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Type 'q()' to quit R. > if (file.exists("_options.R")) source("_options.R") > library(panelPomp,quietly=TRUE) > > TESTS_PASS <- NULL > test <- function(expr1,expr2,all="TESTS_PASS",env=parent.frame(),...) + panelPomp:::test(expr1,expr2,all=all,env=env,...) > > ppo <- panelPomp:::panelRandomWalk(U=2,N=5) > po <- ppo[[1]] > > ep <- wQuotes("Error : in ''mif2'': ") > et <- wQuotes(" (''mif2,panelPomp-method'')\n") > ## test checks for missing arguments > test(wQuotes(ep,"''data'' is a required argument.\n"), + mif2(Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(sigmaX=0.05,X.0=0.5),cooling.fraction.50=0.5)) [1] TRUE > test(wQuotes(ep,"Missing ''Np'' argument.",et), + mif2(ppo,rw.sd=rw_sd(sigmaX=0.05,X.0=0.5),cooling.fraction.50=0.5)) [1] TRUE > test(wQuotes(ep,"Missing ''rw.sd'' argument.",et), + mif2(ppo,Np=10,cooling.fraction.50=0.5)) [1] TRUE > test(wQuotes(ep,"Missing ''cooling.fraction.50'' argument.",et), + mif2(ppo,Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(sigmaX=0.05,X.0=0.5))) [1] TRUE > test(wQuotes(ep,"pomp's ''mif2'' error message: in ''mif2'': the following ", + "parameter(s), given random walks in ''rw.sd'', are not present ", + "in ''params'': ''X.0''. (panelPomp:::mif2.internal)\n"), + mif2(panelPomp(unit_objects(ppo)),Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(sigmaX=0.05,X.0=0.5), + cooling.fraction.50=0.5,sh=shared(ppo))) [1] TRUE > > # Testing error message if a parameter is both shared and specific > test(wQuotes(ep,"a parameter cannot be both shared and specific!", et), + mif2(panelPomp(unit_objects(ppo),shared=coef(po)),Np=10,sp=specific(ppo), + rw.sd=rw_sd(sigmaX=0.05,X.0=0.5),cooling.fraction.50=0.5)) [1] TRUE > ## assign parameters > test(# no start (get from object) + traces(as(mif2(ppo,Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2),cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric"),"list")[[1]])[1,-1], + c(ppo@shared,get_col(ppo@specific,1,1))) [1] TRUE > test(# start shared & specific + traces(as(mif2(ppo,sh=2*ppo@shared,sp=2*ppo@specific,Np=10, + rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2),cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric"),"list")[[1]])[1,-1], + 2*c(ppo@shared,get_col(ppo@specific,1,1))) [1] TRUE > test(# start shared only + traces(as(mif2(ppo,shared.start=2*ppo@shared,Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2), + cooling.fraction.50=0.5,cooling.type="geometric"), + "list")[[1]])[1,-1], + c(2*ppo@shared,get_col(ppo@specific,1,1))) [1] TRUE > test(# start specific only + traces(as(mif2(ppo,sp=2*ppo@specific,Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2), + cooling.fraction.50=0.5,cooling.type="geometric"), + "list")[[1]])[1,-1], + c(ppo@shared,2*get_col(ppo@specific,1,1))) [1] TRUE > test(# start with list + traces(as(mif2(ppo,st=list(shared=2*ppo@shared,specific=2*ppo@specific), + Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2),cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric"),"list")[[1]])[1,-1], + 2*c(ppo@shared,get_col(ppo@specific,1,1))) [1] TRUE > test(# start with numeric vector + traces(as(mif2( + ppo, + st=setNames(c(ppo@shared,ppo@specific), + c(names(ppo@shared),"X.0[rw1]","X.0[rw2]")), + Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2), + cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric"),"list")[[1]])[1,-1], + c(ppo@shared,get_col(ppo@specific,1,1))) [1] TRUE > ## resolve multiple params > test(wQuotes(ep,"specify EITHER ''start'' only OR ''shared.start'' and/or", + " ''specific.start''. (''mif2,panelPomp-method'')\n"), + mif2(ppo,shared=2*ppo@shared, + start=list(specific=ppo@specific,shared=ppo@shared),Np=10, + rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2),cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric")) [1] TRUE > test(wQuotes(ep,"specify EITHER ''start'' only OR ''shared.start'' and/or", + " ''specific.start''. (''mif2,panelPomp-method'')\n"), + mif2(ppo,specific=2*ppo@specific, + start=list(shared=ppo@shared,specific=ppo@specific),Np=10, + rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2),cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric")) [1] TRUE > test(wQuotes(ep,"specify EITHER ''start'' only OR ''shared.start'' and/or", + " ''specific.start''. (''mif2,panelPomp-method'')\n"), + mif2(ppo,sh=2*ppo@shared,sp=2*ppo@specific, + st=list(shared=ppo@shared,specific=ppo@specific), + Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(sigmaX=0.05,X.0=0.5),cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric")) [1] TRUE > ## wrong unit names > test(wQuotes(ep,"specific parameter column-names must match the names of the ", + "units\n"), + {sp <- ppo@specific + colnames(sp) <- paste0(colnames(sp), "_") + mif2(ppo,Np=10,sp=sp,rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2),cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric")}) [1] TRUE > ## wrong unit-specific names > test(wQuotes(ep,"pomp's ''mif2'' error message: in ''mif2'': the following ", + "parameter(s), given random walks in ''rw.sd'', are not present ", + "in ''params'': ''X.0''. (panelPomp:::mif2.internal)\n"), + {sp <- ppo@specific + rownames(sp) <- c("some_wrong_name") + mif2(ppo,Np=10,sp=sp,rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2),cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric")}) [1] TRUE > ## wrong shared names > test(wQuotes(ep,"pomp's ''mif2'' error message: in ''mif2'': in ''rprocess'': ", + "variable 'sigmaY' not found among the parameters. ", + "(panelPomp:::mif2.internal)\n"), + mif2(ppo,Np=10,sh=c(sth=0),rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2),cooling.fraction.50=0.5, + cooling.type="geometric")) [1] TRUE > > mf <- mif2(ppo,Np=10,rw.sd=rw_sd(X.0=0.2), + cooling.fraction.50=0.5,cooling.type="geometric") > mf <- mif2(mf,Nmif=2,start=coef(mf)) > > wQuotes(ep,"specify EITHER ''start'' only OR ''shared.start'' and/or", + " ''specific.start''. (''mif2,mif2d.ppomp-method'')\n") -> err > test(err,mif2(mf,Nmif=2,start=coef(mf),sh=2*ppo@shared,sp=2*ppo@specific)) [1] TRUE > test(err,mif2(mf,Nmif=2,start=coef(mf),sp=2*ppo@specific)) [1] TRUE > test(err,mif2(mf,Nmif=2,start=coef(mf),sh=2*ppo@shared)) [1] TRUE > test(dim(traces(mf)),c(3L,7L)) [1] TRUE > test(dim(traces(mf,c("loglik","sigmaY"))),c(3L,2L)) [1] TRUE > test(dim(traces(mf,c("loglik","sigmaY","X.0"))),c(3L,4L)) [1] TRUE > test(dim(traces(mf,c("loglik","unitLoglik"))),c(3L,3L)) [1] TRUE > > # Testing if parameter is both shared and specific (mif2d) > sh_pars <- c("sigmaX" = 1, "sigmaY" = 1) > sp_pars <- rbind(mf@specific, c(1, 1)) > rownames(sp_pars) <- c(rownames(mf@specific), "sigmaX") > test( + wQuotes(ep,"a parameter cannot be both shared and specific! (''mif2,mif2d.ppomp-method'')\n"), + mif2(mf, Nmif = 2, shared.start = sh_pars, specific.start = sp_pars) + ) [1] TRUE > > ## check whether all tests passed > all(get(eval(formals(test))$all)) [1] TRUE > if (!all(get(eval(formals(test))$all))) stop("Not all tests passed!") > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.07 0.17 3.98