049] $ socketOptions : NULL [18:32:47.049] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:47.049] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:47.049] $ renice : int NA [18:32:47.049] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:47.049] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:47.049] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:47.049] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:47.049] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:47.049] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:47.049] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:47.049] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:47.049] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:47.049] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:47.049] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:47.049] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0cbd22c.pid" [18:32:47.049] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:47.049] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:47.049] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:47.049] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:47.049] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:47.049] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:47.049] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:47.049] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:47.049] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:47.049] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:47.049] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:47.049] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:47.049] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:47.049] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:47.049] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:47.049] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:47.049] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:47.049] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:47.049] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:47.049] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.049] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ port : int 25093 [18:32:47.049] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:47.049] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:47.049] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:47.049] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:47.049] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:47.049] ..$ socketOptions : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:47.049] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:47.049] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:47.049] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:47.049] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:47.049] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:47.049] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:47.049] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:47.049] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:47.049] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:47.049] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:47.084] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:47.084] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0cbd22c.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=25093 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:47.084] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:47.090] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:47.090] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:47.091] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.342] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.342] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.343] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:47.343] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:47.343] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:47.344] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:47.345] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done [18:32:47.351] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:47.359] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:47.363] [local output] Base port: 30236 [18:32:47.364] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:47.364] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:47.365] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:47.367] [local output] Rscript port: 30236 [18:32:47.367] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:47.368] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:47.368] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:47.368] List of 36 [18:32:47.368] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.368] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:47.368] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.368] $ port : int 30236 [18:32:47.368] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:47.368] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:47.368] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:47.368] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:47.368] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:47.368] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:47.368] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:47.368] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:47.368] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:47.368] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:47.368] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:47.368] $ socketOptions : NULL [18:32:47.368] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:47.368] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:47.368] $ renice : int NA [18:32:47.368] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:47.368] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:47.368] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:47.368] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:47.368] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:47.368] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:47.368] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:47.368] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:47.368] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:47.368] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:47.368] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:47.368] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f03918bcc.pid" [18:32:47.368] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:47.368] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:47.368] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:47.368] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:47.368] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:47.368] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:47.368] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:47.368] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:47.368] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:47.368] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:47.368] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:47.368] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:47.368] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:47.368] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:47.368] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:47.368] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:47.368] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:47.368] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:47.368] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:47.368] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.368] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ port : int 30236 [18:32:47.368] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:47.368] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:47.368] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:47.368] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:47.368] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:47.368] ..$ socketOptions : chr "NULL" [18:32:47.368] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:47.368] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:47.368] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:47.368] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:47.368] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:47.368] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:47.368] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:47.368] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:47.368] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:47.368] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:47.368] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:47.394] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:47.394] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f03918bcc.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=30236 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:47.394] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:47.400] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:47.400] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:47.400] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.654] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.655] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.655] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:47.655] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:47.656] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:47.657] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:47.657] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done [18:32:47.663] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:47.668] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:47.672] [local output] Base port: 36269 [18:32:47.673] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:47.673] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:47.674] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:47.676] [local output] Rscript port: 36269 [18:32:47.676] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:47.677] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:47.677] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:47.678] List of 36 [18:32:47.678] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.678] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:47.678] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.678] $ port : int 36269 [18:32:47.678] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:47.678] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:47.678] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:47.678] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:47.678] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:47.678] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:47.678] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:47.678] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:47.678] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:47.678] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:47.678] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:47.678] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:47.678] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:47.678] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:47.678] $ renice : int NA [18:32:47.678] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:47.678] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:47.678] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:47.678] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:47.678] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:47.678] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:47.678] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:47.678] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:47.678] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:47.678] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:47.678] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:47.678] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f02af22507.pid" [18:32:47.678] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:47.678] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:47.678] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:47.678] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:47.678] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:47.678] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:47.678] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:47.678] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:47.678] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:47.678] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:47.678] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:47.678] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:47.678] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:47.678] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:47.678] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:47.678] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:47.678] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:47.678] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:47.678] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:47.678] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.678] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ port : int 36269 [18:32:47.678] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:47.678] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:47.678] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:47.678] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:47.678] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:47.678] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:47.678] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:47.678] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:47.678] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:47.678] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:47.678] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:47.678] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:47.678] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:47.678] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:47.678] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:47.678] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:47.678] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:47.711] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:47.712] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f02af22507.