context("ParamSet") test_that("simple active bindings work", { ps_list = list( th_paramset_dbl1(), th_paramset_full(), th_paramset_repeated(), th_paramset_untyped(), th_paramset_numeric() ) for (ps in ps_list) { info = str_collapse(ps$class) expect_class(ps, "ParamSet", info = info) expect_int(ps$length, lower = 0L, info = info) expect_character(ps$ids(), info = info) expect_character(ps$class, info = info) expect_names(names(ps$class), = ps$ids(), info = info) expect_character(ps$storage_type, info = info) expect_names(names(ps$storage_type), = ps$ids(), info = info) expect_numeric(ps$lower, any.missing = TRUE, info = info) expect_names(names(ps$lower), = ps$ids(), info = info) expect_numeric(ps$upper, any.missing = TRUE, info = info) expect_names(names(ps$upper), = ps$ids(), info = info) expect_list(ps$levels, info = info) expect_names(names(ps$levels), = ps$ids(), info = info) expect_logical(ps$is_bounded, any.missing = FALSE, info = info) expect_names(names(ps$is_bounded), = ps$ids(), info = info) expect_flag(ps$all_bounded, info = info) expect_numeric(ps$nlevels, any.missing = FALSE, lower = 1, info = info) expect_list(ps$tags, types = "character", info = info) expect_names(names(ps$tags), = ps$ids(), info = info) expect_list(ps$default, names = "strict", info = info) expect_names(names(ps$default), subset.of = ps$ids(), info = info) } ps = th_paramset_full() expect_output(print(ps), fixed = "") expect_equal(ps$ids(), c("th_param_int", "th_param_dbl", "th_param_fct", "th_param_lgl")) expect_equal(ps$lower, c(th_param_int = -10, th_param_dbl = -10, th_param_fct = NA_real_, th_param_lgl = NA_real_)) expect_equal(ps$upper, c(th_param_int = 10, th_param_dbl = 10, th_param_fct = NA_real_, th_param_lgl = NA_real_)) }) test_that("ParamSet$subset", { ids = th_paramset_full()$ids() getps = function() th_paramset_full()$clone(deep = TRUE) # give us a fresh clone of the fullset # we can subset to an empty set ps = getps() ps = ps$subset(character(0L)) expect_true(ps$is_empty) ps = getps() # subsetting to 2 params make the set smaller ps = ps$subset(ids[2:3]) expect_equal(ps$ids(), ids[2:3]) expect_equal(ps$length, 2) # subsetting to all ids does not change anything ps = getps() ps = ps$subset(ids) expect_equal(, # subset full set to 2 numeric params ps = getps() ps = ps$subset(c("th_param_int", "th_param_dbl")) expect_equal(, }) test_that("ParamSet$add_param_set", { # adding with the empty set ps1 = ParamSet$new() n1 = ps1$length ps2 = ParamSet$new() ps1 = ps_union(list(ps1, ps2)) expect_equal(ps1$length, n1) ps2 = ps_union(list(ps2, ps1)) expect_equal(ps2$length, n1) # adding 2 sets, numeric and untyped, makes them larger ps1 = th_paramset_numeric()$clone(deep = TRUE) ps2 = th_paramset_untyped()$clone(deep = TRUE) ps1 = ps_union(list(ps1, ps2)) expect_equal(ps2$length, 1L) expect_equal(ps1$ids(), c("th_param_int", "th_param_dbl", "th_param_uty")) ps1 = th_paramset_numeric()$clone(deep = TRUE) ps2 = th_paramset_untyped()$clone(deep = TRUE) ps2 = ps_union(list(ps2, ps1)) expect_equal(ps2$ids(), c("th_param_uty", "th_param_int", "th_param_dbl")) expect_equal(ps1$length, 2L) }) test_that("empty paramset", { ps = ParamSet$new() expect_r6(ps, "ParamSet") expect_equal(ps$length, 0) expect_equal(ps$ids(), character(0L)) expect_equal(ps$lower, set_names(numeric(0L), character(0L))) expect_data_table(ps$deps, nrows = 0L, ncols = 3L) }) test_that("ParamSet$check", { ps = th_paramset_numeric() expect_true(ps$check(list())) expect_true(ps$check(list(th_param_int = 5, th_param_dbl = 5))) expect_true(ps$check(list(th_param_dbl = 5, th_param_int = 5))) expect_character(ps$check(list(th_param_dbl = 5, new_param = 5)), fixed = "not available") expect_character(ps$check(list(th_param_dbl = 5, th_param_intx = 5)), fixed = "Did you