context("Test as_ped_cr functions") test_that("Trafo works and attributes are appended.", { # preparations ped <- as_ped( data = sir_adm, formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + pneu, cut = c(0, 10, 100) ) expect_data_frame(ped, nrow = 12L * 2L, ncols = 9L) expect_is(ped, "ped_cr_union") expect_subset(c("ped_status", "tstart", "tend", "interval", "offset", "cause"), names(ped)) expect_is(attr(ped, "breaks"), "numeric") expect_is(attr(ped, "intvars"), "character") expect_is(attr(ped, "id_var"), "character") expect_equal(attr(ped, "id_var"), "id") expect_equal(sum(as.numeric(ped$cause)), 36) # check that trafo can be recovered ped2 <- as_ped(ped, newdata = sir_adm) expect_equal(ped, ped2, check.attributes = FALSE) # check that list output identical for given cut points ped_list <- as_ped( data = sir_adm, formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + pneu, cut = c(0, 10, 100), combine = FALSE) ped2 <-, ped_list) expect_true(all.equal(, ped_list), ped, check.attributes = FALSE)) expect_identical(length(ped_list), 2L) expect_identical(class(ped_list), c("ped_cr_list", "ped_cr", "ped", "list")) expect_identical(names(attributes(ped_list)), c("class", "names", "trafo_args", "risks")) expect_identical(length(attr(ped_list, "trafo_args")$cut), 2L) # check that trafo can be recovered for ped list objects ped_list2 <- as_ped(ped_list, newdata = sir_adm) expect_equal(ped_list, ped_list2, check.attributes = FALSE) # test when split points not specified ped <- as_ped(data = sir_adm, formula = Surv(time, status) ~ .) expect_data_frame(ped, nrows = 56L, ncols = 10L) expect_equal(sum(as.numeric(ped$cause)), 84L) ped_list <- as_ped_cr(sir_adm, Surv(time, status) ~ ., combine = FALSE) expect_identical(attr(ped_list[[1]], "breaks"), c(4L, 10L, 24L, 37L, 101L)) expect_identical(attr(ped_list[[2]], "breaks"), c(22L, 25L)) ped_list2 <- as_ped(ped_list, newdata = sir_adm) expect_equal(ped_list, ped_list2, check.attributes = FALSE) }) test_that("Trafo works for more than two risks.", { # preparations sir_adm$status[2] <- 3 ped <- as_ped( data = sir_adm, formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + pneu, cut = c(0, 10, 100) ) expect_data_frame(ped, nrow = 12L * 3L, ncols = 9L) expect_is(ped, "ped_cr_union") expect_subset(c("ped_status", "tstart", "tend", "interval", "offset", "cause"), names(ped)) expect_is(attr(ped, "breaks"), "numeric") expect_is(attr(ped, "intvars"), "character") expect_is(attr(ped, "id_var"), "character") expect_equal(attr(ped, "id_var"), "id") expect_equal(sum(as.numeric(ped$cause)), 72) expect_equal(sum(ped$ped_status[ped$cause == 3L]), 1) })