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=36269 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:47.712] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:47.717] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:47.717] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:47.718] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.964] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.964] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:47.965] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:47.965] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:47.965] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:47.967] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:47.967] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - argument 'rscript_startup'") - makeClusterPSOCK() - argument 'rscript_startup' > > for (value in list(NULL, "options(abc = 42L)", quote(options(abc = 42L)))) { + cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, rscript_startup = value) + y <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, getOption("abc", NA_integer_))[[1]] + stopifnot(is.integer(y), length(y) == 1L) + if (!is.null(value)) stopifnot(identical(y, 42L)) + parallel::stopCluster(cl) + } [18:32:47.984] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:47.990] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:47.994] [local output] Base port: 37505 [18:32:47.994] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:47.994] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:47.995] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:47.997] [local output] Rscript port: 37505 [18:32:47.998] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:47.998] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:47.998] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:47.999] List of 36 [18:32:47.999] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.999] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:47.999] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.999] $ port : int 37505 [18:32:47.999] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:47.999] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:47.999] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:47.999] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:47.999] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:47.999] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:47.999] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:47.999] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:47.999] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:47.999] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:47.999] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:47.999] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:47.999] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:47.999] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:47.999] $ renice : int NA [18:32:47.999] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:47.999] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:47.999] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:47.999] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:47.999] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:47.999] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:47.999] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:47.999] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:47.999] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:47.999] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:47.999] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:47.999] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0277f5613.pid" [18:32:47.999] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:47.999] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:47.999] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:47.999] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:47.999] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:47.999] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:47.999] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:47.999] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:47.999] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:47.999] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:47.999] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:47.999] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:47.999] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:47.999] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:47.999] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:47.999] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:47.999] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:47.999] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:47.999] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:47.999] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:47.999] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ port : int 37505 [18:32:47.999] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:47.999] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:47.999] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:47.999] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:47.999] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:47.999] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:47.999] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:47.999] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:47.999] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:47.999] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:47.999] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:47.999] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:47.999] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:47.999] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:47.999] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:47.999] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:47.999] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:48.033] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:48.033] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0277f5613.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=37505 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:48.033] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:48.039] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:48.039] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:48.040] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:48.301] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:48.301] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:48.301] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:48.301] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:48.302] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:48.303] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:48.303] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done [18:32:48.310] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:48.316] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:48.320] [local output] Base port: 23264 [18:32:48.321] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:48.321] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:48.322] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:48.325] [local output] Rscript port: 23264 [18:32:48.325] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:48.326] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:48.327] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:48.327] List of 36 [18:32:48.327] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:48.327] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:48.327] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:48.327] $ port : int 23264 [18:32:48.327] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:48.327] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:48.327] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:48.327] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:48.327] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:48.327] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:48.327] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:48.327] $ rscript_startup : chr [1:2] "-e" "\"invisible({options(abc = 42L)})\"" [18:32:48.327] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:48.327] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:48.327] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:48.327] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:48.327] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:48.327] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:48.327] $ renice : int NA [18:32:48.327] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:48.327] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:48.327] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:48.327] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:48.327] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:48.327] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:48.327] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:48.327] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:48.327] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:48.327] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:48.327] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:48.327] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f085a5aeb.pid" [18:32:48.327] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:48.327] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:48.327] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:48.327] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:48.327] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:48.327] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:48.327] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:48.327] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:48.327] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:48.327] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:48.327] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:48.327] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:48.327] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:48.327] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:48.327] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:48.327] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:48.327] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:48.327] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:48.327] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:48.327] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:48.327] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ port : int 23264 [18:32:48.327] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:48.327] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:48.327] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ rscript_startup : chr "options(abc = 42L)" [18:32:48.327] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:48.327] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:48.327] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:48.327] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:48.327] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:48.327] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:48.327] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:48.327] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:48.327] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:48.327] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:48.327] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:48.327] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:48.327] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:48.327] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:48.327] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:48.370] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:48.370] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f085a5aeb.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "invisible({options(abc = 42L)})" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=23264 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:48.370] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:48.375] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:48.376] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:48.376] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:48.615] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:48.616] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:48.616] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:48.616] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:48.617] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:48.618] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:48.618] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done [18:32:48.625] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:48.630] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:48.635] [local output] Base port: 33749 [18:32:48.635] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:48.636] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:48.636] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:48.639] [local output] Rscript port: 33749 [18:32:48.640] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:48.640] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:48.641] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:48.641] List of 36 [18:32:48.641] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:48.641] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:48.641] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:48.641] $ port : int 33749 [18:32:48.641] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:48.641] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:48.641] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:48.641] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:48.641] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:48.641] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:48.641] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:48.641] $ rscript_startup : chr [1:2] "-e" "\"invisible({options(abc = 42L)})\"" [18:32:48.641] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:48.641] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:48.641] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:48.641] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:48.641] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:48.641] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:48.641] $ renice : int NA [18:32:48.641] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:48.641] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:48.641] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:48.641] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:48.641] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:48.641] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:48.641] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:48.641] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:48.641] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:48.641] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:48.641] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:48.641] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0701d5597.pid" [18:32:48.641] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:48.641] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:48.641] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:48.641] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:48.641] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:48.641] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:48.641] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:48.641] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:48.641] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:48.641] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:48.641] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:48.641] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:48.641] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:48.641] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:48.641] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:48.641] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:48.641] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:48.641] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:48.641] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:48.641] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:48.641] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ port : int 33749 [18:32:48.641] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:48.641] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:48.641] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ rscript_startup : language options(abc = 42L) [18:32:48.641] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:48.641] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:48.641] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:48.641] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:48.641] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:48.641] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:48.641] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:48.641] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:48.641] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:48.641] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:48.641] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:48.641] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:48.641] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:48.641] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:48.641] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:48.678] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:48.678] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0701d5597.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "invisible({options(abc = 42L)})" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=33749 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:48.678] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:48.684] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:48.684] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:48.684] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:48.947] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:48.948] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:48.948] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:48.949] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:48.949] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:48.950] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:48.951] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - setup_strategy = TRUE/FALSE") - makeClusterPSOCK() - setup_strategy = TRUE/FALSE > > for (setup_strategy in c("sequential", "parallel")) { + dt <- system.time({ + cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(2L, setup_strategy = setup_strategy) + }) + print(dt) + print(cl) + parallel::stopCluster(cl) + } [18:32:49.003] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:49.008] [local output] Workers: [n = 2] 'localhost', 'localhost' [18:32:49.013] [local output] Base port: 25551 [18:32:49.013] [local output] Getting setup options for 2 cluster nodes ... [18:32:49.013] [local output] - Node #1 of 2 ... [18:32:49.014] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:49.016] [local output] Rscript port: 25551 [18:32:49.017] [local output] - Node #2 of 2 ... [18:32:49.017] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:49.019] [local output] Rscript port: 25551 [18:32:49.020] [local output] Getting setup options for 2 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:49.020] [local output] Creating node #1 of 2 ... [18:32:49.020] [local output] - setting up node [18:32:49.021] [local output] - attempt #1 of 3 [18:32:49.021] [local output] Starting worker #1 on 'localhost': "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f02d3075ad.