mean") expect_match(ps$check(list(th_param_dbl = 5, th_param_int = 15)), "not <= 10") expect_true(ps$check(list(th_param_dbl = 5))) expect_true(ps$check(list(th_param_int = 5))) ps = ps_replicate(ParamLgl$new("x"), 2) ps$add_dep("rep1.x", "rep2.x", CondEqual(TRUE)) expect_string(ps$check(list(rep1.x = FALSE, rep2.x = FALSE), check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "rep2.x == TRUE") }) test_that("we cannot create ParamSet with non-strict R names", { expect_error(ParamDbl$new("$foo"), "does not comply") }) test_that("ParamSets cannot have duplicated ids", { p1 = ParamDbl$new("x1") p2 = ParamDbl$new("x1") expect_error(ParamSet_legacy$new(list(p1, p2)), "duplicated") ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list(p1)) expect_error(ps_union(list(ps, p2)), "duplicated") expect_error(ps_union(list(ps, ParamSet_legacy$new(list(p2)))), "duplicated") }) test_that("ParamSet$print", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new() expect_output(print(ps), fixed = "") expect_output(print(ps), "Empty") ps = th_paramset_numeric() expect_output(print(ps), fixed = sprintf("", ps$length)) s = capture_output(print(ps)) expect_true(grepl("ParamInt", s, fixed = TRUE)) expect_true(grepl("ParamDbl", s, fixed = TRUE)) s = capture_output(print(ps, hide_cols = c("class"))) expect_false(grepl("ParamInt", s, fixed = TRUE)) # iterate through more complex PS and check that printer works by at least calling it ps_list = list( th_paramset_full(), th_paramset_repeated(), th_paramset_untyped() ) for (ps in ps_list) { expect_output(print(ps), fixed = sprintf("", ps$length)) } }) test_that("ParamSet does a deep copy of params on construction", { p = ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1, upper = 3) ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list(y = p)) p$values = list(x = 1) ps$values = list(y.x = 2) expect_equal(p$values, list(x = 1)) expect_equal(ps$values, list(y.x = 2)) }) test_that("ParamSet does a deep copy of param on add", { p = ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1, upper = 3) ps = ps_union(list(ParamSet_legacy$new(list()), ParamSet_legacy$new(list(y = p)))) p$values = list(x = 1) ps$values = list(y.x = 2) expect_equal(p$values, list(x = 1)) expect_equal(ps$values, list(y.x = 2)) }) test_that("ParamSet$clone can be deep", { p1 = c(ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1, upper = 3), ParamDbl$new("foo", lower = -10, upper = 10)) p2 = ParamFct$new("y", levels = c("a", "b")) ps1 = ParamSet_legacy$new(list(p1, p2)) ps2 = ps1$clone(deep = TRUE) p3 = ParamFct$new("z", levels = c("a", "b")) ps2 = ps_union(list(ps2, p3)) expect_equal(ps2$params, ps_union(list(p1, p2, p3))$params) expect_equal(ps1$params, ps_union(list(p1, p2))$params) # now lets add a dep, see if that gets clones properly ps1$add_dep("x", on = "y", CondEqual("a")) ps2 = ps1$clone(deep = TRUE) d = ps2$deps$id[1] = "foo" expect_equal(ps2$deps$id[1], "foo") expect_equal(ps1$deps$id[1], "x") ps = ParamSet_legacy$new() expect_equal(ps, ps$clone(deep = TRUE)) }) test_that("ParamSet$is_bounded", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list( ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1, upper = 3) )) expect_true(ps$all_bounded) ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list( ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1, upper = 3), ParamLgl$new("y") )) expect_true(ps$all_bounded) ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list( ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1), ParamLgl$new("y") )) expect_false(ps$all_bounded) }) test_that("ParamSet$add_param", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list()) ps = ps_union(list(ps, ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1))) expect_equal(ps$length, 1L) expect_equal(ps$ids(), "x") expect_equal(ps$lower, c(x = 1)) ps = ps_union(list(ps, ParamFct$new("y", levels = c("a")))) expect_equal(ps$length, 2L) expect_equal(ps$ids(), c("x", "y")) expect_equal(ps$lower, c(x = 1, y = NA)) }) test_that("", { d =$new()) expect_data_table(d, nrows = 0) ps = th_paramset_full() d = expect_data_table(d, nrows = 4, ncols = 11) expect_equal(ps$ids(), d$id) expect_equal(unname(ps$lower), d$lower) expect_equal(unname(ps$levels), d$levels) }) test_that("ParamSet$default", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list( ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1, upper = 3, default = 2), ParamInt$new("y", lower = 1, upper = 3) )) expect_equal(ps$default, list(x = 2)) expect_error(ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1, upper = 3, default = 4)) expect_error(ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1, upper = 3, default = NULL)) ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list( ParamDbl$new("x", lower = 1, upper = 3, special_vals = list(NULL), default = NULL), ParamInt$new("y", lower = 1, upper = 3) )) expect_equal(ps$default, list(x = NULL)) }) test_that("is_number / is_categ / all_numeric / all_categoric", { expect_equal(th_paramset_full()$is_number, c(th_param_int = TRUE, th_param_dbl = TRUE, th_param_fct = FALSE, th_param_lgl = FALSE)) expect_equal(th_paramset_full()$is_categ, c(th_param_int = FALSE, th_param_dbl = FALSE, th_param_fct = TRUE, th_param_lgl = TRUE)) expect_equal(th_paramset_numeric()$all_numeric, TRUE) expect_equal(th_paramset_full()$all_numeric, FALSE) expect_equal(th_paramset_categorical()$all_categorical, TRUE) expect_equal(th_paramset_full()$all_categorical, FALSE) }) test_that("ParamSet$ids", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list( ParamDbl$new(id = "x", lower = 1, tags = c("t1")), ParamInt$new(id = "y", lower = 1, upper = 2), ParamFct$new(id = "z", levels = letters[1:3], tags = c("t1")) )) expect_equal(ps$ids(), c("x", "y", "z")) expect_equal(ps$ids(class = c("ParamInt", "ParamFct")), c("y", "z")) expect_equal(ps$ids(class = c("ParamInt", "ParamFct"), tags = "t1"), c("z")) expect_equal(ps$ids(class = c("ParamInt", "ParamFct"), any_tags = c("t1", "t2")), c("z")) expect_equal(ps$ids(class = c("ParamInt", "ParamFct"), tags = c("t1", "t2")), character(0)) }) test_that("ParamSet$get_values", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list( ParamDbl$new(id = "x", lower = 1, tags = c("t1")), ParamInt$new(id = "y", lower = 1, upper = 2), ParamFct$new(id = "z", levels = letters[1:3], tags = c("t1")) )) expect_equal(ps$get_values(), named_list()) expect_equal(ps$get_values(class = c("ParamInt", "ParamFct")), named_list()) ps$values$x = 1 expect_equal(ps$get_values(class = c("ParamInt", "ParamFct")), named_list()) ps$values$y = 2 expect_equal(ps$get_values(), list(x = 1, y = 2)) expect_equal(ps$get_values(class = c("ParamInt", "ParamFct")), list(y = 2)) }) test_that("required tag", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list( ParamDbl$new(id = "x", tags = c("required")), ParamInt$new(id = "y") )) expect_equal(ps$ids(), c("x", "y")) expect_equal(ps$ids(tags = "required"), "x") ps$values = list(y = 1) expect_error(ps$get_values(), regexp = "Missing required parameters: x", fixed = TRUE) ps$values = list() expect_error(ps$get_values(), regexp = "Missing required parameters: x", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("required tag, empty param set (#219)", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new() ps$ids() expect_identical(ps$ids(tags = "required"), character(0)) }) test_that("setting empty tags on empty paramset", { param_set = ps() nl <- structure(list(), names = character(0)) expect_identical(param_set$tags, nl) param_set$tags = nl expect_identical(param_set$tags, nl) param_set$tags = list() expect_identical(param_set$tags, nl) }) test_that("paramset clones properly", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new() ps = ps_union(list(ps, ParamFct$new("a", levels = letters[1:3]))) ps = ps_union(list(ps, ParamFct$new("b", levels = letters[1:3]))) ps$add_dep("a", "b", CondAnyOf(letters[1:2])) ps2 = ps$clone(deep = TRUE) expect_equal(ps, ps2) ps$deps$cond[[1]]$rhs = c("b", "c") expect_equal(ps$deps$cond[[1]]$rhs, c("b", "c")) expect_equal(ps2$deps$cond[[1]]$rhs, c("a", "b")) }) test_that("ParamSet$check_dt", { ps = th_paramset_numeric() xdt = data.table() expect_true(ps$check_dt(xdt)) xdt = data.table(th_param_int = c(1, 1), th_param_dbl = c(1, 1)) expect_true(ps$check_dt(xdt)) xdt = data.table(th_param_dbl = c(1, 1), th_param_int = c(1, 1)) expect_true(ps$check_dt(xdt)) xdt = data.table(th_param_dbl = c(20, 20), th_param_int = c(1, 1)) expect_character(ps$check_dt(xdt), fixed = "th_param_dbl: Element 1 is not <= 10") xdt = data.table(th_param_dbl = c(1, 1), th_param_int = c(1, 20)) expect_character(ps$check_dt(xdt), fixed = "th_param_int: Element 1 is not <= 10") xdt = data.table(th_param_dbl = c(1, 1), new_param = c(1, 20)) expect_character(ps$check_dt(xdt), fixed = "not available") ps = ps_replicate(ParamLgl$new("x"), 2) ps$add_dep("rep2.x", "rep1.x", CondEqual(TRUE)) xdt = data.table(rep1.x = c(TRUE, TRUE), rep2.x = c(FALSE, TRUE)) expect_true(ps$check_dt(xdt, check_strict = TRUE)) xdt = data.table(rep1.x = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), rep2.x = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) expect_character(ps$check_dt(xdt, check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "rep1.x == TRUE") xdt = data.table(rep1.x = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), rep2.x = c(FALSE, TRUE, NA)) expect_true(ps$check_dt(xdt, check_strict = TRUE)) }) test_that("rd_info.ParamSet", { ps = ParamSet_legacy$new() expect_character(rd_info(ps), pattern = "empty", = TRUE) ps = ps_union(list(ps, ParamFct$new("a", levels = letters[1:3]))) expect_character(rd_info(ps), len = 1L) }) test_that("ParamSet$values convert nums to ints for ParamInt", { pp = ParamInt$new("x") ps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list(pp)) ps$values$x = 2 expect_class(ps$values$x, "integer") }) test_that("Empty ParamSets are named (#351)", { ps = ps_union(list(ps(), ps(x = p_lgl()))) expect_names(names(ps$values), type = "strict") expect_is(ps$search_space(), "ParamSet") }) test_that("set_values checks inputs correctly", { param_set = ps(a = p_dbl(), b = p_dbl()) expect_error(param_set$set_values(a = 2, .values = list(a = 1))) expect_error(param_set$set_values(2)) expect_error(param_set$set_values(.values = list(1))) }) test_that("set_values works for ... with correct inputs", { param_set = ps(a = p_dbl(), b = p_dbl()) param_set$values$a = 1 param_set$set_values(b = 2, .insert = FALSE) expect_true(is.null(param_set$values$a)) expect_true(param_set$values$b == 2) param_set$values = list(a = 1) param_set$set_values(b = 2, .insert = TRUE) expect_true(param_set$values$b == 2) expect_true(param_set$values$a == 1) }) test_that("set_values works for .values with correct inputs", { param_set = ps(a = p_dbl(), b = p_dbl()) param_set$values$a = 1 param_set$set_values(.values = list(b = 2), .insert = FALSE) expect_true(is.null(param_set$values$a)) expect_true(param_set$values$b == 2) param_set$values = list(a = 1) param_set$set_values(.values = list(b = 2), .insert = TRUE) expect_true(param_set$values$b == 2) expect_true(param_set$values$a == 1) }) test_that("set_values works for .values and ... with correct inputs", { param_set = ps(a = p_dbl(), b = p_dbl(), c = p_dbl()) param_set$values$a = 1 param_set$set_values(b = 2, .values = list(c = 3), .insert = TRUE) expect_true(param_set$values$a == 