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=25551 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=sequential [18:32:49.027] [local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0 [18:32:49.027] [local output] Waiting for worker #1 on 'localhost' to connect back [18:32:49.287] [local output] Connection with worker #1 on 'localhost' established [18:32:49.288] [local output] Creating node #1 of 2 ... done [18:32:49.288] [local output] Creating node #2 of 2 ... [18:32:49.288] [local output] - setting up node [18:32:49.288] [local output] - attempt #1 of 3 [18:32:49.289] [local output] Starting worker #2 on 'localhost': "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=2.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0239d3883.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=25551 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=sequential [18:32:49.294] [local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0 [18:32:49.295] [local output] Waiting for worker #2 on 'localhost' to connect back [18:32:49.540] [local output] Connection with worker #2 on 'localhost' established [18:32:49.541] [local output] Creating node #2 of 2 ... done [18:32:49.541] [local output] Launching of 2 workers completed [18:32:49.541] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 2 [18:32:49.542] [local output] Collecting session information from 2 workers [18:32:49.543] [local output] - Worker #1 of 2 [18:32:49.544] [local output] - Worker #2 of 2 [18:32:49.544] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done user system elapsed 0.03 0.00 0.53 Socket cluster with 2 nodes where 2 nodes are on host 'localhost' (R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-17 r87446 ucrt), platform x86_64-w64-mingw32) [18:32:49.589] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:49.595] [local output] Workers: [n = 2] 'localhost', 'localhost' [18:32:49.598] [local output] Base port: 38599 [18:32:49.598] [local output] Getting setup options for 2 cluster nodes ... [18:32:49.599] [local output] - Node #1 of 2 ... [18:32:49.599] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:49.601] [local output] Rscript port: 38599 [18:32:49.602] [local output] - Node #2 of 2 ... [18:32:49.602] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:49.604] [local output] Rscript port: 38599 [18:32:49.604] [local output] Getting setup options for 2 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:49.604] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:49.605] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:49.605] List of 36 [18:32:49.605] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:49.605] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:49.605] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:49.605] $ port : int 38599 [18:32:49.605] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:49.605] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:49.605] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:49.605] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:49.605] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:49.605] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:49.605] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:49.605] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:49.605] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:49.605] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:49.605] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:49.605] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:49.605] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:49.605] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:49.605] $ renice : int NA [18:32:49.605] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:49.605] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:49.605] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:49.605] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:49.605] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:49.605] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:49.605] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:49.605] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:49.605] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:49.605] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:49.605] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:49.605] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f030ae2a18.pid" [18:32:49.605] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:49.605] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:49.605] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:49.605] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:49.605] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:49.605] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:49.605] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:49.605] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:49.605] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:49.605] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:49.605] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:49.605] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:49.605] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:49.605] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:49.605] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:49.605] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:49.605] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:49.605] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:49.605] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:49.605] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:49.605] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ port : int 38599 [18:32:49.605] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:49.605] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:49.605] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:49.605] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:49.605] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:49.605] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:49.605] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:49.605] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:49.605] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:49.605] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:49.605] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:49.605] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:49.605] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:49.605] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:49.605] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:49.605] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:49.605] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:49.636] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:49.636] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f030ae2a18.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=38599 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:49.637] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:49.646] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:49.646] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:49.647] - [local output] 0 workers out of 2 ready [18:32:49.884] - [local output] 0 workers out of 2 ready [18:32:49.885] - [local output] 1 workers out of 2 ready [18:32:49.901] - [local output] 1 workers out of 2 ready [18:32:49.901] - [local output] 2 workers out of 2 ready [18:32:49.902] [local output] Launching of 2 workers completed [18:32:49.902] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 2 [18:32:49.902] [local output] Collecting session information from 2 workers [18:32:49.904] [local output] - Worker #1 of 2 [18:32:49.905] [local output] - Worker #2 of 2 [18:32:49.906] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done user system elapsed 0.05 0.00 0.33 Socket cluster with 2 nodes where 2 nodes are on host 'localhost' (R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-17 r87446 ucrt), platform x86_64-w64-mingw32) > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - with and w/out validation") - makeClusterPSOCK() - with and w/out validation > > cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, validate = TRUE) ## default [18:32:49.918] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:49.924] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:49.929] [local output] Base port: 37170 [18:32:49.929] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:49.929] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:49.930] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:49.933] [local output] Rscript port: 37170 [18:32:49.934] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:49.934] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:49.935] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:49.935] List of 36 [18:32:49.935] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:49.935] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:49.935] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:49.935] $ port : int 37170 [18:32:49.935] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:49.935] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:49.935] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:49.935] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:49.935] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:49.935] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:49.935] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:49.935] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:49.935] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:49.935] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:49.935] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:49.935] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:49.935] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:49.935] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:49.935] $ renice : int NA [18:32:49.935] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:49.935] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:49.935] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:49.935] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:49.935] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:49.935] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:49.935] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:49.935] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:49.935] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:49.935] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:49.935] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:49.935] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f07f963c6a.pid" [18:32:49.935] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:49.935] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:49.935] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:49.935] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:49.935] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:49.935] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:49.935] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:49.935] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:49.935] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:49.935] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:49.935] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:49.935] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:49.935] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:49.935] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:49.935] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:49.935] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:49.935] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:49.935] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:49.935] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:49.935] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:49.935] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ port : int 37170 [18:32:49.935] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:49.935] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:49.935] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:49.935] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:49.935] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:49.935] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:49.935] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:49.935] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:49.935] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:49.935] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:49.935] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:49.935] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:49.935] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:49.935] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:49.935] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:49.935] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:49.935] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:49.976] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:49.977] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f07f963c6a.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=37170 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:49.977] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:49.984] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:49.984] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:49.984] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:50.244] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:50.245] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:50.245] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:50.245] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:50.246] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:50.247] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:50.247] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > node <- cl[[1]] > stopifnot( + is.list(node), + inherits(node, if (useXDR) "SOCKnode" else "SOCK0node"), + "session_info" %in% names(node) + ) > si <- node[["session_info"]] > stopifnot(is.list(si)) > parallel::stopCluster(cl) > > cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, validate = FALSE) [18:32:50.254] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:50.260] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:50.264] [local output] Base port: 32013 [18:32:50.264] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:50.264] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:50.265] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:50.268] [local output] Rscript port: 32013 [18:32:50.268] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:50.268] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:50.269] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:50.269] List of 36 [18:32:50.269] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:50.269] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:50.269] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:50.269] $ port : int 32013 [18:32:50.269] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:50.269] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:50.269] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:50.269] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:50.269] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:50.269] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:50.269] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:50.269] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:50.269] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:50.269] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:50.269] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:50.269] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:50.269] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:50.269] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:50.269] $ renice : int NA [18:32:50.269] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:50.269] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:50.269] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:50.269] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:50.269] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:50.269] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:50.269] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:50.269] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:50.269] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:50.269] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:50.269] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:50.269] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f06e454796.pid" [18:32:50.269] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:50.269] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:50.269] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:50.269] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:50.269] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:50.269] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:50.269] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:50.269] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:50.269] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:50.269] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:50.269] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:50.269] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:50.269] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:50.269] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:50.269] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:50.269] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:50.269] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:50.269] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:50.269] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:50.269] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:50.269] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ port : int 32013 [18:32:50.269] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:50.269] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:50.269] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:50.269] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:50.269] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:50.269] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:50.269] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:50.269] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:50.269] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:50.269] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:50.269] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:50.269] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:50.269] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:50.269] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:50.269] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:50.269] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:50.269] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:50.310] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:50.311] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f06e454796.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=32013 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:50.311] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:50.319] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:50.319] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:50.319] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:50.577] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:50.578] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:50.579] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:50.579] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:50.579] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > node <- cl[[1]] > stopifnot( + is.list(node), + inherits(node, if (useXDR) "SOCKnode" else "SOCK0node"), + ! "session_info" %in% names(node) + ) > parallel::stopCluster(cl) > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - w/out 'parallelly' on worker") - makeClusterPSOCK() - w/out 'parallelly' on worker > > ovalue <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER") > Sys.setenv(R_LIBS_USER = tempdir()) > cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, outfile = "") [18:32:50.588] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:50.594] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:50.599] [local output] Base port: 22761 [18:32:50.600] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:50.600] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:50.601] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:50.603] [local output] Rscript port: 22761 [18:32:50.604] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:50.604] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:50.605] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:50.605] List of 36 [18:32:50.605] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:50.605] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:50.605] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:50.605] $ port : int 22761 [18:32:50.605] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:50.605] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:50.605] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:50.605] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:50.605] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:50.605] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:50.605] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:50.605] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:50.605] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:50.605] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:50.605] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:50.605] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:50.605] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:50.605] $ outfile : chr "" [18:32:50.605] $ renice : int NA [18:32:50.605] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:50.605] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:50.605] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:50.605] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:50.605] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:50.605] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:50.605] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:50.605] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:50.605] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:50.605] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:50.605] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:50.605] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f032ac7cd4.pid" [18:32:50.605] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:50.605] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:50.605] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:50.605] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:50.605] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:50.605] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:50.605] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:50.605] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:50.605] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:50.605] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:50.605] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:50.605] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:50.605] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:50.605] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:50.605] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:50.605] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:50.605] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:50.605] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:50.605] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:50.605] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:50.605] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ port : int 22761 [18:32:50.605] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:50.605] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:50.605] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:50.605] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:50.605] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:50.605] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:50.605] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:50.605] ..$ outfile : chr "" [18:32:50.605] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:50.605] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:50.605] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:50.605] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:50.605] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:50.605] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:50.605] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:50.605] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:50.605] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:50.638] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:50.638] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f032ac7cd4.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=22761 OUT= TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:50.638] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:50.646] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:50.646] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:50.646] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready starting worker pid=135080 on localhost:22761 at 18:32:50.897 [18:32:50.909] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:50.910] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:50.910] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:50.910] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:50.911] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:50.912] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:50.912] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > print(cl) Socket cluster with 1 nodes where 1 node is on host 'localhost' (R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-17 r87446 ucrt), platform x86_64-w64-mingw32) > parallel::stopCluster(cl) > Sys.setenv(R_LIBS_USER = ovalue) > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - assert 'parallelly' is not loaded") - makeClusterPSOCK() - assert 'parallelly' is not loaded > > cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L) [18:32:50.921] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:50.926] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:50.931] [local output] Base port: 28175 [18:32:50.931] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:50.931] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:50.932] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:50.935] [local output] Rscript port: 28175 [18:32:50.935] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:50.936] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:50.936] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:50.937] List of 36 [18:32:50.937] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:50.937] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:50.937] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:50.937] $ port : int 28175 [18:32:50.937] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:50.937] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:50.937] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:50.937] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:50.937] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:50.937] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:50.937] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:50.937] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:50.937] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:50.937] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:50.937] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:50.937] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:50.937] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:50.937] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:50.937] $ renice : int NA [18:32:50.937] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:50.937] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:50.937] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:50.937] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:50.937] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:50.937] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:50.937] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:50.937] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:50.937] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:50.937] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:50.937] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:50.937] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f072153e17.pid" [18:32:50.937] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:50.937] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:50.937] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:50.937] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:50.937] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:50.937] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:50.937] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:50.937] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:50.937] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:50.937] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:50.937] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:50.937] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:50.937] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:50.937] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:50.937] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:50.937] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:50.937] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:50.937] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:50.937] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:50.937] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:50.937] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ port : int 28175 [18:32:50.937] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:50.937] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:50.937] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:50.937] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:50.937] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:50.937] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:50.937] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:50.937] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:50.937] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:50.937] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:50.937] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:50.937] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:50.937] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:50.937] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:50.937] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:50.937] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:50.937] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:50.975] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:50.976] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f072153e17.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=28175 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:50.976] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:50.982] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:50.982] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:50.983] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:51.246] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:51.247] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:51.247] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:51.247] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:51.248] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:51.249] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:51.249] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > ns <- parallel::clusterCall(cl, function() { loadedNamespaces() }) > print(ns) [[1]] [1] "compiler" "graphics" "parallel" "utils" "grDevices" "stats" [7] "datasets" "methods" "base" > stopifnot(!is.element("parallelly", ns)) > parallel::stopCluster(cl) > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - launch via the R executable") - makeClusterPSOCK() - launch via the R executable > > if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { + ## R and R.exe fails on MS Windows, cf. R-devel thread "MS Windows: R does + ## not escape quotes in CLI options the same way as Rterm and Rscript" + ## on 2021-12-15. + rscripts <- file.path(R.home("bin"), c("Rterm", "Rterm.exe")) + } else { + rscripts <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R") + } > > for (rscript in rscripts) { + message(" Launcher: ", sQuote(rscript)) + rscript_args <- c("--no-echo", "--no-restore", "*", "--args") + cl <- tryCatch({ + makeClusterPSOCK(1L, rscript = rscript, rscript_args = rscript_args) + }, warning = identity) + stopifnot(inherits(cl, "cluster")) + parallel::stopCluster(cl) + } Launcher: 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm' [18:32:51.263] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:51.268] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:51.272] [local output] Base port: 30238 [18:32:51.273] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:51.273] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:51.274] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:51.276] Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: '"D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rterm.exe" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0753913fe.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "file.exists(\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0753913fe.pid\")"' [18:32:51.718] - Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE [18:32:51.719] [local output] Rscript port: 30238 [18:32:51.720] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:51.720] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:51.721] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:51.721] List of 36 [18:32:51.721] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:51.721] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:51.721] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:51.721] $ port : int 30238 [18:32:51.721] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:51.721] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:51.721] $ rscript : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\"" [18:32:51.721] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:51.721] $ rscript_args : chr "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#label=makeClust"| __truncated__ [18:32:51.721] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:51.721] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:51.721] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:51.721] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:51.721] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:51.721] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:51.721] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:51.721] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:51.721] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:51.721] $ renice : int NA [18:32:51.721] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:51.721] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:51.721] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:51.721] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:51.721] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:51.721] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:51.721] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:51.721] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:51.721] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:51.721] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:51.721] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,met"| __truncated__ [18:32:51.721] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0753913fe.pid" [18:32:51.721] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:51.721] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:51.721] $ cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,met"| __truncated__ [18:32:51.721] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:51.721] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:51.721] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:51.721] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:51.721] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:51.721] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:51.721] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:51.721] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:51.721] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:51.721] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:51.721] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:51.721] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:51.721] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:51.721] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:51.721] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:51.721] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:51.721] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:51.721] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:51.721] ..$ port : int 30238 [18:32:51.721] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:51.721] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:51.721] ..$ rscript : chr "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm" [18:32:51.721] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:51.721] ..$ rscript_args : chr [1:4] "--no-echo" "--no-restore" "*" "--args" [18:32:51.721] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:51.721] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:51.721] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:51.721] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:51.721] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:51.721] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:51.721] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:51.721] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:51.721] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:51.721] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:51.721] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:51.721] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:51.721] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:51.721] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:51.721] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:51.721] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:51.721] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:51.721] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:51.721] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:51.721] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:51.721] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:51.755] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:51.755] [local output] "D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rterm.exe" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods --no-echo --no-restore -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0753913fe.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" --args MASTER=localhost PORT=30238 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:51.756] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:51.762] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:51.763] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:51.763] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:52.071] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:52.072] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:52.072] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:52.072] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:52.073] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:52.074] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:52.074] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done Launcher: 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm.exe' [18:32:52.081] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:52.085] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:52.088] [local output] Base port: 21880 [18:32:52.089] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:52.089] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:52.090] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:52.092] [local output] Rscript port: 21880 [18:32:52.092] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:52.092] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:52.093] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:52.093] List of 36 [18:32:52.093] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:52.093] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:52.093] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:52.093] $ port : int 21880 [18:32:52.093] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:52.093] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:52.093] $ rscript : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\"" [18:32:52.093] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:52.093] $ rscript_args : chr "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#label=makeClust"| __truncated__ [18:32:52.093] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:52.093] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:52.093] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:52.093] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:52.093] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:52.093] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:52.093] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:52.093] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:52.093] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:52.093] $ renice : int NA [18:32:52.093] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:52.093] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:52.093] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:52.093] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:52.093] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:52.093] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:52.093] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:52.093] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:52.093] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:52.093] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:52.093] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,met"| __truncated__ [18:32:52.093] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0f59489e.pid" [18:32:52.093] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:52.093] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:52.093] $ cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,met"| __truncated__ [18:32:52.093] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:52.093] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:52.093] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:52.093] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:52.093] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:52.093] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:52.093] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:52.093] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:52.093] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:52.093] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:52.093] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:52.093] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:52.093] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:52.093] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:52.093] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:52.093] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:52.093] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:52.093] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:52.093] ..$ port : int 21880 [18:32:52.093] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:52.093] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:52.093] ..$ rscript : chr "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm.exe" [18:32:52.093] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:52.093] ..$ rscript_args : chr [1:4] "--no-echo" "--no-restore" "*" "--args" [18:32:52.093] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:52.093] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:52.093] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:52.093] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:52.093] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:52.093] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:52.093] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:52.093] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:52.093] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:52.093] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:52.093] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:52.093] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:52.093] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:52.093] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:52.093] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:52.093] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:52.093] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:52.093] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:52.093] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:52.093] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:52.093] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:52.119] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:52.119] [local output] "D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rterm.exe" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods --no-echo --no-restore -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f0f59489e.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" --args MASTER=localhost PORT=21880 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:52.120] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:52.125] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:52.125] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:52.125] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:52.401] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:52.402] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:52.403] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:52.403] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:52.403] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:52.405] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:52.405] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - default packages") - makeClusterPSOCK() - default packages > > if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { + ## R and R.exe fails on MS Windows, cf. R-devel thread "MS Windows: R does + ## not escape quotes in CLI options the same way as Rterm and Rscript" + ## on 2021-12-15. + rscripts <- file.path(R.home("bin"), c("Rscript", "Rterm", "Rterm.exe")) + } else { + rscripts <- file.path(R.home("bin"), c("Rscript", "R")) + } > default_packages <- c("utils", "tools") > for (rscript in rscripts) { + message(" Launcher: ", sQuote(rscript)) + if (tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(rscript)) %in% c("R", "Rterm")) { + rscript_args <- c("--no-echo", "--no-restore", "*", "--args") + } else { + rscript_args <- NULL + } + cl <- tryCatch({ + makeClusterPSOCK(1L, rscript = rscript, rscript_args = rscript_args, default_packages = default_packages) + }, warning = identity) + stopifnot(inherits(cl, "cluster")) + pkgs <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, { getOption("defaultPackages") })[[1]] + stopifnot(identical(pkgs, default_packages)) + parallel::stopCluster(cl) + } Launcher: 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript' [18:32:52.430] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:52.434] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:52.438] [local output] Base port: 20384 [18:32:52.438] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:52.438] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:52.439] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:52.440] Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: '"D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rscript.exe" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f07b8a1f81.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "file.exists(\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f07b8a1f81.pid\")"' [18:32:52.765] - Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE [18:32:52.766] [local output] Rscript port: 20384 [18:32:52.767] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:52.767] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:52.768] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:52.768] List of 36 [18:32:52.768] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:52.768] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:52.768] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:52.768] $ port : int 20384 [18:32:52.768] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:52.768] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:52.768] $ rscript : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rscript.exe\"" [18:32:52.768] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:52.768] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=utils,tools -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN\" -e \"try(suppressWarnings(c"| __truncated__ [18:32:52.768] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:52.768] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:52.768] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:52.768] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:52.768] $ default_packages: chr [1:2] "utils" "tools" [18:32:52.768] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:52.768] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:52.768] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:52.768] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:52.768] $ renice : int NA [18:32:52.768] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:52.768] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:52.768] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:52.768] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:52.768] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:52.768] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:52.768] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:52.768] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:52.768] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:52.768] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:52.768] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rscript.exe\" --default-packages=utils,tools -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK."| __truncated__ [18:32:52.768] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f07b8a1f81.pid" [18:32:52.768] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:52.768] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:52.768] $ cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rscript.exe\" --default-packages=utils,tools -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK."| __truncated__ [18:32:52.768] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:52.768] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:52.768] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:52.768] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:52.768] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:52.768] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:52.768] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:52.768] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:52.768] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:52.768] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:52.768] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:52.768] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:52.768] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:52.768] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:52.768] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:52.768] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:52.768] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:52.768] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ port : int 20384 [18:32:52.768] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:52.768] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:52.768] ..$ rscript : chr "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" [18:32:52.768] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:52.768] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:2] "utils" "tools" [18:32:52.768] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:52.768] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:52.768] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:52.768] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:52.768] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:52.768] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:52.768] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:52.768] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:52.768] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:52.768] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:52.768] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:52.768] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:52.768] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:52.801] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:52.801] [local output] "D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rscript.exe" --default-packages=utils,tools -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f07b8a1f81.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=20384 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:52.801] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:52.808] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:52.808] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:52.808] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:52.941] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:52.942] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:52.942] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:52.942] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:52.943] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:52.944] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:52.945] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done Launcher: 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm' [18:32:52.955] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:52.962] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:52.968] [local output] Base port: 33624 [18:32:52.968] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:52.968] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:52.969] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:52.972] [local output] Rscript port: 33624 [18:32:52.973] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:52.973] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:52.974] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:52.974] List of 36 [18:32:52.974] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:52.974] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:52.974] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:52.974] $ port : int 33624 [18:32:52.974] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:52.974] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:52.974] $ rscript : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\"" [18:32:52.974] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:52.974] $ rscript_args : chr "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,tools --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN\" -e \"| __truncated__ [18:32:52.974] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:52.974] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:52.974] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:52.974] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:52.974] $ default_packages: chr [1:2] "utils" "tools" [18:32:52.974] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:52.974] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:52.974] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:52.974] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:52.974] $ renice : int NA [18:32:52.974] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:52.974] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:52.974] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:52.974] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:52.974] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:52.974] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:52.974] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:52.974] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:52.974] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:52.974] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:52.974] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,tools --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#la"| __truncated__ [18:32:52.974] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f024514eee.pid" [18:32:52.974] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:52.974] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:52.974] $ cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,tools --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#la"| __truncated__ [18:32:52.974] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:52.974] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:52.974] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:52.974] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:52.974] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:52.974] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:52.974] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:52.974] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:52.974] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:52.974] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:52.974] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:52.974] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:52.974] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:52.974] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:52.974] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:52.974] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:52.974] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:52.974] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:52.974] ..$ port : int 33624 [18:32:52.974] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:52.974] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:52.974] ..$ rscript : chr "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm" [18:32:52.974] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:52.974] ..$ rscript_args : chr [1:4] "--no-echo" "--no-restore" "*" "--args" [18:32:52.974] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:52.974] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:52.974] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:52.974] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:52.974] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:2] "utils" "tools" [18:32:52.974] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:52.974] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:52.974] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:52.974] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:52.974] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:52.974] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:52.974] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:52.974] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:52.974] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:52.974] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:52.974] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:52.974] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:52.974] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:52.974] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:52.974] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:52.974] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:53.008] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:53.008] [local output] "D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rterm.exe" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,tools --no-echo --no-restore -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f024514eee.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" --args MASTER=localhost PORT=33624 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:53.008] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:53.015] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:53.016] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:53.016] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:53.148] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:53.148] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:53.149] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:53.149] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:53.149] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:53.150] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:53.151] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done Launcher: 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm.exe' [18:32:53.160] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:53.166] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:53.173] [local output] Base port: 34835 [18:32:53.174] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:53.174] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:53.175] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:53.178] [local output] Rscript port: 34835 [18:32:53.178] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:53.179] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:53.179] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:53.180] List of 36 [18:32:53.180] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:53.180] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:53.180] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:53.180] $ port : int 34835 [18:32:53.180] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:53.180] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:53.180] $ rscript : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\"" [18:32:53.180] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:53.180] $ rscript_args : chr "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,tools --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN\" -e \"| __truncated__ [18:32:53.180] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:53.180] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:53.180] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:53.180] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:53.180] $ default_packages: chr [1:2] "utils" "tools" [18:32:53.180] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:53.180] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:53.180] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:53.180] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:53.180] $ renice : int NA [18:32:53.180] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:53.180] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:53.180] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:53.180] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:53.180] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:53.180] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:53.180] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:53.180] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:53.180] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:53.180] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:53.180] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,tools --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#la"| __truncated__ [18:32:53.180] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f096f1e6b.pid" [18:32:53.180] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:53.180] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:53.180] $ cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,tools --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#la"| __truncated__ [18:32:53.180] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:53.180] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:53.180] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:53.180] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:53.180] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:53.180] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:53.180] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:53.180] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:53.180] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:53.180] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:53.180] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:53.180] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:53.180] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:53.180] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:53.180] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:53.180] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:53.180] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:53.180] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:53.180] ..$ port : int 34835 [18:32:53.180] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:53.180] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:53.180] ..$ rscript : chr "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm.exe" [18:32:53.180] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:53.180] ..$ rscript_args : chr [1:4] "--no-echo" "--no-restore" "*" "--args" [18:32:53.180] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:53.180] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:53.180] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:53.180] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:53.180] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:2] "utils" "tools" [18:32:53.180] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:53.180] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:53.180] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:53.180] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:53.180] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:53.180] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:53.180] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:53.180] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:53.180] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:53.180] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:53.180] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:53.180] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:53.180] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:53.180] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:53.180] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:53.180] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:53.214] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:53.215] [local output] "D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rterm.exe" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=utils,tools --no-echo --no-restore -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f096f1e6b.