1) expect_true(param_set$values$b == 2) expect_true(param_set$values$c == 3) param_set$values = list(a = 1) param_set$set_values(b = 2, .values = list(c = 3), .insert = FALSE) expect_true(is.null(param_set$values$a)) expect_true(param_set$values$b == 2) expect_true(param_set$values$c == 3) }) test_that("set_values allows to unset parameters by setting them to NULL", { param_set = ps(a = p_int()) param_set$set_values(a = 1) param_set$set_values(a = NULL) expect_true(length(param_set$values) == 0) param_set = ps(a = p_int()) param_set$set_values(a = 1) param_set$set_values(.values = list(a = NULL)) expect_true(length(param_set$values) == 0) param_set = ps(a = p_int()) param_set$set_values(a = 1) # .insert = FALSE can also set values to NULL expect_error(param_set$set_values(.values = list(a = NULL), .insert = FALSE), "not 'NULL'") param_set = ps(a = p_int(special_vals = list(NULL))) param_set$set_values(a = 1) param_set$set_values(.values = list(a = NULL), .insert = FALSE) expect_identical(param_set$values, list(a = NULL)) }) test_that("aggr", { param_set = ps( a = p_uty(aggr = function(x) "a"), b = p_fct(levels = c("a", "b"), aggr = function(x) "b"), c = p_lgl(aggr = function(x) "c"), d = p_int(aggr = function(x) "d"), e = p_dbl(aggr = function(x) "e") ) expect_class(param_set, "ParamSet") vals = param_set$aggr_internal_tuned_values( list(a = list(1), b = list(1), c = list(1), d = list(1), e = list(1))) expect_equal(vals, list(a = "a", b = "b", c = "c", d = "d", e = "e")) expect_error(param_set$aggr_internal_tuned_values(1), "list") expect_error(param_set$aggr_internal_tuned_values(list(1)), "list") expect_error(param_set$aggr_internal_tuned_values(list(y = list())), "subset") expect_error(param_set$aggr_internal_tuned_values( list(a = list(), b = list(), c = list(), d = list(), e = list())), "but there are no") }) test_that("convert_internal_search_space", { param_set = ps( a = p_int(lower = 1, upper = 100, tags = "internal_tuning", in_tune_fn = function(domain, param_vals) domain$upper, aggr = function(x) round(mean(unlist(x))), disable_in_tune = list(a = 1)) ) param_set$set_values(a = to_tune(internal = TRUE)) expect_identical(param_set$convert_internal_search_space(param_set$search_space()), list(a = 100)) param_set$set_values(a = to_tune(internal = TRUE, upper = 99)) expect_identical(param_set$convert_internal_search_space(param_set$search_space()), list(a = 99)) }) test_that("get_values works with internal_tune", { param_set = ps( a = p_int(lower = 1, upper = 100, tags = "internal_tuning", in_tune_fn = function(domain, param_vals) domain$upper, aggr = function(x) round(mean(unlist(x))), disable_in_tune = list(a = 1)) ) param_set$set_values(a = to_tune(internal = TRUE)) expect_list(param_set$get_values(type = "with_internal"), len = 1L) param_set$set_values(a = to_tune()) expect_list(param_set$get_values(type = "with_internal"), len = 0L) }) test_that("InternalTuneToken is translated to 'internal_tuning' tag when creating search space", { param_set = ps( a = p_int(0, Inf, tags = "internal_tuning", in_tune_fn = function(domain, param_vals) domain$upper, aggr = function(x) round(mean(unlist(x)), aggr = function(x) 1), disable_in_tune = list()) ) param_set$set_values( a = to_tune(upper = 100, internal = TRUE) ) ss = param_set$search_space() expect_true("internal_tuning" %in% ss$tags$a) }) test_that("disable internal tuning", { param_set = ps( a = p_dbl(tags = "internal_tuning", in_tune_fn = function(domain, param_vals) domain$upper, disable_in_tune = list(b = FALSE), aggr = function(x) 1), b = p_lgl() ) expect_equal(param_set$values$b, NULL) param_set$disable_internal_tuning("a") expect_equal(param_set$values$b, FALSE) expect_error(param_set$disable_internal_tuning("c")) expect_error(param_set$disable_internal_tuning("b")) })