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" --args MASTER=localhost PORT=34835 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:53.215] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:53.221] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:53.221] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:53.222] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:53.376] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:53.377] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:53.377] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:53.378] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:53.378] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:53.379] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:53.379] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > > if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { + ## R and R.exe fails on MS Windows, cf. R-devel thread "MS Windows: R does + ## not escape quotes in CLI options the same way as Rterm and Rscript" + ## on 2021-12-15. + rscripts <- file.path(R.home("bin"), c("Rscript", "Rterm", "Rterm.exe")) + } else { + rscripts <- file.path(R.home("bin"), c("Rscript", "R")) + } > default_packages <- c("parallelly", "*") > truth <- unique(c("parallelly", getOption("defaultPackages"))) > for (rscript in rscripts) { + message(" Launcher: ", sQuote(rscript)) + if (tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(rscript)) %in% c("R", "Rterm")) { + rscript_args <- c("--no-echo", "--no-restore", "*", "--args") + } else { + rscript_args <- NULL + } + cl <- tryCatch({ + makeClusterPSOCK(1L, rscript = rscript, rscript_args = rscript_args, default_packages = default_packages) + }, warning = identity) + stopifnot(inherits(cl, "cluster")) + pkgs <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, { getOption("defaultPackages") })[[1]] + stopifnot(identical(pkgs, truth)) + parallel::stopCluster(cl) + } Launcher: 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript' [18:32:53.401] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:53.406] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:53.410] [local output] Base port: 31766 [18:32:53.410] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:53.410] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:53.411] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:53.413] [local output] Rscript port: 31766 [18:32:53.414] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:53.414] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:53.414] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:53.414] List of 36 [18:32:53.414] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:53.414] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:53.414] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:53.414] $ port : int 31766 [18:32:53.414] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:53.414] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:53.414] $ rscript : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rscript.exe\"" [18:32:53.414] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:53.414] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71"| __truncated__ [18:32:53.414] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:53.414] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:53.414] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:53.414] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:53.414] $ default_packages: chr [1:7] "parallelly" "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" ... [18:32:53.414] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:53.414] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:53.414] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:53.414] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:53.414] $ renice : int NA [18:32:53.414] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:53.414] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:53.414] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:53.414] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:53.414] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:53.414] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:53.414] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:53.414] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:53.414] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:53.414] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:53.414] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rscript.exe\" --default-packages=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graph"| __truncated__ [18:32:53.414] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f037fe4e81.pid" [18:32:53.414] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:53.414] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:53.414] $ cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rscript.exe\" --default-packages=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graph"| __truncated__ [18:32:53.414] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:53.414] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:53.414] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:53.414] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:53.414] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:53.414] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:53.414] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:53.414] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:53.414] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:53.414] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:53.414] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:53.414] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:53.414] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:53.414] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:53.414] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:53.414] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:53.414] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:53.414] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ port : int 31766 [18:32:53.414] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:53.414] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:53.414] ..$ rscript : chr "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" [18:32:53.414] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:53.414] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:2] "parallelly" "*" [18:32:53.414] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:53.414] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:53.414] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:53.414] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:53.414] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:53.414] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:53.414] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:53.414] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:53.414] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:53.414] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:53.414] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:53.414] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:53.414] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:53.445] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:53.446] [local output] "D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rscript.exe" --default-packages=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f037fe4e81.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=31766 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:53.446] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:53.452] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:53.452] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:53.453] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:53.793] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:53.794] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:53.794] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:53.795] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:53.795] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:53.796] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:53.797] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done Launcher: 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm' [18:32:53.805] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:53.813] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:53.819] [local output] Base port: 24209 [18:32:53.819] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:53.820] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:53.821] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:53.827] [local output] Rscript port: 24209 [18:32:53.828] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:53.828] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:53.829] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:53.830] List of 36 [18:32:53.830] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:53.830] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:53.830] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:53.830] $ port : int 24209 [18:32:53.830] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:53.830] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:53.830] $ rscript : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\"" [18:32:53.830] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:53.830] $ rscript_args : chr "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#labe"| __truncated__ [18:32:53.830] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:53.830] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:53.830] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:53.830] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:53.830] $ default_packages: chr [1:7] "parallelly" "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" ... [18:32:53.830] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:53.830] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:53.830] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:53.830] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:53.830] $ renice : int NA [18:32:53.830] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:53.830] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:53.830] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:53.830] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:53.830] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:53.830] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:53.830] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:53.830] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:53.830] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:53.830] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:53.830] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphic"| __truncated__ [18:32:53.830] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f08bd2dbf.pid" [18:32:53.830] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:53.830] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:53.830] $ cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphic"| __truncated__ [18:32:53.830] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:53.830] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:53.830] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:53.830] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:53.830] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:53.830] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:53.830] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:53.830] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:53.830] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:53.830] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:53.830] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:53.830] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:53.830] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:53.830] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:53.830] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:53.830] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:53.830] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:53.830] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:53.830] ..$ port : int 24209 [18:32:53.830] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:53.830] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:53.830] ..$ rscript : chr "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm" [18:32:53.830] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:53.830] ..$ rscript_args : chr [1:4] "--no-echo" "--no-restore" "*" "--args" [18:32:53.830] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:53.830] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:53.830] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:53.830] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:53.830] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:2] "parallelly" "*" [18:32:53.830] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:53.830] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:53.830] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:53.830] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:53.830] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:53.830] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:53.830] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:53.830] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:53.830] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:53.830] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:53.830] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:53.830] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:53.830] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:53.830] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:53.830] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:53.830] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:53.865] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:53.865] [local output] "D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rterm.exe" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods --no-echo --no-restore -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f08bd2dbf.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" --args MASTER=localhost PORT=24209 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:53.865] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:53.872] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:53.872] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:53.873] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:54.194] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:54.195] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:54.195] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:54.195] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:54.196] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:54.197] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:54.197] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done Launcher: 'D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm.exe' [18:32:54.204] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:54.208] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:54.211] [local output] Base port: 31953 [18:32:54.211] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:54.212] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:54.213] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:54.215] [local output] Rscript port: 31953 [18:32:54.216] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:54.216] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:54.217] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:54.217] List of 36 [18:32:54.217] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:54.217] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:54.217] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:54.217] $ port : int 31953 [18:32:54.217] $ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:54.217] $ timeout : num 120 [18:32:54.217] $ rscript : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\"" [18:32:54.217] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:54.217] $ rscript_args : chr "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods --no-echo --no-restore -e \"#labe"| __truncated__ [18:32:54.217] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:54.217] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:54.217] $ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:54.217] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:54.217] $ default_packages: chr [1:7] "parallelly" "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" ... [18:32:54.217] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:54.217] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:54.217] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:54.217] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:54.217] $ renice : int NA [18:32:54.217] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:54.217] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:54.217] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:54.217] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:54.217] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:54.217] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:54.217] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:54.217] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:54.217] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:54.217] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:54.217] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphic"| __truncated__ [18:32:54.217] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f018a97f02.pid" [18:32:54.217] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:54.217] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:54.217] $ cmd : chr "\"D:\\RCompile\\recent\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe\" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphic"| __truncated__ [18:32:54.217] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:54.217] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:54.217] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:54.217] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:54.217] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:54.217] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:54.217] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:54.217] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:54.217] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:54.217] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:54.217] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:54.217] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:54.217] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:54.217] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:54.217] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:54.217] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:54.217] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:54.217] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:54.217] ..$ port : int 31953 [18:32:54.217] ..$ connectTimeout : num 120 [18:32:54.217] ..$ timeout : num 120 [18:32:54.217] ..$ rscript : chr "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rterm.exe" [18:32:54.217] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:54.217] ..$ rscript_args : chr [1:4] "--no-echo" "--no-restore" "*" "--args" [18:32:54.217] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:54.217] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:54.217] ..$ rscript_startup : NULL [18:32:54.217] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:54.217] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:2] "parallelly" "*" [18:32:54.217] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:54.217] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:54.217] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:54.217] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:54.217] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:54.217] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:54.217] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:54.217] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:54.217] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:54.217] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:54.217] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:54.217] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:54.217] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:54.217] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:54.217] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:54.217] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:54.248] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:54.249] [local output] "D:\RCompile\recent\R\bin\x64\Rterm.exe" R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=parallelly,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods --no-echo --no-restore -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f018a97f02.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" --args MASTER=localhost PORT=31953 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=120 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=120 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:54.249] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:54.254] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:54.254] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:54.255] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:54.615] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:54.616] - [local output] 1 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:54.616] [local output] Launching of 1 workers completed [18:32:54.616] [local output] Number of nodes in cluster: 1 [18:32:54.617] [local output] Collecting session information from 1 workers [18:32:54.618] [local output] - Worker #1 of 1 [18:32:54.619] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... done > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - exceptions") - makeClusterPSOCK() - exceptions > > res <- tryCatch({ + cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1:2) + }, error = identity) [18:32:54.626] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... > print(res) > stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) > > res <- tryCatch({ + cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(0L) + }, error = identity) [18:32:54.627] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... > print(res) > stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) > > res <- tryCatch({ + cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, rshcmd = character(0L)) + }, error = identity) [18:32:54.628] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:54.633] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:54.636] [local output] Base port: 28066 [18:32:54.637] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:54.637] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... > print(res) = 1L' is not TRUE> > stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) > > res <- tryCatch({ + cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, port = integer(0L)) + }, error = identity) [18:32:54.638] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:54.643] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' > print(res) > stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) > > res <- tryCatch({ + cl <- makeClusterPSOCK(1L, port = NA_integer_) + }, error = identity) [18:32:54.644] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:54.650] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' > print(res) > stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) > > > message("- makeClusterPSOCK() - exceptions") - makeClusterPSOCK() - exceptions > > ## Non-existing hostname > res <- tryCatch({ + cl <- makeNodePSOCK("not.a.localhost.hostname", revtunnel = TRUE) + }, error = identity) > print(res) > stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) > > ## Invalid port > res <- tryCatch({ + cl <- makeNodePSOCK("localhost", port = NA_integer_) + }, error = identity) > print(res) > stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) > > ## Don't test on CRAN > if (fullTest || covr_testing) { + ## Occupied/blocked port + res <- tryCatch( + cl <- parallelly::makeClusterPSOCK("localhost", port = 80L, tries = 1L), + error = identity) + print(res) + ## Skip error assertion in case this actually works on some machine. + ## But where it fails, we are testing the port-failure exception code. + } > > > ## https://github.com/futureverse/parallelly/issues/95 > if (getRversion() >= "4.0.0") { + res <- tryCatch({ + parallelly::makeClusterPSOCK(1L, rscript_startup = quote(Sys.sleep(6.0)), + connectTimeout = 0.1, timeout = 7.0) + }, error = identity) + print(res) + stopifnot( + inherits(res, "error"), + grepl("^Cluster setup failed", conditionMessage(res)) + ) + + ## Make sure to wait for background process to timeout before continuing, + ## when on MS Windows + if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") Sys.sleep(5.0) + } [18:32:54.655] [local output] makeClusterPSOCK() ... [18:32:54.660] [local output] Workers: [n = 1] 'localhost' [18:32:54.664] [local output] Base port: 26188 [18:32:54.664] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... [18:32:54.665] [local output] - Node #1 of 1 ... [18:32:54.665] [local output] localMachine=TRUE => revtunnel=FALSE [18:32:54.667] [local output] Rscript port: 26188 [18:32:54.668] [local output] Getting setup options for 1 cluster nodes ... done [18:32:54.668] [local output] - Parallel setup requested for some PSOCK nodes [18:32:54.669] [local output] Setting up PSOCK nodes in parallel [18:32:54.669] List of 36 [18:32:54.669] $ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:54.669] ..- attr(*, "localhost")= logi TRUE [18:32:54.669] $ master : chr "localhost" [18:32:54.669] $ port : int 26188 [18:32:54.669] $ connectTimeout : num 0.1 [18:32:54.669] $ timeout : num 7 [18:32:54.669] $ rscript : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\"" [18:32:54.669] $ homogeneous : logi TRUE [18:32:54.669] $ rscript_args : chr "--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e \"#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN"| __truncated__ [18:32:54.669] $ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:54.669] $ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:54.669] $ rscript_startup : chr [1:2] "-e" "\"invisible({Sys.sleep(6)})\"" [18:32:54.669] $ rscript_sh : chr [1:2] "cmd" "cmd" [18:32:54.669] $ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:54.669] $ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:54.669] $ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:54.669] $ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:54.669] $ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:54.669] $ renice : int NA [18:32:54.669] $ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:54.669] $ user : chr(0) [18:32:54.669] $ revtunnel : logi FALSE [18:32:54.669] $ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:54.669] $ rshopts : chr(0) [18:32:54.669] $ rank : int 1 [18:32:54.669] $ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:54.669] $ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:54.669] $ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:54.669] $ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:54.669] $ local_cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:54.669] $ pidfile : chr "D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f02fcd14f3.pid" [18:32:54.669] $ rshcmd_label : NULL [18:32:54.669] $ rsh_call : NULL [18:32:54.669] $ cmd : chr "\"D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript\" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "| __truncated__ [18:32:54.669] $ localMachine : logi TRUE [18:32:54.669] $ make_fcn :function (worker = getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname", "localhost"), [18:32:54.669] master = NULL, port, connectTimeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", [18:32:54.669] 2 * 60), timeout = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout", [18:32:54.669] 30 * 24 * 60 * 60), rscript = NULL, homogeneous = NULL, rscript_args = NULL, [18:32:54.669] rscript_envs = NULL, rscript_libs = NULL, rscript_startup = NULL, rscript_sh = c("auto", [18:32:54.669] "cmd", "sh", "none"), default_packages = c("datasets", "utils", [18:32:54.669] "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", if (methods) "methods"), methods = TRUE, [18:32:54.669] socketOptions = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", [18:32:54.669] "no-delay"), useXDR = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", [18:32:54.669] FALSE), outfile = "/dev/null", renice = NA_integer_, rshcmd = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", [18:32:54.669] NULL), user = NULL, revtunnel = NA, rshlogfile = NULL, rshopts = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", [18:32:54.669] NULL), rank = 1L, manual = FALSE, dryrun = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, [18:32:54.669] setup_strategy = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", [18:32:54.669] "parallel"), action = c("launch", "options"), verbose = FALSE) [18:32:54.669] $ arguments :List of 28 [18:32:54.669] ..$ worker : chr "localhost" [18:32:54.669] ..$ master : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ port : int 26188 [18:32:54.669] ..$ connectTimeout : num 0.1 [18:32:54.669] ..$ timeout : num 7 [18:32:54.669] ..$ rscript : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ homogeneous : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ rscript_args : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ rscript_envs : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ rscript_libs : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ rscript_startup : language Sys.sleep(6) [18:32:54.669] ..$ rscript_sh : chr "auto" [18:32:54.669] ..$ default_packages: chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ... [18:32:54.669] ..$ methods : logi TRUE [18:32:54.669] ..$ socketOptions : chr "no-delay" [18:32:54.669] ..$ useXDR : logi FALSE [18:32:54.669] ..$ outfile : chr "/dev/null" [18:32:54.669] ..$ renice : int NA [18:32:54.669] ..$ rshcmd : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ user : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ revtunnel : logi NA [18:32:54.669] ..$ rshlogfile : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ rshopts : NULL [18:32:54.669] ..$ rank : int 1 [18:32:54.669] ..$ manual : logi FALSE [18:32:54.669] ..$ dryrun : logi FALSE [18:32:54.669] ..$ quiet : logi FALSE [18:32:54.669] ..$ setup_strategy : chr "parallel" [18:32:54.669] - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "makeNodePSOCKOptions" "makeNodeOptions" [18:32:54.705] [local output] System call to launch all workers: [18:32:54.706] [local output] "D:/RCompile/recent/R/bin/x64/Rscript" --default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e "#label=makeClusterPSOCK.R:71664:CRANWIN3:CRAN" -e "try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file=\"D:/temp/2024_12_18_18_30_17_11197/RtmpwJmcmg/worker.rank=1.parallelly.parent=71664.117f02fcd14f3.pid\")), silent = TRUE)" -e "options(socketOptions = \"no-delay\")" -e "invisible({Sys.sleep(6)})" -e "workRSOCK <- tryCatch(parallel:::.workRSOCK, error=function(e) parallel:::.slaveRSOCK); workRSOCK()" MASTER=localhost PORT=26188 OUT=/dev/null TIMEOUT=7 XDR=FALSE SETUPTIMEOUT=0.1 SETUPSTRATEGY=parallel [18:32:54.706] [local output] Starting PSOCK main server [18:32:54.711] [local output] Workers launched [18:32:54.711] [local output] Waiting for workers to connect back [18:32:54.711] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:54.905] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:55.108] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:55.311] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:55.514] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:55.717] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:55.920] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:56.124] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:56.327] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:56.530] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:56.733] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:56.936] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:57.139] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:57.342] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:57.545] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:57.748] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:57.952] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:58.155] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:58.358] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:58.561] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:58.764] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:58.967] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:59.170] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:59.374] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:59.577] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:59.780] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready [18:32:59.983] - [local output] 0 workers out of 1 ready > > message("*** makeClusterPSOCK() ... DONE") *** makeClusterPSOCK() ... DONE > > source("incl/end.R") > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.96 0.21 20.56